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The Billionaire's Gems

The Billionaire's Gems



Phillips Baby, a sweet and very beautiful girl who is every man's dream is forced to become a contracted personal maid and a sex partner for a top billionaire, Dane Diam, to settle her father's debt. "Wanna lie on it?" Diam husked, his breath fanning her neck. He'd caught her staring at the bed. Wouldn't be a bad idea if she lies on it. Baby quickly moved away from him. Her cheeks, she knew, were flushed from embarrassment. "Where's my room-Sir Diam?" He closed up the little distance between them. She squirmed at their proximity but it only aroused him more. Her boobs rubbed against his hard chest, tingling all the hairs in the region to life. Her mould was pressed against his thighs. He wound an arm around her waist, pulling her to himself. "Your room...is right here, Baby."

Chapter 1 Where Is My Daughter !

Diam Dane could only do so much as wait after he pressed the doorbell.

The cold breeze hovering the suburb swept through him. It was something he'd gotten familiar with. The cold breeze. The serenity. The faint rhythm from the windmill. The endless meowing cats in the next building. Distant chattering. The old couple always in the patio of the house across the road. He was familiar with just...everything.

His constant visit these two months was enough to get him familiar with the place.

His last visit here had been terrible. He'd caught a cold from the chilly breeze. Baby had sensed his agony and threw him out drenched in cold water.

He caught a bad flu that had him bedridden for weeks. Totally stupid that he had sought for her again once he recuperated.

Diam Dane shuddered. This time, It wasn't because of the breeze. It was the awful fate awaiting him behind the closed door.

He reached for the doorbell again, but the door flew open immediately.

He froze, gulping at the sight of her. "Baby...Hi". He attempted a weak smile.

"Get lost!" She was gonna slam the door on his face again. That has always been her reaction to all his visits. She detested him so much she wouldn't hear him out.

This time, he stuck a foot on the threshold. The door stopped midway. Fury flashed in her cold eyes as she pushed harder to shut the door.

Diam was forced to employ his macho side. He pushed back the door and forced himself in.

Baby pulled out a dagger from her pocket and aimed it at him. Her insane reaction was shocking enough to get him to a halt.

"Please Baby. Just one minute, a second. That's all I ask. I just wanna talk. I missed you." Diam pleaded.

Four years later and he was back to a love story that was left unfinished. A love story that had nothing but tears and heartbreaks. A love story that never had a closure. They'd just broken apart like they never happened.

Standing in front of her again was an opportunity he'd prayed for all these years. Here it was. A thousand things he wanted to say. But it all started and ended with "I'm sorry, Baby. I never meant to hurt you like I did."

It's been a rollercoaster of emotions these past four years.

The anger that twitched his nerves at the fact that she'd betrayed him. Yes, she was hurting, but he thought their love was strong enough to overcome whatever obstacles they had. How stupid he'd felt for thinking she loved him so.

The pains that wrecked his heart when she fled. The anguish that clouded his being at the reality that she was never gonna come back to him. The misery he was plunged into each second his heart craved for her.

The regrets that crumbled his world when he found out she'd never betrayed him. She'd been a victim of a conspiracy and he never believed her innocence. Never gave her the benefit of the doubt.

It's been the most painful years of his life. Nothing else mattered anymore. Nothing excited him anymore. She was all he craved for. All he cried for.

Time –they say– heals all wounds. But not Diam's wounds. The severe mar in his heart didn't heal up with time. With each fleeting day, he fell deeper into his agony.

Diam's depression made him shut everyone out. It was a drastic move as he was a public figure.

Dane Diam, the first child of the Dane Family. CEO of the Green-Grass corporation, with branches and offices worldwide and headquarters here in the United States. Diam was an aristocrat. A renowned billionaire.

Diam was every girl's dream man. His tall physique, well-built biceps and face well-sculptured made him somewhat irresistible.

His green eyes synched harmoniously with his black, curly hair. He was without any facial flaws.

His father was Japanese and his mother was an American. They resided here in America –Califonia to be precise– more than other countries they had been to. The Dane family travelled a lot but decided to stay longer in America.

Dane Diam was a hottie, but ruthless. He was known for his terrifying wrath. No one ever got close enough to understand the real him. He wouldn't let anyone close. Just her.

