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Finally getting married........ Who is he? Meet Sophia a young lady getting married after three months of meeting a strange cute wealthy young man Who kind of man is he? "I really don't know. I just really need to be his wife" Find out the secret behind every move

Chapter 1 My wedding Night

My Wedding Night......01

story by BoluwaTIFE oluseun

Episode 01

"Am so Happy for you Sophia, finally getting married to him? I actually can't believe it " Ana said and gasp while we all laugh out

"But Sophia, Don't you think it too early to get married to him, you guys just met in a month, why would you agreed on getting married to him now, it just too fast, don't tell me you are actually after his.....

"just stop there Linda, Why would you said am actually after his money, I hate that Linda, I told you am madly in love with him, I love him Linda and since he wanted to marry me, why wouldn't I agree, Don't spoil my mood please" I said and hiss

"Am sorry Sophia, I don't mean to offend you but I really need to confirm somethings Bes, And you know what I bought you this " she said and giggi bringing out a short transparent nightwear

"OMG Linda!!! I exclaim and quickly snatch it from her before mom sees it

"yeah, I want you to make him go crazy tomorrow night, I want him to see your damn crazy curve" she said with a wince before we a burst into laughter

"I can't even imagine him on me, am going crazy Bes, am just too happy"

just make him go crazy girl " Ana added and shout out while we both Join her

"shh....you are making noise girls, stop talking and prepare for tomorrow " mom said entering my room with some stuff

"we are sorry aunt " they both chorus as mom headed out

"I can't believe I will be the bridesmaid tomorrow " Linda said and shout out again while Ana bought out a wine

" ohh no no, you know a bride shouldn't drink ", , But I think you gonna break that rule" Ana said forcing the wine into my mouth.

My wedding night....... "I do " Xander said after the priest finish whatever he was reading

"I do " I mutter also with my eye lock with his. He is just too cute

OMG I haven't introduce myself, Then that would be later guys, I swear I love this guy

"You may kiss the bride " I finally hear what have been waiting for

He place his soft lips gently on mine. so sweet like a berry

"Bye Sophia, enjoy your self and don't forget all what we taught you, use it wisely" Linda whisper into my ears while Ana nod in agreement with her. I smile and wave at them before our car drove off


I stare at the sky as the cold breeze into my hair, I turn and look at him, he is busy on phone.

"we will soon be there " He assured as if he is reading my mind, Am just so bored

I felt a slight touch on my skin, I opened my eye slowly, OMG I actually slept off.

"we are home" I heard his voice

I nod and a maid open the car door, I get down slowly with my long gown behind me

"wow!! I exclaim as I face the large mansion, so pretty. Everything is just in white colour, everywhere is decorated. He is really wealthy but I don't care about his money, I love him

" let go in " he said and grab my hand slowly while my body react to his touch. Another maid open the Glass door with a remote, I gasp quietly, It looks so cool and cute, even the inner decorations are so nice, I know it cost quite a fortune.

All the room were also decorated. I sat on the big sized white bed decorated with red roses

"I think.....

"Sorry, I have to pick this call please" he said cutting me off and headed out

And that is the only problem, always busy especially with his white phone.

"Ma'am, Boss said I should pass you your lunch " I heard a maid voice from outside

"You can come in " I said and the door open slowly revealing a lady of around 30

"why are you still with this cloth ma'am, Your new set of clothes is in the closet or should I pass you one? She asked in a shaking voice

" Don't worry, am okay like this"

"please ma'am try to eat and change your cloth, I don't want Sir punishment " she added while I reply with a nod

"where is he?

"Who? she reask me and I felt Abit angry but I just ignore her

"Xander "

"He is out, but am sure he will be back soon, just eat before his arrival" she reply and headed out

"I felt just as a prisoner here but that because am here for the first time. I swear I miss my friend. I can't even switched on my phone because I know they gonna call and ask stupid questions. I got up and walk round the room. I later stop at the window and stare outside, it looks beautiful and cool. I sat back on the bed and brought out the nightwear Linda gave me, I smile at it as I remember all what those stupid girls taught me.


I yarned and sit properly, I check the time it already 10pm and he is not yet back. Another plate of meal has been placed inreplace of the one I didn't bother to touch .I was still starring at it when I heard a phone vibration. it can't be mine because it already off. I stood up and search for the vibrating phone which I later find on the Coach, it actually for Xander. I took it and start operating it since am bored. My hand begin to shivers after I mistakenly open a message that just peeps in. oh goodness, I can't believe my eye, am I hallucinating or what. The phone slip down from my hand and land successful on the bed

The door open widely revealing Xander who reeks of alcohol

"Where have you been" I said slowly trying to hide the phone

"My friend organize a party for me " he said in a drunk manner and start coming straight on the bed. he dumped himself on the bed making me to shivers

"oops.... sorry aunty" he said standing up and headed to the coach

"Don't worry I will sleep here tonight" he added lying down

"Can't we... sleep together? I asked

But to my biggest surprise, I start hearing his soft pleasant snore

Everything happening is just too Surprising, is this really the man I got married to??? is he really the popular everyone fears


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