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Irresistible Charms

Irresistible Charms

Anna Belle


Eden Williams, known as America's Sweetheart, her fame as an actress rose for her undeniable charm to attract fans. But not to Jonathan Martin who she has been in love with for a long time, this man was hard as stone who only treated women like garbage and plaything. The more Eden know him, the more she was upset...but why I still want to marry this man?

Chapter 1 Prologue

"M-Ma'am?" Sylvia got up from her seat as soon as she saw me.

I smiled and say 'hello' to the employee who was shocked and surprised to see me. It's my first time coming to Wade's office. Only Sylvia knows that I am her boss girlfriend. If only it were not important that I need to speak to Wade, I have no plans to come here.

I know, I was the one who asks Wade to keep our relationship a secret. Not until my parents told me that they were planning to announce my engagement to the son of our company's business partner. I have no idea, who is this man I was going to marry. I've never seen his face ever since but our marriage was already planned before that I can even say "No" I don't want to marry if there's no love between us.

I take off my shades first, before I ask her, "Is Wade in his office?"

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Sylvia look tenses and couldn't even look directly at me. "I tell to Sir. Wade, that you are h-here ma'am." She was trembling while reaching the receiver that connects to her boss, But I stop her.

"I'll just go to his office," I firmly said.

"B-but S-Sir Wade..."

I ignored her and went straight to Wade's office.


When I opened the door. Suddenly I stiffened and could not move for a moment

What the hell I am seeing now?!

I saw my boyfriend, who was not sitting alone; someone was sitting on his lap, his chair was moved so I can see everything that his hand was now entering into the woman's skirt while his other hand was touching inside the blouse. They were kissing and moaning while caressing each other like horny rabbits.

My mind seems didn't want to accept the reality. That Wade was touching another woman in front of my eyes.

I couldn't open my mouth when I tried. I thought he'll change, so I didn't listen to Lyndsey when she said that I should avoid someone like Wade Spencer who was capable of playing a woman's heart.

Damn it!

No wonder I didn't even receive a short reply from him when I said that I was going to visit him in his office.

My chest felt tight, only then I realized that I was holding my breath. The woman whispering and moaning disturbed my ears. For a moment I didn't say anything and run as fast as I can. I heard Sylvia calling me.

But I was determined to get out of this place. I cried so hard when I enter the elevator and press the ground floor. I don't care if someone sees me in this state. My hands were shaking while pulling my hair.

When I finally got out of the building. I let out several sighs.

Suddenly, someone called me and grabbed me by the shoulder. I turned around and we are now facing each other.

"W-who are you?" I said while trembling.

He fixed some of my hair that covering my face. I looked up in surprise and the man looks at me, I was speechless for a moment.

Who is this man?

He takes off his suit to cover my shaking body. He was tall and well built that I didn't even reach to his shoulder.

He hugged me in my surprise.


The way he called my name it seems that he knows me.

When I smell his perfume that mixed with his natural manly scent. I suddenly felt relieved that all I wanted to do was to stay in his arms.

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