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Harmonious Discord.

Harmonious Discord.



"What's fucking wrong with the name I gave you? You don't like it, Miss Goody Goody Pipsqueak?" He smirked. "No, I don't and I'd appreciate if you'd stop cursing in front of me," I replied impudently. He moved closer to me - so close that I could feel his breath on my face, "Does it make you uncomfortable?" He mumbled while looking straight into my eyes. "Yes." His lips curled into a slow smirk, "Too fucking bad." ........ Emma Goldberg lives a boring and dull life - there isn't any excitement in her life whatsoever. She works as an assistant at a small firm in Cleveland. Where else, her brother, Adam, knows how to enjoy his life - he's a music photographer and works with his best-friend/emerging-pop star - Cole Fitzgerald. They have a group of seven who mostly travels around together. When Emma accepts to work as Cole's assistant - she meets the most chaotic and recalcitrant people ever. Everyone was pretty good with her except for Roy Clarke, Cole's manager, who thinks that it was unnecessary to hire her. He makes her uncomfortable. He might be the most foul-mouthed, intolerant and discourteous man she ever met. And to make things more difficult for her, he calls her Miss Goody Goody Pipsqueak. They are like Harmony and Discord. Fire and Ice. Living and Dead. In short, they are completely opposite to each other. Where Emma needs a little excitement in her life - The group of seven needs discipline. In short, they need each other. What will happen when Emma and 'Pain in the ass' Roy meet? Will they able to help each other? Or will they make each other's life hell?

Chapter 1 Boring As Watching The Paint Dry.

My life is the same every day. I wake up early in the morning – go out for a jog, come back home, do breakfast, take shower and go to work – the same routine for the last two years. There is no excitement, no adventure in my life – the most adventurous thing I did in my twenty-six years of life is – going out at three in the morning to buy a milkshake. My life has been the same since I was a kid. With my mother and father always busy with work – struggling to pay bills and daily finances and my brother – who is always out with friends – my life got as exciting as watching the paint dry.

Where my life is as boring as a silent movie for a blind person – my brother is living his life to the fullest. He never misses a chance to have fun – to enjoy life. Right now, he is in Paris with his celebrity best friend – Cole. My brother, Adam is a music photographer while Cole is a rising singer. Cole and Adam know each other since they were in school. They always travel around with friends, which include, Roy – who is Cole's manager, Jake – who is the videographer, Liam and Rania – the disc-jockey duo and Margret, who's also a photographer. Adam and Cole met Jake and Roy in college while, the four met Liam, Rania, and Margret through social media four years ago.

Cole was into music since I can remember. He used to write songs and play guitar or piano instead of studying in school, and so was the case of my brother – he had the least interest in studies – he was either clicking pictures or out at the parties. While I was a pure nerd – always busy studying, trying to get good grades, and organizing my life – I was so overblown that I forgot how to live. I am an introvert who wanted to be an extrovert but, never got the chance – or got the chance but, never availed it.

I got lost in the way to impress my parents. They had huge expectations from my brother and, when Adam, failed them – they looked my way. I have always been their obedient daughter – I dedicated my life to impressing them – to showing them that I am a perfect daughter. Where Adam didn't care about anything anyone says to him – I cared – I cared way too much. While I have been busy impressing my parents, showing them how worthy their daughter is – I become a robot – a robot that only serves others and satisfies others' needs. In my twenty-six years of life, I never disappointed anyone but, myself.

"Emma." I heard my name being called. I lift my gaze to see my boss, Mr. William Hart, entering my office.

"Yes Sir?" I asked him and stood up while smoothing down my skirt.

Mr. Hart rested his hands on his hips while his forehead creased, "Emma, could you be a darling and please bring me lunch from across the street? My wife forgot to send me lunch – again." He asked me.

We both know that she didn't forget – she didn't send it on purpose. Maybe they had a fight or something – like always.

I sighed, "Sure, Sir. What would you like to eat?" I questioned him.

He shrugged, "Anything with beef in it." He said and handed me a twenty-dollar bill.

"Alright, Sir," I replied. He nodded and walked out of my office.

As soon as he walked away I sat back on the chair and blew out my cheeks. William Hart is a fifty-something-year-old man, who doesn't like me nor do I like him. Mr. Hart owns a small organization with his partner and I have been his assistant for the last two years. He is a useless and lazy man – who can't do anything right. I have my reasons to dislike him but, I don't know his. I am his assistant only because I am good at what I do and also because I can't find a better job.

