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Give Me Life

Give Me Life



Daimion Walker is the ruler of the city. Men fear him and want to be him. Women admire him and want to have his children . Rosalynne Sophia Stones is 22 year old woman with a dark past who by chance encounters Daimion on her way home. He than becomes interested in her and gets her drunk into his bed which leads him to buying her from her father. Leaving her no chance of escape. Now he wants to make her his. Can two broken people consumed by darkness find love in one another.

Chapter 1 the encounter

The world is a very dark place hidden in light.

Death is a very peaceful end hidden in fear.

Love is a very painful feeling hidden in warmth.

Suffering is a very great teacher hidden in pain.

Life is a very rapid process hidden in hope.

Control is something we don't have.

But after all of it in the end we still die.

So what's the point?

However something always keeps us going and most of the time that something is mistaken for hope but it's not hope is just a reason to live.

Why do we still want to live after all that pain and suffering.

Well it's the fear of what comes after life is the fear of crossing the line between death and life, it is the defense organism that we built protecting us from danger.

Rosalynne Sophia Stones that's my name am 22 years old graduate from one of the top elite universities in the state.

Am an orphane about my parents I don't want to know why who what or anything else I really don't care. I live a simple independent life as a bar tender at the most luxurious Night club in the city DW nightclub. My pay is pretty great and the people here are not that bad.

Currently single and not planning to mingle.

I can be a very fake and twisted person with an attitude.

And I keep my distance with others.

"Uhh yes oh my gosh"i moaned as he trust into me hard.

"Shit" He grunted kissing me slowly.

"Mmmmmh" making out as he slowly trust into me. Finally pulling out.

We both quickly put on our uniform fixing everything in place.

"Thanks kevin" I said

"Anytime" he replied

Kevin is my coworker and somewhere along the line we started to become intimate and from time to time we would f*ck one another.

As I got older I began to crave touch and I did not want to go from one man to another so I would usually stick with one man but it never lasted long.

"We should get back to work" I spoke as I made my way out the room. And he soon followed.

"Margarita coming right up" I replied to one of the customers sitting on the bar seat she was a beautiful blonde girl with brown eyes and tanned skin.

"Hey Ro am going to need a plate of three glasses of whiskey" said one of the waitress.

"Ok give me sec "

Ro that's what most people called me it was short for Rosalynne.

Every night at this night club was always buzzing with people ready to get drunk filled with rich snobs and wanna be stars.

"Hey beautiful mind serving me" I guy sitting around the corner asked with a mischievous grin.

"Sure what can I get you" I replied

"How about some beer and a piece of you"

He replied.

Here we go again these snobs and their stupid pick up lines.

"Ok however I regret to inform you that we don't have *piece of you* at the moment so am sure a beer will be just fine" I responded cunningly with a small smile.

You can say that attracted some Male attention here and there.

I am pretty attractive am not skinny but am not fat either.

I have deep and defined curves with long legs and plump breast. I am slightly tan giving some definition to my snow white skin.

I have medium wide lips covered in some clear lip gloss with dark brown curly hair reaching my waist, a sculpted typical oval face and generic female shaped eyes with long lashes my eyes are a greenish hazel color.

So yay I probably attract some unwanted attention and the uniform does not really help at all.

Which is a black skirt stopping at the top of my knees hugging my waist and a blood red crop top stopping under my bellybutton.

With a pair of red high heels.

So that's no help.

And the time just flew by as usual it was now 10:30 p.m. and my shift was over so it was time for me to find my way home.

Uhh I hate walking on the street late at night full of creeps but what choice do I have I won't find a taxi after a few blocks.

So I better just get moving . Changing into my sweats and sneakers so I can quickly leave the night club and go home.

One more block to go what time is it .

Oww did I just run into a wall.

Daimion POV

As I was having a phone call standing on the sidewalk I suddenly felt something bump into me.

When I turned around i saw a gorgeous striking woman in sweats and sneakers in front of me.

