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My name is Melissa Bradson. I am an orphan who got lucky to be adopted, as a baby, by a couple,who were still looking for a child of their own. They took me in, loved and pampered me till I was seven and then they were blessed with kids of their own. My adopted mother saw me as a threat to her biological children and threw me out of the house. I was back at the orphanage at age ten but was later adopted by another couple when I was twelve. The woman already had a daughter but that didn't stop her from treating me as her own. Alicia Bradson is the biological daughter of Mr and Mrs Bradson but we are not the best of sisters, Alicia doesn't like me and I gave up trying to be close to her. Well, that's basically all you should know about me... This is my story

Chapter 1 New student

The door to a room pushed open as a young girl enters, a towel tied firmly across her chest, water dripping from her body slightly. She closed the door behind her, locking it before walking inside, standing in front of a mirror.


I can't believe I woke up late, today of all days, just hope I won't be late for school.

"Mellisa!!" I heard my name from a distance and I knew who it was that would be calling me like that but I ignored it.

I removed the shampoo cap I had from my hair, gently combing it out and styling it into a ponytail, one thing I hate is letting my hair fall onto my face.

I dropped my towel, applied cream on my body, got dressed in a short white gown, with floral designs on it. Looking up at my reflection in the mirror, I admired my new look with a smile on my face when I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, raising my voice a little above normal, walking over to the door.

"Yes!" My face was already curving in a frown as I saw who it was; MY SISTER

"Awwwn you look pretty" she said but I could sense sarcasm in her voice.

"Why are you up here? Am sure you didn't come all the way here just to compliment me" I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Didn't you hear your name before?"

"What do you want Alicia" I was getting tired of her blabbering.

"Dad is calling you" she said, turning sharply, causing her blonde hair to crash on my face, some even getting into my mouth, as she stomped her feet away. The sound of her shoes were still very loud, as I heard her descending the stairs.

I went back into my room, to round up with my dressing, getting my books into my bag pack, I hurried downstairs.

How rude of me! Let me introduce myself to you guys.

My name is Melissa Bradson.

I am an orphan who got lucky to be adopted, as a baby, by a couple,who were still looking for a child of their own. They took me in, loved and pampered me till I was seven and then they were blessed with kids of their own. My adopted mother saw me as a threat to her biological children and threw me out of the house. I was back at the orphanage at age ten but was later adopted by another couple when I was twelve. The woman already had a daughter but that didn't stop her from treating me as her own.

Alicia Bradson is the biological daughter of Mr and Mrs Bradson but we are not the best of sisters, Alicia doesn't like me and I gave up trying to be close to her.

Well, that's basically all you should know about me...

Rushing down the flight of stairs, I met with the cold stare of my adopted father, as he sat on his designated seat at dining table.

"Did you not hear me call the first time?" His cold voice sent shivers down my spine as I cowered in fear

"I was in the bathroom when you called" my voice was failing me.

"Where are you going?" He asked like he was unaware today was the first day of school.

"School of course!" Mum's voice came from the kitchen as I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Mum had always been on my side since like forever, she's my best friend and a companion, I love her so very much.

"You look pretty dear" she said, gently caressing my hair, smiling into my face.

"Sit down and have breakfast" she said positioning the tray in her hand on the table

I sat down at the table, enjoying the delicious meal in front of me, not willing to spare a little bit of it for the dustbin.

"Gently dear" I heard mum say amidst a chuckle but I didn't look up nor respond to her.

"And you.. Why are you playing with your food?" Mum said, and am guessing she is directing the question to my sister.

"I lost my appetite" Alicia said with a cold voice, getting up from the table

"And where are you going?" Mum asked her.

"School of course" she said picking up her bag.

"Why not wait for Mellisa so you both could go together?" mum said softly.

"Not in this lifetime" Alicia said storming out of the house, closing the door behind her.

I wasn't surprised a bit, but I just felt really bad for mum. I looked at her, and her expression spoke of sadness. I watched her sigh deeply before getting up from her seat walking into the kitchen, and later coming out with a mug, which she handed over to dad.

