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Andini Sahara, an employee at a well-known company. In staying married to his girlfriend after eight years of dating, he also had to face the complexities of working in the office. Has annoying Boss, Arkan Putra. In Arkan's eyes, Andini's figure is an incompetent employee, often gets overtime outside of work deadlines. Even though he was not competent, Andini's name was entered as the head of the Division. Until finally a big fight broke out, Andini, who was not strong enough to work under Arkan's pressure, decided to resign. However, Andini's decision made Arkan think, confused, and lost. In the end, Arkan admitted that he loved Andini. How is the story of Andini Arkan, happy reading and enjoy it with my heart. Best regard, Suratni

Chapter 1 He Is Boss

- Love is not alive, it is animating._ Author

I tied my hair carelessly, this morning was late because my ex's act, which hasn't arrived twenty four hours yet. Yeah, Bagas Alvino. My lover for Eight years officially ended the relationship last night after watching at the cinema, taking a horror theme, so our love story ended sadly and even more frightening.

During the trip home from the cinema last night, I was just busy wiping away tears. Hoping for Bagas' sympathy to withdraw his words at the parking lot, he said that Bagas hates seeing women cry at the very least, will be haunted by feelings of guilt but what has he done to me? Duh, I got bullied by men.

"An, don't cry please." Bagas is pitiful. " I asked you to break up nicely to you, we didn't fight so badly we got cursed like that. I won't let you go home on foot, I'll queue it up to the boarding house. "

Increasingly hiccuping, I took the tissue on the car dashboard. Staring at Bagas did not understand, as if he was unfamiliar with the 'break up' sentence that Bagas had just said.

"We are adults together, An, the more I come here I feel our relationship is wrong." Bagas started to get his nonsense out. Too good even for me. "

"Wrong? For eight years you got drunk when you were with me? " I looked down weakly.

"It's not like that, An, the meaning is like this. You know, I'm getting a promotion at the office, I just want to focus on my future career. The position that is currently being offered is what I have been pursuing all this time. "

I turned to the side, looked at Bagas so cynically. " It has nothing to do with what we are doing. Gas, work is your responsibility to yourself but our relationship, it's my right also not to follow your one-sided decisions. Why only now are you problematic about everything? Previously, it was fine, right, from you were still an ordinary staff then went up to Branch Manager and the one you are chasing as a Director. Am I hindering your desires, no Gas. "

Bagas nodded. " Because of that, An, I don't want to be indebted to you anymore. "

The words are more than enough for me to explain here, too trashy and not of good quality.

All night, finishing off boxes of tissue. Crying over the misfortune of being twenty eight years old near the cramped boarding room. I want to lament my fate to the streets, how could I not. For eight years of being in a relationship with a loved one, I had to run aground in the middle of the road for no reason that I couldn't understand a single one. In the slightest, Bagas' explanation is like trash. No use at all, that damn man told me over and over again I was too good.

I wanted to feel like squeezing Bagas' lips and then throwing them away as far as possible, let it bleed. My heart is broken even ignored. Even this morning there is no strength whatsoever, it feels like the whole body is weak beforehand. My heart was broken into pieces and it was difficult to put it together the way it was before.

Andini Sahara, a private employee in a foreign company as a staff for the planning division, the division most coveted by many people in the company I work for. Indeed, apart from being known for being nimble, I am the kind of person who is outgoing, adaptable and not too demanding. That was when the old leadership was under the leadership of Arkan Putra. Every day I'm just busy complaining, not ungrateful working in a nice place. First of all, the big boss is the most annoying type of living thing during the twenty eight years of breathing in this world. Apart from asking a lot, Arkan mostly arranges for lackeys like me, to uphold the belief that "overtime" is mandatory every week. Second, I am the one who is often scolded by Arkan, every time he holds a weekly meeting his name is never absent, being the target of Arkan's mistakes. Just imagine, Arkan's three months lead, during that time I became Arkan's anger monthly. It's useless to be handsome if you talk really badly to girls!

