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Her  Haunted Millionaire

Her Haunted Millionaire

ekridah èster


Raphaël Sauvage had resigned himself to his misery and to his darkness. Work was all he lived to do anyway and he had no plans to change anything. Nothing was worth changing for. Until she appeared. WARNING: May contain scenes of explicit romance, extreme violence, physical abuse, also may contain mention of demonic existence. BEWARE. With her loud mouth and her audacity to challenge him, Isabelle Fourie blew into his house as loudly and chaotically as a tornado. And she didn't give a damn either. For the first time in his life, Raphaël found himself losing control over his tightly reigned heart. He hated it, hated how she, his maid, could have such power over him. She drew him in with a force that was insanely strong, making Raphaël want to send her back where she came from. But with his orphaned nephew whom he must take care of, a child who responded only to Isabelle, Raphaël must ignore the protests of his darkest demons and their complaints over the light Isabelle brought into his life, to hesitantly find a way out of his darkness. Even if it killed him.

Chapter 1 Prologue

The wind blew wildly outside. The rain and grey skies perfectly matched his mood.

Raphaël Sauvage sat in his home office, listening to the rumble of the thunder. The power of the sky was evident in the deep, rolls of thunder and the flashing lightning.

He found it exceptionally beautiful.

He swiveled his brandy in its glass, his jaw clenching.

Her eyes flashed in his memory.

The blue-green sparkling as she threw her head back in laughter.

His dear sister.

Fresh anger burned through him as he remembered her death, with deep sadness following hot on its heels.

His dearest sister. Dead.

There was a knock at the door.

Raphaël looked up as Rosa, his housekeeper, entered.

"Raphaël," she said.

"Hm," was his answer.

Reaching over with a sigh, Rosa took the glass of brandy out of his hand.

He let her. Rosa had been around for as long as Raphaël could remember.

She was there even before his parents died. Her presence replaced theirs and he was grateful.

He looked up at her, his eyes a strong steel grey.

"Raphaël, you must not think of it," she said quietly, her Italian accent slight. "It will only hurt you."

He nodded, silent.

Rosa sighed. "I will be gone this week, you know this. My niece will be here, however, to take over my duties."

Raphaël frowned. "I don't want a stranger here, Rosa." His husky voice resonated through the office.

"Oh, I assure you, she will not get in your way. Besides, she's been here before. Many times, when you both were little... but you were younger, you may not recall."

He nodded, silently picturing the red-cheeked little face he remembered from when he was little. Rosa sighed again, reaching over to pat his hand as she turned to leave.


She stopped and turned back to him.

"Yes, Raphaël?"

He hesitated. "How... how is he?"

Rosa nodded. "He is peaceful. I have put him to bed now."

Having gotten his answer, Raphaël nodded and turned in his chair, facing the glass behind him as the sky cracked up with light.

"It's been weeks since he arrived here now and you continue to avoid him," Rosa said sadly. "You must speak to the little one, Raphaël, you're his Uncle. He must know you. He needs much help."

Raphaël dragged a hand through his hair.

"J'en sais pas, Rosa. How... what do I say to him?"

"One step at a time. You, like your father, are very wise. You will find a way, Raphaël. "

He scoffed, nearly spitting out a curse at the mention of his father. "Wise, my ass."


"The child," he said before she could tell him to mind his manners and all such. "...he still hasn't spoken?"

"Not one word," said Rosa.

Rosa watched Raphaël turn to her and the anguish in his eyes tore at her heart.

The sky was lit up for a moment, casting a flash of light over his face. To Rosa, it was like seeing a ghost. From birth, he resembled his father. The dark looks, thick brown hair. That intimidating height and those wide, large shoulders, his stubborn chin and hard, grey eyes. Many trembled in the presence of Raphaël Sauvage.

How proud she was of him.

"Isabelle will be here tomorrow morning," Rosa said softly and left, closing the door quietly.

Raphaël leaned back in his chair, consumed by his own darkness. His own pain was dragging him down and drowning him, mercilessly. So, how in the hell would he help this child?

He closed his eyes, his mind running wild with thoughts as he silently wished and prayed, willing his demons not to visit him tonight.

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