"I'll be going now" I said with a smile on my face, trying to cheer mum up.

"Be a good girl for mummy. No fights allowed" she replied, trying to hide the sadness in her voice. I walked over to her, hugging her warmly, nodding and smiling obediently.

"I have such a beautiful daughter" she said pulling at my cheeks lovingly, my face turning red from blush.

"I love you mum"

"Love you baby"

"Good bye dad" I said but he didn't even acknowledge my greetings, I just waved at mum and headed for the door.

"She's not your daughter you know that right?" I heard dad say as I closed the door behind me.

I sighed deeply, looking at the busy streets before me

"Today is definitely going to be a good day"

Taking my bike, I cycled down to school. Today is the first day of school, by this time next year, I would be in college, can't wait to get there.

I got to school on time and walked straight to my class, it was very noisy as everybody seemed to be chatting about their holidays and some stuffs, in other words, they were all with their friends. It was still the same people i knew from previous class but we were now in a different room. Alicia was in a different class, as she was a science student and me, an art student. I didn't have friends, so I just sat at an empty seat in the middle row, waiting for the day to start.

The door to the classroom pushed open, as the principal, a bald headed man in his sixties, walked in. Everybody cowered back to their seats, restoring the quietude of the environment.

Principal: (clears his throat) good morning students

"Good morning sir" everybody chorused

Principal: First of all, I would like to congratulate you all on your journey so far, from your first day to your semi last moments in high school. It has indeed been a hell of a ride with you guys. Hopefully, with enough study, you will be able to write your exams for college next year, that is if and only if you pass the school exams this year (murmurs and little chatters were heard amongst the students) am still talking students (everyone was quiet again) as I was saying this year...

The door to the classroom was pushed open slightly as Mrs Trish poked her head in, using her eyes to deliver a secret message to Mr Brooke, our principal. He nodded at her as she withdrew from the door for a moment, stepping in fully into the classroom, behind her was a guy.

Principal: Students, meet Jason Smith, a new transfer student to our school

His intense gaze met with mine, as I looked away from him, maybe I was shy but I didn't like the way his eyes tore through my skin.

"Jason Smith!? Son of Mr George Smith!? CEO of Smith Group of companies!! Owner of Smith Goldstone and Diamond Companies!?" Flora shouted from behind me, almost deafening me in the process

Principal: (laughs softly) yes! the list is endless! Thank you Flora. As I was saying, class meet Jason Smith, a new transfer student. Please be nice to him so he can catch up on time and let's carry him along in our activities, okay class?

"Okay sir" everybody chorused

Principal: (looked over at Jason) go have a seat dear

His eyes was still fixed on me, that I started wondering if I really looked that hideous to the son of a multi billionaire. He nodded absentmindedly, letting out a smile that revealed a beautiful set of dimples on both cheeks, as he took his seat, a little distance behind me. I must admit, he was one hell of a cutie but he's way above my league, I can't assume anything or even imagine anything with him.

Principal: back to what I was saying, this year, we are going to be having a whole lots of extracurricular activities, but mind you, let that not be an excuse for not studying for your forthcoming exams. Enjoy the rest of your day and be good boys and girls. Informations would be passed on to you guys later on. Have a good day

"Have a good day sir" some of the student chorused excitedly

The principal walked out of the classroom, as everybody rushed over to the new guy's seat, except me of course, as I seated my butt firmly on my seat.

I felt his intense gaze again and I turned my head, just to confirm my hypothesis. Then, I met it again; HIS EYES.

They were deep and blue, I could see it even from a distance; they were indeed beautiful, fitting his perfect well cut face.

I returned his gaze expecting him to drop his eyes or look away but surprisingly enough, his gaze became more intense, his expression was complicated as I could not just figure out what was wrong with him.

Maybe, he had a sight issue or something because I don't see why he would look at me with so much focus, locking out the world in the process...

To Be Continued..... . . .

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