"Morning An," said Mr Ardi to me when he arrived at theubikel. "late? "

I breathed a sigh of relief, one minute saved this morning's attendance. " Morning too, bro, got stuck in traffic along Sudirman. "

"What, not with Bagas?" asked Ardi while focusing on his cellphone.

"No," I replied briefly. " It's mine, bro. " I started to turn on the computer, move as usual.

"How dizzy, Bagas has been promoted to become a Director. The salary is big, why do you have to think about income again. " Mr Ardi chuckled, not knowing that I was stopped last night at the Mall parking lot. " Just calm down, ask to be married quickly so you can shake your feet at home. "

"Do you know where, Bagas was promoted?" I propped my hand on the table, looked at Mas Ardi beside.

"My friends are a lot at the next office, they tell the story." He put the cellphone on the table. " You are very lucky, An, to have a partner as smart as Bagas. Already handsome, have another position. Already, hurry up. Then take the others, then you will. " Mr Ardi keeps on babbling to me.

"What are you hunting?" I replied lazily.

"The marriage, how do you do it."

"Break me up, bro," I'm honest in the end. " Earlier this evening, the reason was I wanted to focus on a new career, in the mall parking lot I decided. Damn people. " Almost crying, I pulled the tissue near the computer.

" Break?" Ardi gawked, until his saliva fell on my cubicles.

"Uh, sir Ardi is dirty." I dodged, threw a tissue at the 38 year old man. " Horror right, eight years of dating I broke up in the mall parking lot. "

"There's something new, An, don't you ask who?"

I let out a frustrated sigh. " Never mind asking, I just can't talk about it, I'm so shocked. Looks like you are getting stuck, bro, do you have an acquaintance with Ustad? "

Mr Ardi laughed reflex. " Are you really disconnected? "

"They said I was too good, I don't understand anymore, bro. I'm fine, how about trying to get it off. Please, just show me just one kind of kindness that made Bagas choose to break up? " I dropped my head on the table.

"Dropped An?" a question from Ms. Talita, just returned from the office canteen. As usual, before work like a horse. The lackeys prepare themselves to fight, apart from facing the complexity of the jobdesk, there is Arkan's scolding that doesn't stop until the working hour ends.

" Yes, Miss." I nodded weakly without looking at Ms. Talita, our ages are only two years apart. Mbak Talita is Arkan's age, only I am the youngest in the team. Actually not the youngest in terms of age, but the youngest because they have never married. Arkan is in charge of three people, there is Mas Ardi as a senior in the division, who is Arkan's trusted person because his performance is always good and all of his suggestions are according to what Arkan wants. Listen to the story, Mr. Ardi Kating Arkan while studying at Mealbourne. There is Ms. Talita, who has been involved in this planning section for three years, rarely gets criticized by Arkan, it could be because they are of the same age and that's why Arkan respects a little, even though if you think about it, we often make the same mistakes. Well, the last one is me. Andini Sahara, it's been six months into the Crocodile cage. Arkan said, my mind is too shallow every time I analyze work. Regardless, I'll never be right. Either I was the lousy one or Arkan was just too fierce, even though I was the best graduate in college.

Staying here for one reason, a big salary. Surviving in the harsh capital city is not an easy thing, every day I try to strengthen my heart until later I find a new workplace that fits my dreams.

"Just the same Arkan, he's also not married, you know An." Ms Talita made a suggestion, to be precise insinuating me openly.

"I prefer to be single, sister rather than having a boyfriend who doesn't really know what it is, it's outright unclear." I snorted, rearranging the work schedule to be done.

"Who's really unclear?"

Spontaneously I looked back, Arkan with his bossy style stared at me as if he was preparing to kill his prey.

"Ms. Talita's husband, sir." I replied as white as death, "why do you fall in the morning, have you been waiting?" I pretended to care, would die if the man heard everything he said.

Arkan only smiled a little, looked at Mr Ardi. " I want to discuss. Room yes, "he ordered as usual.

"Okay, Ar. I'll follow. " Mr Ardi replied quickly, preparing some equipment while Arkan left.

