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The Monster's Rose

The Monster's Rose

Varsha Chindam


"Not every downfall is a downfall child; It is the beginning of a new era, new lives, new kingdom and most importantly a bloom of rose!" "There is no death for a monster like us."

Chapter 1 1

"A new evil will raise"

The woman watched as the sky turned into its dark colour. The leaves left their branches and fell on the ground lifelessly. She gulped down the lump that formed in her throat. She felt the fear spreading throughout her body.

Her heart is beating wildly against her rib cage. Her grey eyes searching... Searching for something that would let her know what's happening. She didn't find anything that would make her understand, the sky is now filled with vultures as they are waiting for the skin and bone of the dead.

Her hands started trembling as she lost her stones which she would carry every time. She blinked her eyes and waited for a clue... A sign that would tell her a story.

She just needs a scent in the air which would help her know what's the reason behind the sudden change in nature. She didn't smell anything. Her senses are on alert as she looked at the barren land before her.

As if her questions are heard she smelt the dead and blood. Her throat tightened, eyes widen as she saw the future.

The barren land seconds ago is now found with thousands of dead bodies, everywhere she sees blood, a river of red blood is flowing. Agony... Pain... Mercy... Cruelness... Power... Revenge... Helplessness... Prayers... Filled the whole place making her hard to breathe.

She isn't a normal woman, she is the great witch who lived on this earth for centuries now. At the very moment, she knew what the future holds. She knew what is going to happen here, she knew who is coming back.

"They are back. Nothing is going to stop them."

She whispered into the thick air. She closed her eyes chanting a mantra. She opened them again to see the whole place is back to its normal scenario but she know the days are out of her hands now. She can't do anything to stop.

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