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Sweet Love ❤

Sweet Love ❤



Bela is a 19 year old girl who lost her mother, was abandoned by her father. In order to support herself and pay for the university, she finds a job as a maid in a mansion. She knows her master. What will happen between these two? Will you give love or just master and maid?

Chapter 1 Job interview

There are many people with money, others with less, some people have good experiences, others not really.

This is the story of a girl with light brown hair, curly, white skin and green eyes. Beautiful a girl like any other lives in a humble, small house, with two rooms, a house that is a little old.

Bela had just arrived from the university, went to change clothes until she heard the cell phone ringing.

On the other side of the phone, a thick, menacing voice was heard.

-Good night, Bela Smith! -In that instant Bela was dumbfounded to hear your name by a voice she had never heard before. -No matter who I am, I'm just calling to say that your father has until the morning to pay us the debt he owes us, otherwise something will be taken from him.

The person behind the phone hung up without even letting him say a single word. She stood still, her mind stopped for an instant, there is no way for anyone to process that information that fast.

Bela spent 5 minutes processing what had just happened, that's when she decided to get a job.

A few days ago I had seen the proposal for a job, as a maid in a mansion, for some rich man. She didn't think twice, grabbed her cell phone and looked for the number she had already saved on her cell phone, barely found it, but as soon as she started calling, a certain nervousness rose in her stomach, someone on the other end of the line spoke . It was a woman's voice, perhaps one of the maids.

-Here it talks about the King mansion. What do you want?

-O-Hello, I called because of the ad looking for a maid. Is the job still available?

-Yes, the interview is in the morning at King's Mansion at ten in the morning. Do you want me to put you on the interview list?

-Yes please.

-I'll need some information.

-Yes, you can ask.

-What is your name?

-Beautiful Smith.

-What is your age?

-19 years old.

-And it all. Don't be late, here we are very strict with punctuality.


The maid on the other end of the line hung up the call. Bela took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. He put it in his head that nothing could be worse. It was at that moment that she called her father, she knew he might not answer, but it would be worth it.

He made several attempts, and he didn't even answer. A sigh was released from his lips, it is not as if he had hopes, but for once, it was not difficult to answer, especially when he leaves a debt to his daughter.

Finally, she decided to ignore what happened, went to the bathroom and went to take a bath of hot water, nothing left her more peaceful than that wonderful shower, the bath always left her thoughtful, it was there that she dreamed of eyes open and imagined the future and sometimes remembered the mother's comforting smile.

As soon as the shower ended, she put on a blouse and the bottom of her underwear and let herself fall asleep, overcome by the tiredness of that day.

The next day she woke up surrounded by the sunlight, looked at the time on her cell phone, still with a sleepy face and saw 08:00, there was no hurry yet there were two hours to go before the interview. He got up, did his hygiene, as he knew he would have to have another posture, due to the work he had proposed, decided to wear elastic jeans, a tight half-sleeve blouse, and sneakers, tied his hair in a ponytail, she put on a little makeup, very little, simple, had breakfast and left around 9:30 am. She put the headphones on her ears and did her normal journey, she knew from memory where King's mansion was, anyone knew where it was, and anyone knew that you couldn't get in there like nothing was, you were protected by maximum security, no I wondered if they were the richest family.

Bela walked leisurely, as soon as she arrived in front of the mansion, she had to wait about 10 minutes, as there were procedures to be followed to enter the mansion, she needed to call the mansion's chief maid, who was responsible for pointing out information about the candidates. , would have to undergo a search, to be sure that it did not carry anything that could be deadly.

After the search, all the candidates entered through one of the rear doors that was guarded by one of the guards, that door led to a very long corridor, where there were some chairs, the candidates sat waiting for their turn, each one was called by name and number given to her by the chief maid.

Many went out crying, but no one outside knew why, at that moment Bela started to panic, until she heard herself calling:

-Number 12, Bela Smith.

Bela got up from her seat and started walking with a tense body, due to the nervousness she felt, until she entered the room.

-Good morning, Bela Smith. - A male voice spoke.

-B-Good morning! -Bela was so nervous that she didn't even know how to hide the nervousness in her voice. She took a deep breath, failed to calm her heart, but managed to calm her nervousness.

-Tell me why you want to apply for this job. The male voice spoke in a curious tone.

-Yes, in fact I chose to apply for this job out of necessity, we can say that not everyone can have everything with a kiss, sometimes life decides to play with us.

The man who used to be behind the desk, now had his face very close to Bela, could feel his deep breath, his eyes fixed on hers.

-You are fascinating, nobody has ever spoken to me like that before, so you will work for me. -He goes to the head maid, pointing at Bela. -Put her on top of everything, she will be my new maid.

-But ... -The head maid was interrupted by Jack leaving the room.

Bela is shocked by what had just happened, but "all right", she thought, after processing the event, the head maid did not try to question any more, all the other participants were sent away by the other maids, who passed them on the information that they had already found who they needed and that the interviews were closed, because of that.

The head maid went to Bela and said:

-Belle Smith, in the morning you have to be at the mansion at 08:00 am, don't be late, in the morning we will give you your uniform, have a good day.

The head maid withdrew from the room. Bela did not say a single word, also left the room and walked calmly to the university.

The day went by, and with him all the thoughts that went round her head after the interview, the rest of the day was normal, except for the fact that she couldn't get her new boss's memory too close to her face.

The classes were normal, the morning passed and with it the afternoon, Bela made her same routine trajectory, passed through the park, which smelled a pleasant smell of flowers in the air. When he got home, he leaned against the sofa, until there was a knock on the door. With the sudden noise he fell off the couch, he didn't even have time to get to the door, because they opened it with a single kick.

-Beautiful Smith? He called out a loud, thick voice, of a tall, bald man who didn't seem to be playing games.

Bela got up from the front of the sofa and spoke in a shaky voice.


The man approached her and spoke.

-I don't want to hurt you, I just want to talk, I also have a daughter and I wouldn't like it if she had to pay for my mistakes.

The man sat on the sofa next to Bela, and spoke quietly.

-Do you know where your father is?

-Sorry, but I don't know. I tried to call you several times but you never answer your phone. - He said with a sad air.

-Does he have anything of value?

-No, he is a bastard, but he is still my father, if you want I will pay you the debt, but it will have to be in installments.

-You're a good girl. Said the man rubbing her head. -We will look for you and make you pay up to the last cent. He closed his fist in anger.

-Please do not hurt him, I know he is a bit of an idiot and does not do things with his head, but he is still my father and the only person I have. -Asked Bela.

-I promise, I always keep my word.

The man left the house, but first put the door in place with his two henchmen who had been waiting at the door.

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