"Congratulations," I rubbed my chest. Ms Talita constantly laughs at my chaotic behavior. " Ardi is really good, I have never heard the shouting of the forest. "

"Listen Arkan, you were immediately kicked out to know, An." Ms Talita handed me a snack.

"Let there be, there are still a lot of companies, sis." I pretended, to myself not to let Arkan hear it. This is because only this company provides such a large amount of salaries.

"Don't keep on gossip, I tell Arkan. Want?" Mr Ardi left his cubicle.

"Do you dare to meet two lions every day here?" I chuckled, glanced at Ms. Talita next door.

Mr Ardi laughed out loud, leaving us both at theubikel.


I smiled openly when working hours showed the employee's schedule to go home, after finishing the pile of work I started tidying up the polish on my face. The usual thing that I do, even beforehand because I will meet Bagas.

I didn't stop thinking about how to get Bagas back and plan a wedding, Ms. Talita was home early and had to pick up her child at school. Just imagine, Ms. Talita is still 30 years old but her child is already in kindergarten. As for me?

"Want to come right back?" The question landed in my ear, I turned my head to the side and there was Arkan standing not far away carrying a pile of files.

Suddenly I was terrified, hot - cold and praying incessantly that the man would not overtime her in the midst of a bad mood.

"Yes sir, I'm not feeling well." I pretended to put on a sluggish face, should have gone straight home and didn't need to tidy up my make-up if I ended up overtime.

"Overtime Saturday is replaced today, An." Arkan opened every sheet that would be given to me.

Oh, god damn it! Already fell hit by a ladder.

"Please Arkan, just die!" I muttered to myself.

"The project for next week, if you don't understand, ask Mr Ardi directly, he will have the planning." He continued without feeling guilty.

"Aren't you tired?" The way I speak is not comfortable. " I'm really tired sir, can it be replaced on another day, right? "

Arkan shook his head, I felt like I wanted to grab his neat hair. " Just now, tomorrow we have to take it to the meeting, the problem is. "

"Why don't you do it yourself?" I looked at Arkan so irritably.

"If there are employees, why should I do the work?"

That annoying answer made me unable to contain my own emotions, I slammed the thick folder onto the table and turned my back to Arkan who was still watching me. Whatever, if tomorrow I want to change new staff, I'll be grateful as long as I don't get fired.

"One more thing, it hurts because the company didn't bear it because the company didn't bear it. Keep your stamina until the end of the month. " Arkan glanced into the room and I threw his body with the wad of paper.

Mr Ardi closed his mouth, holding back his laughter so that it didn't last until I was annoyed half to death.

"Even though I already wanted to rain too, why are you suddenly doing overtime like this."

"It's raining in your heart, don't get bored because of Bagas's decision, not once, An is a guy here." Mr Ardi is getting ready to go home.

"That's right, bro, it's nice to be able to come home early. Me? This is also a project, bro, we'll work overtime together, please. " I don't accept being left alone.

"My son is sick, overtime is paid for. Not just - it's just not bad An accompanying Arkan. How do you know a mate, right or not? "

"Don't come." I rubbed a scared face. " Let me alone instead of having to try to be Arkan's partner, I've only been single for a day, so if Arkan has been around for centuries, that's why his life is always sensible.

Mr Ardi didn't stop laughing, carrying his bag towards the exit. " I'll go back first An, cheer up. "

I pursed my lips, took out my cellphone and opened the go-food app. Intend to order a menu for dinner and some snacks as a companion for overtime.

"Here," Arkan put a box of pizza and cold drinks. " If it's not enough, order it yourself. "

Like ghost, Arkan came without warning. Sometimes I get goosebumps, what species exactly Arkan? Never tireless, spend time at the office almost all day. Don't you think about marriage? I started to guess, since six months here Mr Ardi and Ms. Talita always said that Arkan didn't have a life partner, they even seemed closed about their love.

"Basically, he's the one who's lousy, where do women want to accept the love of a smartass." I grumble to myself, finishing the job Arkan gave me just now.

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