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First Luv

Who said library loves are cliche. I wrote this when I was around 13-14 I know there's a lot of mistakes and such but please enjoy.

Chapter 1 Fall

Taehyung was once again stood up by his date, and unfortunately, this isn't the first time he was stood up.

Pushing his lips together in disappointment for he once again he thought. This one was different, but it turns out he was wrong again.

Shuffling his feet Taehyung was debating on whether to stay five more minutes. Just to make sure he wasn't stood up or to just leave and go back to his shared apartment.

Where his best friend, Jimin is waiting to tell him "I told you so"

Breathing out a sigh Taehyung started making his way towards the bus stop quickly. Seeing as it also drops two or six degrees as he was waiting for his date, Sungjae.

His eyes widened when seeing the bus pulled up with quick thinking. He started shouting waving his hands helplessly in the air till he successfully got on.

Smiling sheepishly at the bus driver as he quickly dug for some change, cheeks heating up in embarrassment as well.

When finally finding the much-needed money he quickly pays ignoring the complaints of others behind him.

Sitting down at an open spot he glazes out the window to see what was supposed to be. His date leaving with another boy laughing, and being intimate.

His shoulders sag as his doe eyes begin to tear up unlocking his phone. Taehyung didn't waste time deleting Sungjae's number from his contacts.

Placing his head softly against the glass window he hums to himself. Keeping his tears at bay eyes darting to the front of the bus curiously as the bus had made another stop.

Where five guys stepped on loudly laughing and joking around making. Taehyung smile to himself at the happiness of others.

Besides the somewhat loudness of the five boys it was quiet, that is until Taehyung's phone started ringing loudly.

He didn't realize at first far too out from the world in his thoughts. And daydreams of the date going better with Sungjae and him.

Until he felt the angry stares on him, he snapped out of his daze. Eyes widening the size of dinner plates when realizing it was his phone ringing.

He bows apologizing to those around him while quickly answering the nonstop ringing phone.

"Hello?" Taehyung's deep voice asked making some stare. Not expecting it to come out from such a lanky boy.

"Taehyung it's me Jae, I was calling to say sorry I was caught up and forgot about our...date" Sungjae apologized hesitant clear as he said that one word.

Making the brunet's posture slouch as his brown eyes weld with tears. Glancing down to stare at his feet, dangling freely off of the high seat.

"I-Uh understand but to make it easier on us Hyung please don't call me back and I'll do the same" Taehyung murmured before he hung up leaning back into his seat glancing out the window.

Noting mentally he's close to his apartment, blinking back tears rapidly he pulled the string to stop the bus.

Carefully standing up to make his way to the front. When he finally got off the bus was when the tears soon make their way down his cheeks.

As he ran inside the apartment building head down. Fast walking to his place and fumbling with his keys to unlock the door.

Taehyung jumped face first onto the couch letting. His tears out in the comfort of his own home

"Tae? Is that you!" Jimin shouted from his room scared by the sound of the front door slamming shut.

Especially when not getting a response Jimin sighed. Already figuring out what happened as he walked to the living room. Spotting his best friend crying his eyes out. Once again.

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