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And Then There's You

And Then There's You



What do you think will happen if an emotionally damaged woman meets an emotionally lost man? This is a story about two strangers with their fair share of heartbreak. Fion Scott is an emotionally damaged woman because of a failed relationship. Her ex-boyfriend made her believe that she's too hard to love and made her doubt herself. That experience made her fear love. Luca Sinclair on the other hand, lost himself when his bride-to-be ran away. That heartbreak made him become aloof and doesn't want to be close with the opposite gender. But these two are bound to meet, and eventually, fall into the love trap set by destiny. Of course, fate being fate, their relationship will face challenges, the "ex-es baggage". And without realizing it, they hit rock bottom. Will they let their past hinder their future? Or will they fight for their love? Will they stay or will they move forward without the other in the picture? Let us all find out how they will decide for their future.

Chapter 1 THE CHANCE


I am Fyon Scott. Age? No longer on the calendar. I work as a Movie Screenwriter and I fell in love with the most handsome and perfect man in the world - but that was six years ago.

"I am a single, hopeless romantic, and workaholic woman." At least that's what he said the reason why he left.

"Workaholic? You're not, and that's not the reason why you're still single my dear sister!" said Frigg, my little sister. "And you should learn to say your thoughts silently," she added with a smile on her face.

We are currently at The Weds, the wedding shop with her fiance Klaus.

They announced their engagement about a year ago and they needed me here for fitting since I am her maid of honor. Well, they met because of me and met again because of me.

As I watch them all giddy and snuggly, I can't help but remember the past, and the pain still overshadows my heart.

'Could it be? Is it possible that I am still stuck in the past? Do I still love him?'

While I was lost in my wonderland, Frigg snapped her fingers at me, and then I saw the face I'd never wanted to see.

The very last face I was hoping to see.

That tall, lean body with the most handsome face man sitting right across from me. 'Ainsley.' I thought.

"Sissy, I'm sorry for not telling you." Frigg mouthed and leaned forward to me, "Are you okay with this?" she whispered.

I nodded my head with a faint smile as a reply; sipping the lemonade, trying my very best to hide the bitterness.

I didn't dare to look him in the eyes the whole meet-up, because I didn't want him to see all of my pent-up frustration.

Okay, truth is, I didn't want him to see the pain that I've been hiding all these years, because even just his scent reminds me of how and why we ended up this way.

We finished the meeting around 5:30 in the afternoon; they invited me to have dinner with them - and him, of course.

'With Ainsley? Oh, God knows I never wanted to be near him.' A thought that keeps playing in my mind. So, I lied, "I'm sorry Frigg, I have lots of pending work to do. I got to go."

And before he could utter a word, my phone rang.

I put my phone to my ear and mouthed "I'm sorry." I waved my hand and walked away.


People say that I was successful in every way; money, business, and family. What they didn't know - I've been longing for someone's love and attention.

As I was busy checking the blueprints on my table, my phone rang, it was Klaus Moore, my Architect.

"What's up?" I answered.

"Dude, I'm with Frigg here at The Weds, two blocks from our firm." I can hear faint voices in the background as he spoke.

He continued, "We're having a suit and dress fitting. My best man needs to be here for his suit." he said it all at once.

You should know that Klaus and I have the same size when it comes to clothing, so going there is not really on my agenda.

Studying the blueprints in front of me, I replied, "Klaus, I'm busy working --"

But when he added, "Fyon's here too, just a heads up." in a very low voice. I instantly stood up.

"You punk sure know how to trick me," I said, smirking.

Immediately hung up the phone, picked up my keys, and told my assistant to cancel all my meetings this afternoon.

When I got into the car, a thought suddenly popped into my head. I stopped, "Why am I in such a hurry? Did I get excited just by hearing her name? What am I, a high school?"

Unconsciously, I smiled at the answer. "Yes, I was excited to see her, because I am still in love with her."

When I entered the shop, her face was the first and only thing I could see.

Her pretty diamond-almond eyes that I miss staring at, her plump lips and pointy nose that I miss kissing, and her hair - that brunette hair, dyed with pink and green color that I really miss smelling.

It felt like everything was hazy and all of the movement around me seemed to slow down.

Oh damn! God only knows how much I wanted to be with her again, but I can't.

I just can't.

I'm afraid to hurt her again.

I really wanted to talk to her, but didn't want them to think that I was pathetic - for hurting and leaving her, and desperate; desperate to know how she has been doing all these years.

Not wanting her to see the eagerness in me.

I didn't want her to be close to me, just to be hurt again.

So, I distanced myself from her.

During the fitting, I was only stealing glances at her. And for me, that's already enough.

We finished fitting at exactly 5:30 p.m. and Frigg asked us to dine with them at the nearby restaurant.

'Oh, thank you, Frigg! I can look at her face a little longer.' was what I almost blurt out loud, good thing I bit my tongue to restrain myself.

I have no idea how I managed to be here without talking to her. Honestly, I wanted to hug and kiss her right at this very moment.

How much I really miss this woman.

I came back to reality when after hearing her say that she can't make it because she has work to do. And I sighed deep inside; of course, it's her job. Just like how it was before.

She was on her phone all the time; was it work? Or was it something else?

I was about to tell her that it was time for dinner, but her phone rang just in time when I opened my mouth.

So, that's that, she mouthed the words "I got to go." waved her hands, turned her back, and walked away.

Now she's gone. Just like my chance of talking to her. It was all gone.

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