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What happened five years ago in the life of a beautiful and innocent innocent girl but have to live her life in secret In darkness that leaves her life but no one knows that she's excited

Chapter 1 Introduction

Isabella's POV

This has been my life after what happened five years ago I'm not a social person naturally but I'm not an awkward person I'm not a nerd but I love reading it helps me to escape the reality of life it helps me to leave to be where I think nothing on Earth can hurt me I help me to be those places I want to be in this world buwhat happoned 5 years ago changed my life it was on a Sunday afternoon when unknown faces entered our home they passed the whole security they were able to passed with out being notice I don't know their deal with my father but all In know is that they took us unawares my elder brother who loves me so much that used to call me his doll he said that I look like a doll that the prettiest doll , he saved me he put his life is at stake he lost his life just because of me that was the day Isabella Nelly Franco died to outside my parents lost their two children that they only few of my father's men know that I'm still alive not all the servants at home have ever see my real face the only see the girl in hoodie I live for my brother I live to accomplish what he would have accomplished if he was a life he sacrificed his life to save mine if he was alive he would have turn 17 today but I'll still cut the cake celebrate in his name because to me my brother still lives and I still love Marco Kelvin Franco and I live for you Marco

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