Without wasting another second I got up and walked out of my cube to get my boss his lunch. Luckily the elevator's door opened just when I stopped in front of it. I and a few other similar faces stepped in and waited for our destination to come. Our office is on the third floor – I wouldn't have taken the elevator if I wasn't wearing a four inches heel. Heels – I hate wearing heels. It always makes me uncomfortable and not to forget – it hurts too.

Thankfully, it didn't take the elevator too long to stop at my destination. As the elevator's door slide opened few people including me stepped out. I walked out of the building when my cellphone started to ring. I took my cellphone out of my purse to see my brother calling me.

"Hello, dear brother. How are you?" I answered the phone while walking through the packed footpath.

"Hey, sister – I am good. How about you?" he asked lazily.

I shrugged, "Same old – same old." I replied at which he chuckled – he knows how boring my life is, "So? How is your first trip to Europe going?" I asked excitedly.

"It's amazing, really. Turns out our Cole is much more famous than we thought." He replied.

Cole Fitzgerald is a rising star – with his good looks and tremendous voice – he's already becoming quite famous. He has been working on music his whole life – after uploading almost dozens of his songs on YouTube with help of his friends – a production company approached him and offered him a chance of a lifetime. He has already released two songs under them and both were included in the top ten songs of last year.

"That's good!" I said while entering the café I usually eat my lunch at.

"Are you out somewhere?" he questioned – he must have heard the noise around me.

I sighed, "Yes, I am buying lunch for my boss." I answered, "Could you hold, please?" I asked my brother.

"Sure." He replied

I put the call on hold and ordered a chicken sandwich for myself while asking them to parcel a roasted beef sandwich for the boss.

I put the phone back on my ear. "Hey," I said.

"He's asking you to buy him lunch, again?" he asked almost immediately.

I chuckled, "Yes, again." I replied.

"He's a douche. Why are you even working for him?" He questioned.

Because, not everyone gets a chance like you, I thought but didn't say aloud. "Enough about me – tell me about you? How is everything?" I asked.

He sighed, "Everything's fine. It was more fun before. Now it's hectic." He replied tiredly.

I frowned, "Why is that?" I asked.

"I don't know – we have more responsibilities now and you know us. We are the party animals – we stay up late, party and drink all night – everything is so unorganized." He replied, "I miss my old life – I mean success is great but, we lack discipline." He added.

I chuckled, "Are you kidding me, Adam? I could seriously kill to live your life. I mean, just look at me – I follow my boss's instructions all day long. It's no fun in attending calls, maintaining the boss's calendar, filing cabinets, getting your boss lunch in these killer heels." I groaned – my feet were already sore. Adam laughed but, I ignored him. "Anyways, don't worry – everything will work out for you guys," I added.

There was no reply for a few seconds – honestly, I thought the call disconnected but, when I checked he was still on call. I frowned, "Hello, Adam? Can you hear me?" I asked but, still, there wasn't any reply. "Did you fall asleep or what?" I chuckled.

"Wait – no." I heard him, "I got a great idea, Emma!" he exclaimed.

I knitted my brows, "Okay?"

"Just last night Roy, I and Cole were discussing that we should hire a manager." He replied.

"Okay – well, that's good," I said. "You guys should hire an assistant. It will definitely lessen the burden." I added.

"Exactly! And you are the perfect person to hire." He said eagerly – confusing me to a whole new level.

"What are you trying to say, Adam?" I asked.

"You need some excitement in your life and we need some discipline." He said, "Emma, you will be the perfect person to be our manager." He added.


"Think about it, Emma. You can get rid of your boring life of yours and we can finally have some discipline in ours. I think you will be great for the position." He said.

I sat at the nearest table with my chicken sandwich and diet coke, "I don't know about it, Adam. I am not experienced in that field." I told him. It was true – the opportunity is great but, I don't think that I will be able to do it. Managing a celebrity is a whole new level for me. I have no experience in it. I will fail and only cause more trouble for you all.

"Yes, you are. You have been doing it for so long. I know you can do it. Just think about it, Emma." He insisted.

I bit my lip, "Did you ask others before asking me?" I questioned.

"Well, last night we were discussing it – but, they don't know about me asking you to fill in the position. I honestly don't think that they will have any problem. You are reliable – everyone knows that." He answered.

I sighed, "I don't know."

"Okay, how about this – we are returning to New York next week. We'll talk about it then okay? Till then – just think about it." He asked.

"You guys will come to Cleveland?" I asked excitedly. It has been three months since he last visited us.

"Yes, we will." He chuckled, "We will talk about it then, okay? Till then, please try to make up your mind, alright?" he added.

I smiled, "Okay." I replied.

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