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Flames Of Hate and retribution

Flames Of Hate and retribution



Christopher Hayden a once proud soldier betrayed by the world and kingdom he swore to serve, has been struggling to survive a world he is no longer familiar with. By pure chance he rescues the princess of his former enemy Sarah Everheart who is fleeing from a marriage she does not wish for. Desperate she requests Christopher's aid. Unaware of the debt she has taken on, Christopher pushes forward driven by two things. His feelings for his loved ones, and his unquenchable thirst for revenge against those responsible. Is he a curse? A savior? A hero done wrong? The one fact is he is will bring the world to it's knees and watch it burn to deliver his hate and retribution while paving a path for the princess. A story that will bring happiness and sadness while bringing many mythical beings to life. Vampires, werewolves, spirits, elves and more. Will hate consume the once noble soul or can love bring him back from the brink? Just would like to take a moment to thank any of you who read this. Please feel free to leave a review or comment. I hope you all enjoy it, and be gentle with the criticism =)

Chapter 1 Intro Chapter 1

My day.. Let me tell you something about my day, It began like any other, which is to say bad, hell I'd go as far as to say miserable.

Since the start of the day I was harassed, Walked in on some shit I didn't even care about, had some people try to kill me, and had a stray forced into my care... Today began as a miserable day, now that the day is over... god it has been a good day.

Earlier in the morning.

"Remember today not only are we celebrating the end of the war that has allowed our great nation to flourish, we will also be feasting to celebrate the great union between our Prince Halbert whom is the pride of our nation and the Emperor's daughter Princess Sarah Everheart" yelled a cryer from atop the podium competeing with the sounds of the market.

'Yes yes we get the message. I'm amazed he still has his voice'. The young man thought to himself. 'The poor stooge has been up there for the past week' announcing the same thing and giving updates on progress of the preparations.

"Chris have you been listening to anything i just said to you ?"

The young man Christopher Hayden snapped back to reality looking to one of his few friends Ms.Angela Vicard who was the daughter of a rich merchant, although what their family deals in has always been a mystery to him, any time he tried to inquire she would always have a vague answer such as oh we always try to supply whatever needs our clients have. he knew her family supplied things as simple as cooking supplys to having order contracts with the military.

"Cut me some slack Angela it's already been a long enough morning." He was completley exasperated having just finished their morning classes at the military institute they attend together.

"You kind of brought that on yourself. The instructor was pissed. Im not saying you should have paid attention to the lessons necesarily, but would it really kill you to atleast pretend to pay attention, hell atleast keep your eyes open just to humor the man. Never know maybe he would even cut you some slack if you didn't do this to him every day." She rolled her eyes thinking back to their class. "It's Not like I wish to hear it again either but Sometines it doesn't hurt to play along."

"Come on it was a lecture about the war. its a story that even the poorest and uneducated know! Why the hell should we actually dedicate an entire day listening to the same story that all of us have had forced down our throat repeatedly over the past year! The story is bull shit anyways."

"You always say it's a lie no matter how many times you're yelled at for it."

"Calling bullshit anything other than bullshit, is bullshit."


SMACK. Chris could only help but hold the back of his head. When this girl brought down the hammer boy did it hurt.

What Christopher was refering the the war that had come to an end two years ago between the Eternal Empire and the kingdom of Albrael. The war had lasted for 3 years. Shortly after the initial invasion the fighting came to a deadlock, a kingdom everyone believed would surrender within 6 months held out far longer than any could have anticipated. Do to the efforts of Albraels army and more so their Black Guard division, whom the empire came to respect their advisary. They had said they fought with the ferocity of a cornered pack of wolves, and these wolves always would bite back. The Empire approached the king offering him terms, become a loyal vassel and answer when called upon. In return the king, and all his subjects would be allowed to keep their status, and lands without fear so long as they paid their taxes and maintained control they would be allowed to govern themselves. King Robert Velen chose to accept the terms of Emperor Aldous Everheart to spare their two nations any more blood shed. Both Sides called for celebration happy to return to their normal lives and families, Although some refused their kings orders. Outraged by the king's decision Havoc led the Black Guard division in a failed attempt to murder the king, take control of the counry and stop the surrender.

To The Black guard accepting this was simply becoming a slave to another nation. Although before they could folliow through with their plans, the king discovered them. Prince Halbert led a large force of the regular army to stop and prevent the murder of his father. After Havoc's failure The Black Guard was purged there were rumors of some of the soliders escaping but they were hunted, disgraced, and could be said to be a taboo or curse to most of the populace. Once the hero's of their nation now were hunted by the very people who upheld them.

The dead had no voice to tell their story. The only voices to speak up were ones to condemn the dead.

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