After a year of Vesta's twin brother Xyller's disappearance and the news that he died, she still hopes that he's alive and that what they said was a lie. Vesta decided to go to La Moran against her Aunt Elena's will to find her twin brother. She thought that it would be an easy way to find the lost, but she was wrong. Vesta found out that vampires exist, and the connection of her twin brother's disappearance connects with the disappearance of some people in the place especially when one of the people she has known died. But digging up will lead her to risk her own life just for the truth. One of the things she did not expect was to fall in love with a mysterious man, Zaiden. When Zaiden reveals his identity, will she ever love her despite him being a vampire? Will Zaiden follow his heart when he knows it's a mortal sin to love a human? Is he ready to sacrifice everything for her? With Vesta's main purpose was to find her twin, will she ever find him, or was she ready to let go of him if he's gone, forever gone?
Bad Dream!
I got up from lying down. I'm running out of breath. Again, I dream of it, the same dream ... the same nightmare. I'm staring blankly at the wall, I once more drift back.
I shook my head, trying to erase the dream in my mind while I let my body fall on the bed, bouncing me gently for a second. I spread both of my arms, looking hard at the ceiling for a few minutes before I turned my head right through the alarm clock. The sound of it made me realize that it's already eight o'clock in the morning.
I woke up early, mostly at 6 am, but every time the nightmares visited me, I always woke up for two hours. It has been two months since I dreamt about it. I hope I won't be dreaming about it anymore. Hoping it will never come back again-to haunt me.
Tears formed in my eyes. The hot fluids ran down every side of my cold, pale face. Whimpers came out of my mouth. I don't want to dream of it again. I can't bear the agony of it.
It will never be my fault. No, it's not me! Not me...
Chapter 1 Prologue
Chapter 2 Pursuance 1
Chapter 3 Pursuance 2
Chapter 4 Pursuance 3
Chapter 5 Pursuance 4
Chapter 6 Pursuance 5
Chapter 7 Pursuance 6
Chapter 8 Pursuance 7
Chapter 9 Pursuance 8
Chapter 10 Pursuance 9
Chapter 11 Pursuance 10
Chapter 12 Pursuance 11
Chapter 13 Pursuance 12
Chapter 14 Pursuance 13