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NEIN (girlxgirl)

NEIN (girlxgirl)



The Regius Praesidio Academy accepts only the bravest; the people who have experienced and survived through the worst. Natasja Armand is french, beautiful, smart, rich and everything the perfect girl can be. Her past? Not so perfect. Revenge for the death of her parents is what keeps her going through the harshness of the Academy. Her plan was simple enough: find the witness, locate the murderer, and kill. But when she is roomed with the hot top notcher of the school that everyone steers clear of, she's slightly distracted. Kael Maddox may be blind, but she has seen things no one was ever meant to even imagine. She can name a thousand different ways to torture someone before killing them. But she can't name what she's starting to feel for the new girl with the soft, french tinted voice she hears everyday. Well, apart from being a blind killing machine, she's also the only witness to the murder of a multi-billionaire couple. And she has no idea she was falling for their daughter. "Just don't fucking trust her, you hear me?" °°°° Rated 17 for themes of lesbian sex, violence, gore, and crude language.

Chapter 0 P R E F A C E



The events of this book happened before the book "Her Body" and it can be read separately. This is about the Academy life of Kael Maddox, who, if you read the first book, is the princess Paris' guardian.

This book contains some sexual and explicit scenes that are not suitable for very young readers. The sex scenes are between two consenting adult women, so if this bothers you, read no further.

This book also contains scenes which may make some viewers uncomfortable. If gore and blood isn't your thing, again, please feel free to read no further.


A U T H O R ' S N O T E

Hello! I'm Baster and welcome to the book that has been stuck in my head for years. I hope you enjoy this just as I have writing it. This is again, surprisingly, lesbian-themed. I usually write books with boy and girl protagonists but lately I guess I've been finding lgbt books quite sweet. As mentioned above, this book will have sex and blood. Lots of it. Again, if it makes you uncomfortable, I totally understand.

Also, one thing different about this book is that the words with definitions are in German. So hello to the Germans out there! I love you guys!

Thank you for taking the time to read my book! Ciao.

P.S, Kael is actually pronounced as "kah-el" and not like kale the vegetable

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