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The Lancaster Mansion

The Lancaster Mansion



A family moves into a new mansion with the hope of settling in and building a healthy happy family. Unknown to them of the darkness that lives inside the house, the house with a dark history of mysterious deaths now harbor this family Their daughter begins to see the manifestation of the forces in the house and decided to keep it to herself unknown to her that her mother is going through the same thing. will they leave the house? or become part of its history

Chapter 1 Moving In

The sun was out and shining brightly, birds chirping and flying from one tree to another, the neighborhood is quiet but kids were seen riding their little bicycles around and chuckling as their dogs ran alongside their bike

" I'm really going to miss it here" Winnie sighed as she stared at the kids from her room window, "I hear that" Blake, her brother walked into her room and she turned slightly to see him as his brown boots hurt the wooden floor of the room.

"You, miss it here?" Winnie scoffed, "of course I will, I mean the chicks, the late night drinking with friends, the girl next door" he smirked and put his hands in his pockets, "Courtney?, c'mon you know she can never fall for a douche bag like you" Winnie laughed and Blake rolled his eyes, "I will assume that is a compliment, and I mean who wouldn't fall for this boyish charm right here" he flattered himself and turn around slowly checking himself out,

"Winnie!, Blake!, keep packing your stuff, the bus will be here in 10 mins" Jane, their mom yelled from downstairs

"almost done mom! Winnie yelled back, "okay charmer get out, I need to finish packing" Winnie folded her arms and turned to Blake "what is even here to pack, your lesbian magazines?" he laughed and stuck out his tongue at her, she rolled her eyes "says the guy who's had some things up his ass" she folded her arms and smirked, he gave her a middle finger sign and walked out.

Winnie laughed and turned to open her closet, she finished packing and her phone rang, "hey girl" she smiled

"Is it really true you are moving?" the voice asked on the phone

"Yeah, in about 7 mins we would be on our way" she checked her wristwatch

"Oh" the voice sounded disappointed

"c'mon, we won't be so far away; we can still hang out and stuff" Winnie bit her lower lip

"Okay okay, just text me when you've settled, bye." The voice said

"Okay, bye" Winnie hung up and sighed, then walked up to the window to see a bus pulling up at their front door

"The bus is here, start bringing your boxes down kids" Jane yelled as she swiped a carton off the kitchen counter, "good morning Jerry" she smiled as she opened the door for the bus driver, "morning ma'am" the middle aged man, smiled as he collected the carton from her and placed it into the bus, he brought out a trolley to push out more cartons from the house,

"Don't forget to grab Gary" Henry, their dad yelled as he handed out more cartons

"Blake, grab Gary" Winnie yelled as she ran down the stairs with a little carton, with her name tagged on it, "hurry up grab some more" her mom collected the carton from her and placed it on the trolley and she ran back upstairs

Blake came down the stairs with two suitcases, "two suitcases?" his mom arched a brow, "what do you expect, I'm a man" he smiled and his mom let out a little laugh, he then quickly rushed to grab their dog from the backyard

While Winnie came down with two suitcases, "dad help me with this, while I grab the last carton in my room" she said ,"sure thing sweetie" Henry went up and reached up to carry the suitcases and she quickly grabbed the last carton in her room, Jerry fully loaded the bus, Winnie came downstairs and Blake came out the back, carrying Gary, their dog, "okay, are we fully ready? , no one forgot anything?" their mom asked and they nodded negatively, "alright then" she smiled and they walked out of the house.

"okay jerry, we're ready" Henry said and gave jerry a thumbs up, jerry nodded and reversed, " get in the car kids" Henry said as he unlocked the car doors, they got in and Henry got in the front seat, he reversed and started driving.

Winnie kept staring at the window and Blake was on his phone, "you kids will love our new home" their mom said excitedly from the passenger's seat but the kids didn't respond, "you guys aren't excited?" she turned her head to look at them, Winnie sighed, "what do you expect mum?, we're leaving the house we grew up in" she rested her head on the window

"I know honey, but sometimes change is good too, and we won't be so far away, you can always come around to see your friends or invite them over" she turned back

"And besides, don't you want to see more views and meet more people?" their dad asked as he drove slowly because of the bump in front

"Sounds like a lot of work" Winnie pouted "seem cool" Blake answered, still on his phone

"c'mon Winnie, you always loved meeting new people don't you like that anymore" her dad looked at her from his front mirror but she was still leaning on the window, "I'm a teenager now dad" she leaned back on the chair

"And you Blake?" he asked, "huh?, oh, yeah I just, you know go with the flow and try to blend in" he shrugged and Henry nodded positively

"Just don't worry, you'll love this place" Jane smiled and Henry stopped the car as the bus parked in front of a big mansion

"We're here" Henry said and unbuckled his seat belt as he got down from the car, Winnie and Blake looked at each other before getting out of the car, and Gary got out too

The mansion is big, and the exteriors were painted in white and gold, "so? What do you think?" Jane smiled brightly, hoping to get a good reaction from her kids

"Uh, mom isn't this the Lancaster mansion?" Winnie seemed shocked, "yeah, you know the one with the news of a gruesome murder that happened years ago?" Blake arched a brow, Jane swallowed, "yeah" the kids sighed "but don't get disappointed yet, it happened 20 years ago, its fine now, you can see its renovated" she let out a nervous laugh and they both just stared at her

"C'mon guys, you are safe and your mom loves this house so why not just share in her excitement?" Henry put his arms around Blake's shoulder

"You guys realize a family was brutally murdered here, like brutally murdered" Winnie looked at their faces wondering why they still seemed excited

"Enough with the negative energy Winnie, let's go check it out" Jane said and grabbed Gary, they went in leaving Winnie outside, who was still staring at the house, she finally let out a breath and walked in.

"Sick!" Blake said in excitement as they checked the interiors of the house, Golden pillars, the smell of freshly painted walls could be perceived, the passage was wide, there were enough rooms in the house, enough to accommodate 5 guests, they walked to the back of the mansion

"a swimming pool?" Blake jumped excitedly, "told you guys, you'd like it" Jane chuckled and dropped Gary, Winnie just stood with folded arms, watching as her family were soaking in as much excitement as they could for this new house, "Winnie, look, we could even have a pool party here" Blake yelled excitedly and Winnie smiled and walked back into the house

"Okay jerry, you can start offloading now" Henry yelled as he walked back into the house.

Winnie was having her own little tour of the house as she kept peeping from the big living room to the kitchen; she slowly climbed up the stairs, and opened the door to one of the rooms.

It was painted in pink; there was a big bed with floral patterned bedspread, a butterfly wallpaper and a big sticker that says "Girl power" by the bedside, she opened a wardrobe and saw a small girl doll in a white and red polka dot dress with a big ribbon on her hair, she picked it up and touched the face, she dropped the doll as she heard footsteps coming to into the room.

"This was their daughter's room" Winnie said and turned to see her mom standing by the door

"honey" Jane walked close to Winnie and touched her hair, "my baby girl, don't be too bent on the past, focus on the present and the future, the reason we bought this house is so you kids can have enough space, aren't you tired of being cramped up in the same space since you were little? It's a big move towards the future, why not live in the moment honey" Jane rubbed Winnie's shoulders and Winnie sat on the bed, "we had a lot of good memories there mom" Winnie played with her ring and Jane sat beside her, "I know that house has a lot of sentimental values to you, but a house doesn't give you happy memories, a happy family does. So cheer up honey and I promise we'll be happy here" Jane kissed her forehead and Winnie let out a little smile before Jane walked out of the room.

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