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The Hunter and the Dragon

The Hunter and the Dragon

Coral Levia


10 years ago, her village was caught in the Great War. Many people in her home were slaughtered, simply because they worshipped the dragons, and thus were seen as enemies of humanity. Mylene was the only survivor of her village. The people who destroyed her home were hailed as heroes, but she knew the truth, and she was going to expose it. All she needs is a little help along the way, especially ones with a magical touch.

Chapter 1 The Hunter

A long, long time ago...

When the world is young and full of fascinating creatures, dragons explored the earth, visiting the unknown realms, seeking for wisdom and treasure. That's when they found it, the Heart of Magic, the one and only magic gem that yields unlimited power. It gave dragons strength, with which they conquered the world.

But eventually, they lost it. The gem was stolen, they believe, by a filthy, cunning thief, a human, who won their trust with lies and plots, and stole it, claimed it his own.

Hence the Great War started. Blood were shed, hearts were broken, countless lives were lost. The rage of the Mighty Dragons teared down mountains and caved new seas, but that didn't stop the humans. They were too many, and now the Magic is at their side. At last, dragons lost the war, their people either killed or slaved. Humans took the reins.


In the bustling city of Yvytal, many people wandered about. Grown-ups shopped around for necessities, children were playing about, even some adventurers and hunters went around selling some raw goods or simply relaxing in diners, bars, or even inns. Above all in this wonderful city...

"Hey! Get moving, you stupid beast!"

There was a dark side to it. That dark side was slavery. The slaves were not humans, but the treatment towards them was still inhumane. These people in rags seem human enough, but if there were some differences between them and real humans, aside from the collar around their necks and their thin bodies, it would be the scales, horns, wings, and/or tail on their body. The slaves were all chained to a cart filled with various goods, as they tried to pull it and their master, who was resting on the cart, to their destination.

One slave with light blue scales tripped on his feet and fell to the ground, exhausted and weakened by the workload. Rather than be concerned for the boy, however, their master whipped him.

"Hey! Who said you get to rest?!" he demanded. "Get up this instant!"

One of the older slaves, this one with dark blue wings, protectively knelt by the child's side. "Stop it! He's just a kid!" he shouted. "He hasn't eaten a thing for a few days. You can't just expect him to do as told!"

The master narrowed his eyes at those words. "Oh? And we have a slave talking back to his master, do we? I think someone needs to be reminded of his place, number 692!" He snapped his fingers, and the yellow stone on the collar of the slave that spoke suddenly lit up. Next anyone knew, electricity was unleashed from the stone, causing the slave to cry out in pain. While the other slaves stared at the scene fearfully, the civilians around them simply had unamused or excited expressions on their faces. Cruel as it was, as these slaves were not human, such a reaction was a given. Especially, considering the race of these slaves.

"Hey! What's going on here?!" came a voice.

With another snap of his fingers, the shock had ended, and the crowd parted, making a path for a pair of soldiers. Once the pair arrived at the scene, the concerned expressions they had instantly left their faces.

"Oh. It's just a dragon slave," one of the two said.

That's right. These slaves are dragons, forced to become humans after a certain war ten years back. Because of that war, many lives were lost, and dragons were either put down or enslaved. The group of dragon slaves here were but a small portion of the total around the country.

"Is there a problem, boys?" the slaves' master asked.

"No. No problems here," the other soldier answered. "Apologies, sir. We assumed it was the usual quarrel between adventurers. Do continue."

"Don't mind if I do. Oh, number 692~" The called slave looked up at him with a glare, knowing full well this human, as well as all others, was enjoying the scene. "That's quite the look you have there. How about we fix it?"

Just as he was about to snap his fingers again, an arrow came and struck his hand, causing him to cry out in pain instead. This got everyone's attention, as the civilians gasped in shock at what happened to the dragons' master, while the two soldiers turned to the source of the arrow, and saw someone on the rooftop.

This person wore a black cloak over them. Their hood was up, concealing their identity, but they had a bow in hand, covered by a pair of dark brown gloves.

As soon as the figure was spotted, they quickly rushed away from the scene.

"Stop right there!" one of the soldiers said, pursuing the criminal.

The other soldier placed a finger to his temple, his brown eyes glowing white. 'Calling all soldiers! We have a criminal in our city!' he warned, sending his thoughts throughout the city. 'The criminal is on the roofs, wearing a black cloak!'

'Understood,' someone replied.

Back to the criminal in question, they continued running from the authority, as the soldier chasing her joined her on the roof.

"Stop right there!" he shouted. His eyes started to glow green, and he threw a hand out. As the figure was about to jump to another roof, from the alley below, a gust of wind shot up, carrying the figure higher into the air, and causing them to crash on a canopy below.

The crash got the civilians' attention, as a few ran to see if the person was okay.

The figure rubbed their head and slowly rose from their spot, only to come face-to-face with a sword. Tilting their head upwards, they saw another soldier standing there, as well as a couple others around them.

"Whoever you are, I suggest you come with us. Quietly," the soldier advised.

Rather than being obedient, though, the figure tossed an arm down, and heavy smoke covered the area, much to everyone's surprise. The soldiers tried not to inhale the smoke, while the civilians all dispersed from the area. Not long after, the smoke faded away, and the figure was gone.

"Damn it! We lost our target," one of them cursed.

"They can't get away for long. Put the whole city on guard! Looks like we still have Dragon Lovers around," another one of the soldiers said.


As for the figure, they hid deep in a dark alley, removing their cloak and placed it in a large bag. Once the cloak was secured, the figure slung the bag over their shoulder and walked out the alley. As they walked out to the sunlight, the figure was revealed to be a girl.

This girl had long black hair tied in a ponytail and silver eyes. She had on a brown shirt with a dark green leather jacket over it, dark brown pants, and black boots. The girl also had on a brown chest guard mostly covering the left side her chest, brown leather gauntlets, a dagger and pouch by her hip, and a quiver on her back, full of arrows.

She wordlessly walked into the busy street, a distance away from the commotion she had left, and arrived at an inn. The girl walked in, and approached the receptionist at her desk.

"Welcome to Windchime Inn. How may I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"I would like to stay for the night. Maybe two nights," she requested, placing a silver coin on the table.

The receptionist took out a book and looked at the openings available. "I'm afraid we don't have any rooms with a single bed. All other rooms we do have will cost extra," she informed.

"It's fine," the girl said. "How many nights for a silver coin on your next cheapest room?"

"With meals included, for a double bedroom, it is three bronze coins a night, so three nights," the receptionist informed as she collected the coin. The woman then placed a bronze coin on the table, as well as a crystal ball next to it. "Here's your change, and if you can put your ID on the ball, please."

The girl took out the requested card from her pouch and tapped it on the ball, having it glow green. The receptionist was pleased with the sight of the color, as she handed the girl the book. "Okay. Now if you can please sign your name here and your class, you will be set."

The girl nodded and wrote down the requested information. When that was done, the receptionist took the book back and handed the girl a key.

"This is the key to your room, Room 206. Dinner will be in another hour. We hope you enjoy your stay, Miss Mylene."

The girl, Mylene, nodded at her words. "Thank you. I think I will."

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