"Whatch were you're going" I spoke

She looked up at me smiled and said

"am sorry" in a deep sexy feminine voice.

Then she quickly left.

Rosalynne POV

I literally just embarrassed myself in front of the most handsome man I have ever seen.

His face was finely defined with sculpted square face he was a light coffee tan with black hair facing upwards perfectly brushed to side, a nice clean shave, he was tall and looked very fit and muscular

He was the definition of a Greek God.

What the hell, did a limo just appear out of nowhere why would there be a ohhhhhh.

The guy entered the limo.

Who is this guy I thought to myself.

Well I better keep moving if am going to make it home tonight.

Third person's POV

"Uuuuh" she exclaimed as she

collapsed into her couch

Rosalynne POV

"Food food I need food cookies and tea yes perfect" I said to myself making my way to the kitchen to grab some cookies from the jar that I had baked earlier.

Baking is one of my hobbies that, I used to bake with my foster mother before she died.

Sitting at the kitchen table as I ate scrolling down my phone for a while before getting up and washing my plate.

I took a warm shower and immediately hit the bed.

The next day.......at 5.A.M.

The curtains were slightly open giving way for the sunlight to enter the room brightening up the room.

"Uuuuh" I yawned as I slowly got out of bed and proceeded into to the bathroom.

To peform my morning rituals which was usually the same thing everyday

1. Wake up

2. Brush teeth

3. lemon tea

4. 15 min run

5. Shower

6. Breakfast

7. Work

8. Office

So as I made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast I received a call from my boss telling me that she would need me two hours earlier than usual.

Therefore I quickly cut up a bowl of pineapple and strawberries with some plane waffles and tea to eat .

As you probably guessed by now I love tea.

As well as discussing with some clients as I ate.

I have created an online platform for myself as an easy sort of extra income.

It called RS financial accountant.

I started this platform while I was in college and i have been developing it ever since.

Rapping up the discussion while I washed the plates so I could leave for the office.

It was now seven a.m. and I am late for work so I rapidly rush my way out the front door to the subway.

When I arrived at the office it was seven thirty a.m. and I was thirty minutes late so I quickly made my way to the brake room to grab two hot black coffees one for me and one for my boss.

Knocking on the door I rushed my way into her office and placed one of the coffees on the desk.

As she received a phone call.

A few minutes later

"Good morning boss" I said after she seemed to have been finish with the call.

"You're thirty-five minutes late"she replied

"I know please pardon my tardiness"

"Just this one because it was me who gave you the late notice and your a exceeding assistant"

"Thank you, is there a problem"

"No I called you here because were going to be having a extremely important meeting this morning and I need you to prepare everything beforehand."

"Ok I will get right to it"

"Good the details are in your inbox, you may leave"

And with that I left her office and headed to my desk.

D&K international mobile company

We handle anything and everything mobile and electronic.

The CEO of the company to be precise my boss is Kate Walker and I am her assistant well part time assistant, she already has a personal assistant however when needed I help with some things here and there.

I finished all the preparation 30 minutes before the meeting when my boss called me that she will be having lunch with her brother this afternoon half past twelve therefore I should clear her schedule.

It was finally a quarter to two and my work was over so I fixed my things and left the building.

As soon as I walked out my eyes caught a limo in front of the building.

What is up with all these limos these days.

Out of nowhere the limo was suddenly surrounded by reporters.

Who is in the limo? She thought to herself when her phone suddenly rang.


"Sorry are you still in the building" her boss asked anxiously

"Yes i am at the entrance "

"Please notify the security guard about the reporters in front "

"Will do"

And with that the call ended and I walked back into the building to find the security.

"Security we have a problem outside there is a great group of reporters out front and boss needs you all to handle it "

"Ok please lead the way"

We walked outside to the large crowd and the guards immediately chased them away.

With that I prepared to take my leave.

Daimion POV

I had just called my sister to notify her of my presence when a group of reporters surrounded the limo so I asked my sister to send some security guards to handle the situation.

