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Devil in disguise

Devil in disguise



Signora, a billionaire who has had her fair share of heartbreaks over the years has been single for quite a long time, due to becoming rich and setting high standards which regular men could not meet, she had been alone for years until she met Raymond, trying to use her financial muscles to manipulate him into marrying her and succeeded but little did she know, he was the devil in disguise

Chapter 1 Episode 1

"For better for worse, in sickness and in health until death do us part"

I said these words and slid the diamond ring into Raymond's ring finger, the feeling was ecstatic, I could not believe I was finally going to be his wife after we dated for so long, yes this was really happening and I was not dreaming despite it been exactly as I dreamt it would be.

I present to you the latest couples in town Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bolton. They crowd cheered on as the priest announced us as the latest couple in town, it was all smiles as my handsome husband held my hand and then the priest handed my marriage certificate to me.

My heart leaped with joy as I stretched out my marriage certificate to the church amidst cheers and screams from friends and well wishers.

"You may Kiss your bride"

The priest said to Raymond.

I lowered my head shyly as Raymond shifted close to me and blushed his lips on mine in a light kiss.

The choir sang a song, I've never heard before it was on from Africa, titled Duduke.

I held Raymond hand and gently lead the way out of the church with our wedding trains following behind.

The reception followed at the stables center an hour later, I had spent so much money and I was satisfied that my wedding turned out elaborate and classy to my taste.

Immediately after the wedding reception, Raymond excused himself to make a call.

I thought to myself

What's so urgent about the call

"Wait until we leave here"

I said sweetly with a smile.

"I will be back in a minute baby" Raymond replied and gave me a peck before running off.

I watched him walk out of the hall feeling like I was married to the most handsome man in the world.

Friends and well wishers came up the podium to snap pictures with me, I was all smiles receiving kind wishes and hugs. I repeatedly told people that asked of Raymond that he was on an important call but I felt uncomfortable snapping with them alone without Raymond standing beside me.

"Please Lucy do you mind helping call Raymond to come back inside"

I whispered to my chief bridesmaid.

Lucy nodded and rushed out of the hall with her stilettos making loud sounds.

I fixed Lucy a worried glare when she came back minutes later without Raymond.

"Where is he?"

I asked and almost pushed a teenage girl that was standing on the podium dancing to the Fuji love music the DJ played.

"He is nowhere to be found. I've searched everywhere"

Lucy said with a frown, I could tell she was pretty exhausted from the search.

"But he told me he wants to make a call. Where has he gone?"

I asked curiously as I searched everywhere with my eyes but all to no avail

"I don't know" Lucy replied.

"Anyone seen Raymond?"

I asked the groomsmen.

I exhaled and grabbed my wedding gown when they all shook their heads.

"Control yourself before people will notice and talks will go round. I will take you to the car and then call all the bridesmaids and we get out of here. Groomsmen will unwrap the wedding gifts"

Lucy said soothingly.

I nodded in agreement

"Calm down and smile for the camera"

Lucy commanded.

I feigned a smile, waved to my guests and walked out of the hall followed by Lucy.

"I want to go home with my husband"

I screamed and refuse to enter my car.

"We will find him for you"

Bella replied.

"Let's go home everything will be settled"

Jeremy added

"What If Raymond is in trouble?"

I asked.

"Put yourself together Nora, It will be sorted out"

Jeremy said gently pulling me to enter the car.

I reluctantly entered into the car.

My friends heaved in relieve and got in with me.

"Take us to her house"

Lucy said to my driver.

I was restless throughout the ride back home.

Immediately the driver drove into my mansion and parked, I jumped down from the car.

I threw myself on the ground spreading my legs wide apart.

Where is my husband? I sobbed.

"Respect your wedding gown girl and get up from there, it cost a fortune to get it for you"

Jeremy screamed at me. Looking at me like one spilt little brat

I could feel the anger in her voice, he wasn't pleased with my inability to hold myself.

"Don't talk to her like that, if you were in her shoe you would have done worse"

Lucy nagged at Jeremy.

"Imagine a wedding gown imported from Paris, I know all we went through just to get Christan Dior make that gown"

Jeremy sighed.

"So you care about the gown more than the missing man?"

Lucy asked.

"Allow me to die before you bury me"

Jeremy replied and hissed at Lucy

"I have strange feelings abou Raymond, he is pretty shady"

Lucy said.

"You have never liked him from the day Nora introduced him to us you have been talking about strange feelings"

Jeremy replied.

"I still don't like him and I'm still having weird feelings"

Lucy retorted.

"Go and get your own man"

Bella said.

Lucy ignored Bella cause there were more pressing issues at hand and starting a little fight here would not be the best move but she will be back for this fight but not just here and now

"What kind of a man leaves his wife inside the reception hall immediately after his wedding? Isn't he supposed to leave the reception hall with her?"

Lucy asked.

"He is a man, he might have had an emergency and rushed there"

Jeremy defended his friend.

"What happened with informing your wife that you have an emergency?"

Lucy continue laying pressure

"Jealousy is the first step to becoming a witch"

Bella mocked.

This was the second time Bella had attacked Lucy today on a normal day, a stand off would be the next occurring event but prior to the wedding Nora made her promise not to do anything irrational and always be at her best behavior and this was her honoring that promise

"I'm not jealous. I feel weird about that Raymond


"Enough" Jeremy interrupted Lucy.

"Please Nora, you have nothing to worry about your husband is fine. Let me call him"

Jeremy said and brought out his phone.

I watched restlessly as he called my husband..

Then it hit me

"What if he has been kidnapped?"

I said out loud with desperation in my eyes

"We should probably inform the police"

Lucy added

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