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The Alpha's Abused Mate

The Alpha's Abused Mate



Milo was abused by a mateless alpha at the age of fifteen after his parents were brutally killed. He wants to avenge his parent's death and the innocence of his childhood that was taken away from him, but to do that he must find someone who knows how to kill a werewolf, that's the reason why he is on a quest for a werewolf hunter. Unfortunately for Milo, he was busy looking for a werewolf hunter that he runs into the one thing he was running away from. What will happen if another alpha became his mate? Will he reject him and let him die in agony and pain? Or the bond between them is strong enough to make their relationship work?

Chapter 1 Have Mercy On Me, Please


It was already eight o'clock at night but my sister is still not home, my mama and papa are acting so weird right now as if something is off, it feels like there's something that they're not telling me because as they always say, I'm too young to understand serious things. I just hope and pray that nothing bad happened to my sister.

While we were at the dinner table, I felt awkward in an inexplicable way. My mama keeps on looking at papa as if they're having a conversation by just staring at each other.

I hate this feeling, I may be too young but I'm pretty much mature at my age and I knew that I can handle just fine whatever is it that they are hiding from me.

"Why hasn't our daughter come home yet?" Mama asked, she sounded like she is in agony and I can't help but be anxious at her, papa didn't have an answer so he just kept his mouth closed.

After we ate our dinner, we sat on the couch in the living room while our eyes were focused on the door, praying it will open and my sister comes in. A few moments later, we heard someone knocking outside the door, we thought it was my sister but then my brows furrowed when the knocks became louder and whoever is outside, it doesn't feel like that person is knocking, that person is banging our door. I could feel the sudden tension around me, mama and papa look at each other as if they were having a conversation through their eyes.

"Milo, listen to me, hide in the basement and never come out until tomorrow and never make any noise, do you understand me? Did you understand me, Milo?" Papa said as he hugged me tightly. I do not know what is happening. Why does papa want me to hide in the basement?

"Take him to the basement," Papa ordered mama and mama immediately pulled me towards the basement, I can feel my mama's heart beating faster as if she's scared and nervous.

"What's going on mama?" I asked mama with a frightened voice. I don't know what's happening and that what makes me more scared and anxious.

"You're too young to understand this, son, just remember what your papa always said to you, that we love you to the stars and back," Mama said while crying, in my young mind I still can't figure out what is going on around us, all I can think about is my sister who hasn't come home yet.

Mama hugged me tightly and left the basement. I hid in the dark corner of the basement, after a while I heard a noise, I could hear people shouting in the living room until I heard my mama suddenly screamed like she saw something horrible, I could not stop myself from sneaking through the hole in the wooden floor to see the situation of my parents in the living room.

My eyes widened when I saw mama and papa together with three big men. At first glance I knew their conversation was not good, I saw my mama crying until I saw a man pointed his gun towards my mama's head, I almost screamed in horror but I stopped myself from doing so, that was papa's order to me, I shouldn't let them know that I'm here, I shouldn't make any noise.

"Will you give us what we are looking for or we will kill you?" A man asked angrily and handcuffed my papa on the chair, papa shook his head and the next thing I knew, the man punched my papa in the cheek. I swallowed my saliva while watching what was happening, why are they hurting my papa?

"You don't want to? Hmm, it looks like your wife is somewhat tasty, can we have her? We can make her pussy wet." The man that was holding the gun said grinning. I can see my mama was stunned and she was crying begging the men to not hurt my papa.

"Don't you dare touch my wife, Roman! I will kill you!" My papa shouted angrily.

"Really? How can you kill me? I'm just asking for that little thing. Why can't you give it to me?" The man that papa called Roman said smirking. Papa shook his head, an indication that he would not give them what they were asking or looking for. Roman punched papa in the stomach, after a while he stopped and walked towards mama's direction. Roman tweak my mama's hair and violently laid her on the sofa bed.

"Stop! Fuck you, Roman! Don't touch my wife, you fucking beast!" Papa's said angrily, he was struggling to get off the handcuff and the chair while shouting and cursing Roman to stop but Roman did not listen, my eyes widen when I saw that Roman stripped off the clothes that were wrapped around my mama's body while papa could do nothing but cry in agony.

Three men started to fuck my mother's body, I wanted to shout but mama looked at me and motioned to me to be quiet. I don't know but I'm angry with papa, why doesn't he just give what those men want? Why did he let them rape my mama? I just cried quietly, no one heard my cry. It was so hopeless, I don't know where to ask for help.

"Since you don't want to give it, I'll just kill you two, I'm sure that what we're looking for is just inside the house." Roman smiled evilly but the next thing he did leave me in shock, I didn't expect what I just saw, he changed his form, he became a w-wolf, how the fuck is that possible? How did that happen? The fear in my chest rise.

Slowly, the wolf walked towards papa's direction and scratched his chest violently, a lot of blood gushed out of my papa's body.

I do not want to see my parents suffer. I did not expect what he would do next to my papa, he cut off papa's head and at that moment, I broke what papa instructed me to do, I can't help myself and I scream when I saw my papa's head fell into the floor. H-He's dead.

The beast killed my papa.

"Hmm, it looks like someone else is here," Roman said as he looks around, I covered my mouth and ran to the dark side of the basement to hide. My hearts beat faster when I heard the footsteps coming to the basement. A few seconds later, the basement door opened, I could see the man as he sniffed around as if he's trying to sniff my scent. My soul seemed to separate from my body as the man grinned and walked towards me.

"Hello dear." The man said when he saw me, he immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the basement. My mama shouted for me to be released, she was begging them not to touch me but they didn't listen to her.

"Very young and innocent. Feisty." Roman said, he sounded like a horny animal.

"Now, kill that whore and let's feast this young child, I can't wait to fuck him, maybe his hole is too tight." Another man said as he sticks out his tongue and licks my cheek. My mother protested but she was so helpless and couldn't fight for her life when the man threw his head on the concrete floor. No voice came out of my mouth when I saw my mama's head cracked and blood gushed out from her head, tears slowly drips down my eyes.

A lot of blood, spilled on the wall and the floor, I was dumbfounded by what I witnessed, my parent's body was just lying on the floor like a carved animal.

"What's your name?" A man asked me. I did not answer his question. He touched my face, his grip was so tight that I can feel the pain.

"I SAID WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING NAME?" He shouts, I can't help but cry in fear.

"M-Milo," I answer, he wiped the tears from my eyes but I felt horrible when our skins came in contact.

"A very beautiful name," Roman said smiling at me creepily. He touched the hem of my dress and lifted it. He quickly took off my clothes as I looked at him with disgust.

"Stop!" I shouted but he did not stop. He took off my clothes with force. I lost my balance but the two men hurriedly catch my body.

"Have mercy on me, please," I said crying and begging them to stop stripping my clothes off. The only thing I could hear was their demonic laughter as they laid me down on the couch.

Every time they touch my body, I felt so disgusted but I could do nothing because the three of them were so strong. This seems to be my end. I was in so much pain when they started to penetrate my hole, it was as if my ass was being cut in two and I could do nothing but scream in pain. They are ruthless, I can no longer remember who's fucking me. I feel like I'm going to lose consciousness.

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