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A freezing day in hell

A freezing day in hell

Ogechi Osuji


Elena Matthews has spent the better part of her life trying to please a man who couldn't be bothered by her presence in life. All scales fall from her eyes when her father gives away her inheritance to a man and forces her to marry him. Elena goes through tough tide as she tries to discover herself, her purpose and the fiture for her and the little bun in her oven.

Chapter 1 A friend

"Bye honey, have a nice day at school, okay?"

I completely ignored him as I took my car keys off the hook and headed off to school. My name is Amanda Josephine Brown and this is the story of my life.

I am seventeen years of age, an only child who lives with her dad Henry, and his evil wife, Ashley. I lost my mom when I was seven and since then I have completely hated my dad, you know why?

Because he killed her!!!

I can't wait to move out of his house so I can set my plan in motion. I was going to make him pay, I was going to make them both pay. They don't get to be happy when my mother's body is cold in the ground. They don't get to move on. I pulled up into the school's parking space and saw a new car parked there.

"New student, nice"

I got out of the car and made my way into the school, crowding the hallway was of course the popular girls aka the mean girls, aka their life sucks so they make others suck as well, aka prey on the weak girls. They gave me dirty looks but they knew not to mess with me, let's just say I might have taught them a thing or ten. With end results been the principal's office and a few broken bones on their end, since then they knew not to mess with me since my head is already pretty messed up.

I got to my locker and picked out the books I'd be needing for the day, as I slammed my locker shut I saw a sight I never want to see. A girl been bullied.

Now, on a normal day I would have just walked away but something about the girl made me keep looking. She looked insecure, she looked scared, she looked like she's had her ass kicked so many times she didn't know life without it. That girl was me a few years back and everyday I wished there had been someone to teach me to kick ass right back, it remains quite unfortunate that I had to learn that on my own.

I still have a few scars to show for my 'lessons'

Before I could stop myself- not that I wanted to- I made my way over to the group and grabbed the 'ring leader' by her fake blonde hair and yanked hard, she screamed and fell to the ground. You honestly don't want someone with a high pitched voice screaming so loud so close to your ear.

"What the fuck you bitch!!!"

I helped the girl stand as Astrid's girls help her do the same.

"Oh shut it, Astrid. Now let me make some things clear, you see this pretty lady, none of you little fuckers is allowed to lay a manicured finger on her. Okay?"

Astrid began to argue but I gave her one of my signature 'you don't want to start with me' looks.

"C'mon girls, lets go"

Astrid huffed and puffed all the way until she disappeared into her classroom.

"Thanks a lot"

I turned and took a proper look at the girl. She couldn't have been more than 5'5, seeing as I was only a few inches taller at 5'7. She was brown skinned, so my guess is she's Latino, and she was quite beautiful too. Her braces and her glasses only made her beautiful in a nerdy way. The perfect victim for Astrid and her minions.

"Its not a problem. I'm Amanda, what's your name?"

"Maya. Maya Santiago."

"Nice to meet you Maya..."

Just then the bell rang signalling the beginning of lectures. I don't exactly care for the bell but I don't think miss goody two shoes here would be too happy with skipping classes.

"We better go..."

As we walked, we compared timetables. Turns out we're stuck together throughout the whole semester.

The classes were kind of boring, scratch that, classes are always boring but somehow Maya was in her element in all our classes. Making smart comments, asking smart questions, making smart observations, you know, your regular nerd stuff. I could tell she was going to be a straight A student, as for me, I just wanted to fucking graduate. Its not like I'm going to be making use of my diploma anyway.

Finally, it was time for our lunch break. On our way to the cafeteria and through half of our lunch, all Maya talked about was the relativity theory or something that sounded like that. As she spoke, naturally I got increasingly bored until the best idea came to me. Why not a little trade by batter?

"Hey Maya?"


"Today...was it the first time you've been bullied?"

That was more than enough to kill her mood. "No, it happened a lot at my old school. That was why I had to transfer here, its like bad luck follows me everywhere..."

I could feel the waterworks coming and that was not where I envisioned this going at all.

"Hey, look at me. What if I tell you that it won't ever have to happen again?"

Her face lit up immediately like I just gave her a million dollars.

"You'll always protect me?"

Okay, that was so so far from the actual plan.

"No, I will teach you to protect yourself from them mean girls. And in exchange, you see to it that I don't suck as much in Academics. What do you say?"

She seemed to think about it for a while, then she nodded her head slowly.

"Okay, but I got one question."

"Which is?"

"Am I going to get hurt during this training?"

Of course you're gonna get hurt sweetie. You don't enter a river and expect not to get wet. I smiled my best fake smile at her.

"Of course not honey."

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