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The Greek God & The Ice Queen

The Greek God & The Ice Queen



Craig Stavros, heir to the vast Stavros empire is used to getting what he wants and would stop at nothing until he has what he has set his eyes on. Carrie Ohno's only dream is to become an Olympic figure skater. So what happen's when the Greek God has set his eyes on his Ice Queen?

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

Carrie loved the feeling of gliding through the ice. Ever since she was a little girl she had dreamed of becoming a top figure skater. That' s why when her father finally agreed for her to take skating lessons, she took them seriously. And it paid off, coz here she is competing for a spot in the nationals.

This is it Car, just one set left. Don't mess this and you'll be on your way to the Olympics.

Carrie told her self as she was waiting for her name to be called.

This was last performance for the entire competition. Scoring a 6.0 in her short set has earned her the top spot. But she's not being complacent. She knows that her rivals are skilled skaters and are out to win just like herself.

She checked the bleachers searching for the familiar faces that kept her calm. She saw her family occupying a large portion of the bleachers. This is the advantage of having a large family, you automatically get the 10% audience impact if ever there was any.

Carrie smiled when she saw her dad who was uncomfortably holding the banner that says "Carrie Rocks and I am her Dad". Between her mom and her dad, it was her dad that needed much convincing to allow her to skate. He had a lot of conditions. One, it wouldn't interfere with school, two, her trainer had to be a girl, three, she would have to be a solo skater and not have a partner and last but definitely the most important of all, her costumes had to be approved by him.

I could live with that. Carrie said to her self as her dad laid out the rules.

Anything, just as long as I get to skate. Nothing is going to stop her from going to the Olympics.

Her reverie was cut short when she heard her name being called.

The moment her skates touched the ice she was transported to a different place. Every twist, twirl and jump was executed with utter precision. As the tempo of the music began its ascent, Carrie's jumps were becoming more complicated and difficult. As the music reached it's peak, Carrie did her signature triple salchow landing perfectly as the crowd erupted in cheers.

Carrie smiled from ear to ear as hundred of roses and a few stuffed animals were thrown into the ice.

Unbeknownst to her a pair of blue gray eyes were staring intently at her.

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