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Beautiful and Healed (Sequel of Broken and Pregnant)

Beautiful and Healed (Sequel of Broken and Pregnant)

Kate Granada


Completed:After being locked in jail for five years, Lucy Mason was finally free. Her life inside the prison wasn't easy. Thanks to her new inmate friend Cassandra. She comforts her and helped her battle depression and despair. Now that she's free, it's game time for those who hurt and betrayed her. She's back with a new name Greta Stone wearing a sparkling dress and high heels.

Chapter 1 New Beginning

Lucy POV

Tomorrow is my last day here in jail and it seems like I was locked in here for only a week. Time passed by so fast and my five years of staying here will finally soon end.

I was convicted of a case I didn't do and it's ironic right, that I was the one who takes all the blame where both of them are having the good times of their life together with my son.

I clenched my fist in anger. While looking at the pile of bars in front of me, I feel like a murderer for five years. Life is unfair. If you're poor, you're always poor, if you're rich, you will become richer.

Just wait and the world will soon be mine.

"Hey, Lucy, weren't you excited? We're now free at last tomorrow!" Cassandra sat beside me with a smile on her face. I can see how happy she was and waited for this day to come.

Arian and Gwen only stared at us like jealous neighbors. They became good to me after the incident they never forget.



All of the inmates were taken out to do a clean-up outside the prison house. It was Lucy's second day in this place and she just followed her group silently.

"Get brooms and other cleaning materials ladies and we will start the beautification of this backyard." One of the officers called their attention.

Everyone started to get their materials and Lucy was one of them when Arian intentionally pushed her. She flew on the ground and got a deep bruise on her arms.

Cassandra saw it.

"Hey, what did you do?" She quickly crouched to help Lucy.

Lucy didn't want to stain her hands with violence so she holds her anger while she can. She glared at Arian and other girls who cheered on her and laugh at her. She makes her hand into a ball secretly with a stone inside and when she got up, her hands fly like a rocket and landed it directly at Arian's nose.

She felt dizzy and screamed when she saw the blood started to flows. After two minutes she dropped to the ground. Everyone started to applause her and that day, no one dared to touch and bully her. Even Cassandra praised her.

"Wow! You're so cool! I didn't know that you know boxing!" She said and Lucy smiled at her finally. That day they became friends.


It feels good to be free from prison. I miss the fresh air of the outside world.

I promise to get back all of you take and stole from me, Eloisa and Kent. I will never forgive both of you even in your last breath.

"So I guess it's time for us to part ways?" Cassandra said while both of them are waiting for a cab.

Lucy shrugged her shoulders and set a sad face on her.

"Yes, maybe. You're lucky because you had a beautiful daughter waiting for you. All I can say is live a good and fruitful life because life is short. We don't know what will happen next." She left wisdom of advice at her friend in five years.

Cassandra was grateful that she met Lucy. She never had a friend like her who was there to listen to her about her life.

They both wave their hands to say goodbye to each other. After Cassandra bid her last goodbye, Lucy decided not to see her father for the sake of his safety. She also didn't want to wake his peaceful life. Maybe Gregory takes good care of him there and always visiting him. She was shame to show her face at him after the scandal she made five years ago.

At the age of thirty-two, Lucy is mature enough to make decisions on her own. She was thinking about where to go and stay. She thought she found a new friend but sadly he evaporates into thin air. She didn't know why he didn't care to visit him. Her face was all over the news so how can he forget her. She was certain that he looks like Kent. Was it a coincidence that he resembled him because what she knew about Kent is he was the only son and heir of Mr. Alexander Stone. It's impossible that he had a brother.

She had nothing in her wallet but only 5$ cash. When they brought her to the jail, no one remembered to visit her and that breaks her heart. She tried to contact Gregory but his phone was off. She asked the police to check her father for her but they told her that nothing to worry about because they assigned an officer to guard him for twenty-four hours.

Past is past. Nothing will change. All inside her were broken into pieces and the only person who can fix it is her son Austin. Tears started to stream down her face again. No, she can't cry right now. She should be glad that she's free, free to take revenge but why she's crying in the middle of a traffic road?

"No, Lucy, you're not a fool anymore. Don't cry, please!" She's telling this to herself over and over again until one taxi cab stop in front of her.

The driver rolled down the car window and ask her if she will take a ride but Lucy told the driver that she got only 5$ in her pocket.

The driver was wearing a baseball hat and eyeglasses that is why Lucy was hesitant to ride with him.

The guy set a smirk on his face while taking off his hat and eyeglasses.

Lucy's eyes widened when the driver finally revealed himself.

"Gregory? How do you know that---", she stops when Gregory started to talk.

" Just hop inside. Let's talk later. I know you're broke. Come on. Let's go to your father!" Gregory commanded her but Lucy had clouds of questions in her head.

He didn't show up for five years to visit her. She tried to call him but his phone is not available. How can he show up now as nothing happened? She had to act and think smart. She can't be fooled by anyone anymore.

"No, thanks. I'm good." She said and ran away from him.

"Wait, Lucy, come back! Let me explain! I'm sorry!" Gregory called her but she didn't look back.

Everything is clear to her now. Even the police reported them about her. How cruel the world is.

The only place she needed to go is the place in Tagaytay where she and Gale went to let go of her burdens. Maybe he was right. She wasn't ready to come back to the real world if she holds back everything. If she had heartaches, and deep scars inside. To be prepared for the war she must face alone, she must leave all this remorse and guilt behind.

"Why!Why me? Why of all people? Ahhh!!" She keeps yelling in the nonentity.

While she's in the middle of cursing everyone and herself, a familiar voice called her attention to stop.

"I thought you forget this place!" The man said while ambling closer towards her.

Lucy slowly turned her head behind and she was right. She knew that sweet and calm voice of him.

"Gale?" She mumbled and a smile cross over Gale's face.

"I'm sorry I miss going here for five years. I just got back from the U.S" that's when Lucy realize that he was ignorant to what happened to her back then.

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