Phillips Baby, a young and vibrant girl who was also naturally shy. She was a fragile being who didn't like trouble. Though from a poor home, she still maintained her beautiful features.

Her skin had a natural glow. Her silky-like brown hair fell freely to her waist. She was Japanese but lived all her life here in California.

She was innocent and naive. Most of all, she was exceptionally beautiful.

He'd fallen for her in the wrong time, for all the wrong reasons.

But he couldn't undo it. She was already carved in the walls of his heart.

Four years already gone. She wasn't so fragile anymore. On the contrary, she'd grown stoic. Her long hair was now a short, straight blonde. Her eyes bore so much pains and resentments.

"You should leave, Diam. Leave and never come back here." Baby spattered out, firmly pointing the dagger at him.

Diam could hear the collapsing of the walls of his heart. It wasn't the first time she was throwing him out. He just wishes she wouldn't anymore.

Diam dared to move an inch closer but Baby halted him with a glare. "Not another move, Diam. Get out!"

"I know I hurt you, Baby. I know I was an idiot. My love wasn't strong enough..." Diam trailed off as tears clogged his vision. Gradually, they made their way down his face. "I've been through hell these years, Baby. I deserved it all. It was my retribution for throwing away what we had."

"Whatever you went through isn't enough to make up for all the pains you caused me. Nothing would be enough, not even death. Get out!"

"But Baby..."

"Get the fuck out!"

"At least, let me see my daughter!" Diam snapped dejectedly. Her decision to keep his daughter away from him was a callous move on her path. He only earned the tag of a bad lover. He wasn't a bad Dad, yet. She had no reason to keep his daughter from him.

"I'm gonna say this for the last time, she is not your daughter." Baby said furiously. "The next time you come in here making such claims, I'll make sure you don't leave in one piece."

Just then, a girl ran into the house with her backpack and hugged Baby. "Mummy"

Baby quickly stuffed the dagger into her pocket. She squatted and adorned her daughter's forehead with a kiss.

Diam could feel the tears drop at the sight of the little girl. But God, she looks just like her Mum! A small bundle of beauty.

"Sweetie, you're back early." Baby smiled at her daughter. "Go wait in your room. Mummy has a visitor."

"Sure, Mummy." The girl cooed and ran off.

"Baby, you gotta let me get to know my daughter. I know I hurt you but...she's my daughter. Please." Watching the bond between the mother and daughter, Diam realized just how much he was missing out.

The girl was his daughter. It was a fact. He needed to create some bond with her.

"You're gonna get the hell out and never show up here again. Or I'm gonna sue you for being such a nuisance."

"Please...just how long are you gonna keep sending me away?" Diam was in another fit of tears. Nothing he wouldn't give to put an end to this nightmare and have her in his arms again.

"Till you learn to accept that whatever we had is over. Right now, we're just strangers with memories."

Diam was speechless. There was no reasoning with Baby. Her mind was made up. She wanted him gone for real.

Baby gave him a firm push, and he was out the door. One last, long glare before she slammed the door.

With him gone, Baby was alone to her thoughts.

A part of her wanted to comfort him. Kiss away his pains. Ease his sorrows. Make him happy. Like old times.

But once again, she filled her heart with so much anger by going down that painful memory lane, remembering just how it all started.

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Other books by Elaami

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Emotionally Scammed by CEO Wu



Nine months through Li Ling's pregnancy, the two people whom she thought were the most important in her life cheated on her and plotted her death in the most cruel way. To be burnt alive. ... "Sign the divorce papers and quit pretending." Wu Sheng threw the wet towel on the floor and walked towards the walk-in closet to get pajamas. It was quite a chilly night. He then continued nonchalantly. "In exchange for my bone marrow to the babies when they are born. As a father, I'm sure I would be the perfect match for them. Even if I wasn't, I would search the whole world to get the babies a matched bone marrow." "Wu Sheng, how-how can you be so cruel to ask for a divorce, at this time?" Li Ling erupted in anger. She was so angry her shoulders shook uncontrollably. "Aren't you being too heartless to me? To the innocent babies? The babies are ours, isn't it our responsibility to save them? Why the bargain? Do you hate me that much?" A dry chuckle fell out of Wu Sheng's throat as he walked out from the walk-in closet in his pajamas. "Yes, it's our responsibility to save them and that's what I'm doing. What about you? If you care about the lives of the babies inside your belly, then sign the divorce agreement. Li Ling, I've told you about this divorce for a very long time but you didn't seem to care. Now, there's a choice you must make if you love the babies in there." After thinking for a very long time, Li Ling forced a self-mocking smile and said with fatigue coating her entire body, "Okay, I'll sign. Save my babies, I'll divorce you, Wu Sheng. Will that do?" She then grabbed the pen, and with a trembling hand, she signed her name on the divorce papers… …without reading through it. Could this be a trap set for poor Li Ling? What if...

