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"ROMERO AKIRA = ROMIRA" Romira, A tale of a broken girl and a damaged boy. Akira Ray, a good girl, she is a straight 'A' student, away from violence and is preparing herself for tough college years, but what she hasn't prepared herself for is Romero King. He is bad news. He is everything she is not. But when magnetic sparks are impossible to deny, she doesn't know what her future holds anymore. "My life stumbled down with just one look from him. My world went blank from just one of his kiss. And I knew, I could never be same again, I knew I had to face many more heartache. "But what I didn't know that at the end he would be worth my everything." **************** Copyright ©akankshajais123. All right reserved.

Chapter 1 One



It is my first step toward my dream. Away from my home, Kent. I have been waiting for this day as long I can remember. My first day at Yale university. I'm so so excited that I can't even begin to express it.

My major is decided from start and I'd be majoring from arts. Art is my passion and my escape. I'm going to do my best to make my dream come alive. Since I'm here on scholarship, we don't have the money that could get me admission in Yale, I'm going to use every bit of it.

Grandma always says that my parents would be proud of me. I can only hope, wherever my mummy and daddy are, they can see me, and see that I'm following the path they dreamed for me.

I miss you mummy, daddy.

And I miss you too, Jake.

Come on Ira lets do it!

"Holy shit, this place is huge." My best friend Logan exclaims, whistling.

I grin, "I know."

"You are so going to rock, I tell you."

I turn to him, feeling a lump in my throat as I stare him. Logan is a next-door type of boy with dirty blond hair and soft amber eye. I've known him almost half of my life. He has been there for me during every high and low.

Oh, I'm gonna miss him.

"Logan, I love you, you know that right?"

"Yeah yeah." He waves his hand, dismissing me, but I see his eyes turning soft.

"Hey, you were supposed to say it back, " I fire at him.

"When pigs will fly, love." He mocks back.

I smack his head narrowing my eyes as I walk past him, glancing around. It really is beautiful here and so huge that I could easily get lost here. The campus is splendid from every corner.

"Come on, lets find my dorm room. I wonder how my roommate would be like, I don't want any wild or party type girl though. You know me and my obsession with clean and organized place, Logan?"

I notice that he hasn't interrupted me while I was speaking about my habit. He loves to make fun of it, knowing how much it irritates me. When he still doesn't reply, I turn around and only to find him missing.

Where the hell is he?

Looking around the crowd for him I return to same path, sensing my rising panic. Just as I turn at a corner, an abrupt collide to someone has my eyes shut tightly.

A sudden shock of awareness shoots through my body as I feel someone's hard arm around my waist to steady me. I gasp slightly at its intensity and unfamiliarity but before I can even open my eyes, its gone. Confused, I frown looking about, when I move to spin around to see the mysterious stranger, my eyes lock with a grinning figure of Logan.

Irritated and distracted from earlier encounter, I approach him with a angry scowl. I see his mouth wide open as he gawks the football players. I know what is he thinking and the thought tightens my gut painfully. Ever since his knee injury he is prohibited to play football. He would never admit it but I know how much he misses playing. It had been his life for time being until Bella came along.

Gazing around I catch a group of girls standing by the players, eying them and an idea pops in my head. Looking back at Logan, I pinch his arm to gain his attention.

"Ow!" He winces grabbing his arm.

"What the hell do you think you're doing staring those girls?" I try to distract him.

At first he looks confused and glances at the girls. I know I succeed in averting his sad thoughts when a charming smile forms on his face, "I was just admiring them. Fuck, they are hot, like seriously mouth watering hot." He wolf whistles.

"You have a girlfriend, you idiot." I hiss as I try to appear angry.

His girlfriend Bella is a sweet and charming girl, well aside from her sex life descriptions. I don't even understand how she put up with him and his filthy mouth. Maybe people are right when they say, 'opposite attracts because only they can balance each other.' He loves her though, with everything he has. I sometimes wish to have what they both have but then I think not now, when the time is right.

There is no perfect time to fall in love.

Though I know the little voice is right, I ignore it effortlessly. I can't think about it now.

Logan's voice pulls me back, "So what? Having girlfriend doesn't mean I have to ignore any hot eye candy." He is lying. I know it and so does he.

I give up because there is no point of arguing him and there is no way I will win against him, not when he is going to use colourful words and imaginations from his brain. Surely not when both of us are arguing on a non existing matter.

"Alright, alright, can we please go and check my dorm room?" I ask irritably.

He glares me but doesn't say anything and starts walking. Once we are in front my dorm room. I release a sigh of relief as I open the door. Finally.

Oh my, This is big and elegant with historic touch. There is two different room in each side of this big room, I guess that is our room. There is small kitchen at side and two couch and TV. Everything is looking cozy and expensive but then again what did you expect from Yale.

"Fuck, its like dream coming true." He grins at me.

I am too busy in gaping, I almost forgot that he is still here. Awestruck, same as me.

Hope lots of hope, develops inside me.

"I know, " I wink back.

Then his face turns serious and I know what is coming.

"I know, I told you this before but I'm repeating it. No party, no drink, no boys, only study. This is what you came for and this is what you are going to concentrate on, you understand?" He says trying to be stern.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah mom, now you listen to me, you are going back home and you are going to take care of my grandma for me."

"You don't have to ask for it Ira, she is my grandma too. Now go inside and arrange your things, you freak."

My eyes water as I go to hug him, "I love you, Logan. Thank you for always being there for me."

He returns the hug and wrap his arms tightly around me, "I love you too babe. Take care and call me if you need anything and I mean anything."


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