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Susan, is a sixteen-year-old teenager, seeking freedom. She wants to experience life on her own. She further, discusses this with her mother but ends up getting a no for an answer. This makes her so frustrated. She, therefore, plans to run away from her home. Her aunt Liz, speaks with her on the reasons why her mother restricts her from going out sometimes. Will Aunt Liz succeed in convincing Susan. Will she change her mind? Find out! Home is a short story, mainly written, to portray the mind of our parents, and also the reasons why they do what they do. You'll get to know, how that they've got our best interest at heart.

Chapter 1 Draft ONE

For the past two weeks.

I'd been trying to convince my mum, about mingling with people a bit more; attending camp meetings---for teenagers, seminars. for exposure and connections. But it seemed like, the more I gave her reasons why I wanted to go out, the more cranky and incomprehensible she was.

I was frustrated.

Did I make a mistake in the way I presented my proposal to her? Did I not say it right? Why does she like saying 'no' every time? I asked myself these questions, as I let my thoughts drive around in circles in my mind.

Just then, my phone rang.

I knew who it was; Aunt Liz, my mum's niece.

At the first moment, I didn't want to pick.

"What could she possibly want this time o," I muttered.

It was after three rings.

I finally picked.

I kept silent for a moment.

"Hello dear," she declared.

No doubt, her voice was rich and deep, and somehow it reminded me of smooth, dark chocolate. That was the only thing I loved about her, nothing else.

"How's school?" She added.

"It's going on well," I nodded my thanks.

"So," she declared, "how are things going?"

"Which things?" I asked cautiously.

"How are things going on the home front, for instance?"

"Is this a setup ma?" I asked. "Did my mom tell you to come to talk to me?"

"I think 'setup' is a little too harsh." Aunt Liz declared. "But, okay---she did mention you'd hit some rough spots."

"You can call them that," I muttered.

"Frightful," she declared.

"What else did she tell you?"

"What would you tell me, if you were here?"

It was a trick question. What was she getting at? "Well," I declared, " I'd probably say I'm worried and scared."

"She did," Aunt Liz agreed. "And I guess that drives you bonkers."

"She's overprotective, she doesn't let me breathe a second!" I demanded.

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