As soon as they arrived the reporters disappeared and my attention was caught by a woman observing the scene. She looked like one of the employees.

I immediately recalled the woman that walked into me last night.

This woman was very attractive any man would notice.

Especially now i could see her perfectly defined curves in her professional attire.

"Have you found the old man's daughter yet"

"No boss we are currently working on it"

"Well speed it up"

"Yes boss"

Third person's POV

Daimion is the emperor of the city he owns everything without exception .

He does as he pleases and no one can stop him.

He has many establishments both legal and non legal.

Men fear him or want to be him.

Women want to have his children and spend his money.

Rosalynne POV

I immediately rushed my way to the hospital to see my Forster brother.

We were in the third year of university when we found out he was suffering from Cirrhosis.

And we had to rush him to the hospital as soon as possible.

It would take a large sum of money for treatment which I pay with all my jobs.

" Hey Bryan how are you feeling"

"Not bad" he responded in low tired voice

"Ok anything new"

"Yay the doctors said am getting better"

"Well that's great, do you want to go out to the garden for a little bit"

"No I just want to sleep"

"Oh ok"

When he finally fell asleep I couldn't help but cry thinking about loosing him.

"Please stay with me your all I have in this cruel world"

Bryan was the son of the family that adopted me they were a very kind family.

And they showed me plenty of love.

On a normal afternoon we suddenly recieved a phone call starting our mom had a car accident.

We all rushed to the hospital only to find out it was to late and she was gone.

Our once happy family was now broken my forster dad got fired and started drinking and gambling.

I also went through a unhealthy time were I was always drinking and partying to the point were I even lost my virginity.

Well it happens when you crave love so much that you just need somebody to touch you.

After a while I came back to myself and was left with lots of responsibility and had a total of 5 jobs to help support my family

Cause I knew Bryan could not do it alone.

But because of the places I worked which were found in very dangerous area I got kidnapped.

I met evil at such a young age. It changed me maybe for the better.

I spent the rest of the day sitting and walking around the park until it was finally time for me to go to the Club.

Entering the night club in another set of sweats and sneakers I immediately felt like I was being watched.

When I suddenly felt a pair of hands pinch my waist.

"You're here early "

It was Kevin.

"Yay I didn't have anything to do so I came early" I replied

Then left to go and change.

When I got back the club was already filled so I quickly went over to the bar to go and serve the customers

My eyes were immediately grasped by a man sitting at the bar.

It was the man from the other night.

Then I was snapped out of my thoughts

"Hello can I please get two bottles of beer "

"Here you go"

Ignoring the man I just continued to work.

However I could still feel his cold stare piercing into my soul.

When Kevin suddenly walked up and asked for a beer while sitting there and talking to me as I worked.

Kevin works as the DJ and is exceedingly talented.

When his break was over he leaned into my ear and whispered some seductive words.

I couldn't help but smirk even so my smirk immediately faded as I became aware of the cold stare and I couldn't help but gulp.

"Spirytus vodka two glasses"

I deep voice suddenly ordered it was the man.

"Coming right up" I responded as I quickly assembled the drink and walked over to him.

"Here you go sir" i spoke avoiding his stare.

"Drink with me" he replied

I was no fool this type of vodka was very strong and even if I had a high resistance to alcohol I was not going to take my chances.

"We don't drink while on duty" I replied

"I wasn't asking" he responded in a cold dangerous voice.

Just drink it and leave Ro you can do it and that's what I did.

"Another two" he ordered

And the same thing happened until I was on my third glass and I was afraid if I had another glasses I would not be able to contain myself.

"Sir I think that's enough"

"I will tell you when it's enough"

"What can I do to make you leave me alone"

"Drink one more glass and I will leave you alone for now"he replied and out of desperation I drank it.

What a mistake it was if only I could go back in time.

However we don't control time.


Author's note

Hey lovely people thanks for reading my story however I would like to make it clear that I am not a writer and am just doing this for the sake of trying something new.

If you have any suggestions, complaints or comments feel free to share.

Ok thank bye♡

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