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Should I Really Do It Or Not?



*Warning! Matured Content* "St.gardens?!" "Yes, sir cho" "Come closer, let me see you properly!" "...umm...that should be enough, sir Cho! Auntie said that, it's just once a week!" Cho Ja Nathaniel"......." "Are you done, St.gardens?!!" "I...I am sorry, sir Cho. I am just st…" "Mnnn...mnn...stop it, sir Cho!! This is not right!! I signed a contract!" "What f**king contract is that?!! That is between you and my mother!! I'm signing another one! We need more to make a stamp!!" "...What?! No!!" "No?!! I see you are really fierce. Well, you should know that I like your kind!!" "F**k you!!" "Haha…! No, little girl! You don't stand the chance! But don't you worry, I'll help you! I'll f**k you instead and quite well too!!" St.gardens"......" ************ Haneul Ja St.gardens was a gentle, innocent and sweet girl but also covered with taekwondo skills. One thing that was constant in her life, was bad luck. She could not find a better job to make her life more stable. St.gardens was feeding from hand to mouth, until the day she met a middle aged woman. She offered her a deal she could not refuse because the benefits were awesome. St.gardens was to become a surrogate mother for her son Cho Ja Nathaniel. Things didn't go well the way St.gardens had planned and she asked herself several times, if "she should really do it or not?" ******** A refreshing book, wrapped specially for you! Join them as they search for the right key to the invisible golden door! Happy Reading! Please, stay safe. #For me and for all!

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The Billionaire's Gems

Chapter 1 Where Is My Daughter !



Chapter 2 On One Condition!



Chapter 3 S*x Partner



Chapter 4 What Are You Two Doing



Chapter 5 Oh, How I Love Your Name!: Naughty Things!



Chapter 6 A Raw Hot Kiss!



Chapter 7 A 28 Years Old Virgin



Chapter 8 Should I Help You Scrub



Chapter 9 Rapidly Growing Affection



Chapter 10 I Will Kiss Your Soft Lips Now, Baby



Chapter 11 Sex On Period Topic



Chapter 12 Just Like The Naked Ones



Chapter 13 We Are Both Starting From Level One!



Chapter 14 The Famous Top Billionaire Womanizer



Chapter 15 The Little Sweet Angel



Chapter 16 Cuteness Overload: Still Dripping Wet



Chapter 17 I Will Stay With You



Chapter 18 Your Name Is Pretty Nice, Fine Mister



Chapter 19 Angel And Diam



Chapter 20 The Big Question With A Heavy Mark



Chapter 21 My Half Of Half



Chapter 22 The Hot Seat



Chapter 23 Something Deeper Than What We See



Chapter 24 Spread Wider!!!



Chapter 25 Beginning Of The...



Chapter 26 Dark Scene In Diam's 1 Hotel



Chapter 27 She Has Never Been Touched



Chapter 28 Attempted R*pe



Chapter 29 First Penetration Part 1



Chapter 30 First Penetration Part 2



Chapter 31 First Penetration Part 3



Chapter 32 First Penetration Part 4



Chapter 33 First Penetration Part 5



Chapter 34 First Penetration Part 6



Chapter 35 First Penetration Part 7: Sit On It



Chapter 36 Limit Your Sex!



Chapter 37 Torture With Beauty



Chapter 38 Fight For Sex: Squeezing Hard!



Chapter 39 Put It In: The Struggle



Chapter 40 How Long Have You Been ...
