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Unbreakable Vow

Cynthia looked like a simple woman with a regular job as a free lancer novelist and had a mysterious connections with an unknown organization. Oscar was a gang leader of a famous organization called CIA, not to mention that he was also the director of Metropolitan hospital. Due to the call of duty, Cynthia met an accident on one of her mission and fell into the hands of this playboy doctor. What will happen if a playboy doctor meets a mysterious woman like her? Will love conquers all odds between them? Who will be domineering and the one being dominated?

Chapter 1 A mysterious girl

In a small town in Maryland, there lived a mysterious young woman named Cynthia Chou. She was a well known free lancer romance novelist. She was the second child among the eight siblings. The family Chou was just an ordinary family but they had a mysterious connection with an organization that made a fortune for them.

One day, Cynthia was roaming around the town with her sister Serena and brother Neil. Serena was five years old while Neil was sixteen years old. Cynthia was 26 years old. Serena was shocked when someone grabbed her purse.

" Help! Someone took my bag!" The little girl Serena cried out loud.

Cynthia glanced at her crying sister and comforted the poor little girl. " Don't cry, little sister. Big sister will get it for you." She said kneeling infront of her little sister and patted her head gently. " Neil, wait for me here! Don't go anywhere? Take care of Serena."

Neil nodded and pulled his little sister near a bench. Serena stopped crying when Cynthia went out to chase the man who stole her bag.

At first, Cynthia walked naturally but when she saw an opportunity to change her speed, she run as fast as she could. There was a detector on Serena's purse that was connected to her gadgets which was hidden inside her bra. She caught the man instantly. The man fought with Cynthia but Cynthia was a good combat fighter. In just one punch from her, the man laid down on the floor unconscious.

"Don't you dare mess up with any of my family." Cynthia said to the man with a cold look from her eyes. She may look innocent and naive but that was just her cover up. She left the man after she had taken Serena's purse. She called her companions from their organization through her phone to teach the man that robbed Serena's purse.

The man that was lying down on the ground were taken instantly by four men in black suits. Meanwhile, Serena was worried of her sister Cynthia.

" Big brother, I'm scared! What's taking sister so long? I'm worried about her." Serena said looking at her brother sitting next to him on a bench.

" Don't worry about Cynthia. She can take care of herself. She's tough and good at fighting." Neil said reassuring his little sister.

" Serena! Neil! Sorry if I have taken so long. Here's you're purse my little sister!" Cynthia said with a wide smile on her face as she walked towards them.

Serena took the bag from her and embraced Cynthia lovingly. " Thank you, sister!"

" You're welcome! How about we go buy some ice cream then we'll go shopping?" Cynthia suggested.

" Okay!" Serena answered.

" Sis, can you please buy me a Play Station? My friends have the latest model but I have nothing like it yet." Neil pouted his lips like a child.

" Sure thing! I'll buy it for you but you must focus on your studies. Deal?" Cynthia said to her brother.

" Deal!" Neil smiled happily.

After buying some ice cream, they went to a mall. Cynthia bought a Play Station for her brother as she promised and a big teddy bear for her little sister.

" Wow! I got the latest model! Thank you so much, Sis! You're the best!" Neil jumped with joy when he got what he wanted. He gave Cynthia a big warm hug.

" Big sister bought me a big teddy bear too, brother!" Serena was smiling with joy like Neil.

" Come on! Let's go home for dinner! Mom and Dad will get worried if we stay too long outside the house." Cynthia said to her siblings.

On their way outside the mall, Cynthia accidentally bumped herself to a handsome man in white coat.

" Sorry, Miss!" The man said to her with a smile on his face, staring at her. " By the way, I'm Oliver."

Apparently, the man was obviously a playboy from the looks of him.

" It's okay!" Cynthia replied with cold eyes. She could easily determine if a guy was just fooling around to get some woman for fun. She continued walking with her siblings, ignoring the man. Cynthia and her siblings took a cab and went back to their house. The man was left scratching his head with disappointment.

In the Chou's ancestral house, Cynthia was having dinner with her family. They were all present in the long rectangle shaped marble table.

" Sis, would you like to hang out with us later? We are going to a disco bar. Who knows you might find a mate there." Randolf which was 24 years old, third child in the family.

" That's right, Sis! You need a love life. You're too inclined with writing romance novel but you don't even had any experience yet in love." Denise which was 22 years old, fourth child in the family. She exchanged gazes with their other siblings. They all had planned to make Cynthia experience to be in a real relationship.

Cynthia had a keen eye and she knew that her siblings won't let her be. She sighed and stopped feeding herself. " Okay! You won! I'll come!" She said feeling devastated. Then, she took another spoonful of her food into her mouth.

When they heard her agree, they all made a thumbs up on each other. Their parents were closely watching their behaviours, just shook their head in disbelief. They were all smiling victoriously. They continued eating their food after that.

After they have done eating, they all parted ways heading towards their own rooms. Leandro, Randolf, Denise, Benedict and Cynthia prepared themselves to go to the disco bar. When they gathered themselves in the living room, they were mesmerized by Cynthia's beauty. She was wearing a silver mini dress that enhanced her innocent look.

" Sis, you're so beautiful! I bet you'll get so much distraction from guys tonight." Benedict praised Cynthia.

" Come on, guys! Let's go!" Denise said with excitement drawn all over her face.

Cynthia went along with the flow and followed their lead. They drove with their own cars. Five Sports car stopped by infront of a disco bar. Many people envied them for having such a luxurious car. The five siblings step out of their car and headed inside the bar.

Inside the bar, Cynthia sat next to Denise while Leandro, Randolf and Benedict went into the crowd and danced.

"Hey man! Look at that girl over there! She look so innocent and naive." Louie pointed out towards Cynthia's direction.

"You're type of woman. Go for it, man!" James pushed Oscar from behind.

" Cut it out! You, guys! There's no need to push me." Oscar grinned while he was holding a bottle of beer from his hand.

" Well, get on with it then!" Mark encouraged him.

" Fine! I'm going!" Oscar said deliberately. He walked across the crowd and headed towards Cynthia's table.

Denise got excited when she noticed the gorgeous man approaching their table. He was definitely looking at Cynthia. Denise smiled and grabbed Cynthia's hand, intentionally pulling her towards the crowd. " Come on! Let's dance, Sis!" Denise said to Cynthia.

Cynthia dropped her glass of wine on the table and stood up to follow Denise. When they were dancing in the crowd, Oscar managed to get close to Cynthia. A rock music was being played at that time but it suddenly changed into a sweet romantic music.

Cynthia got confused all of a sudden. Her siblings had their own pair when she glanced at them.

" Can I dance with you, Miss?" Oscar offered her hand to her.

Cynthia looked embarrassed but she took the man's hand. Oscar smiled victoriously and encircled his other hand to her waist, pressing her close to him.

" Is this your first time here?" Oscar asked her as he dance with her.

" Yes! I was forced to come here because of my siblings." Cynthia answered shyly. This is the first time that she had danced with a man this close....too close to be exact. She could even feel his warm breath as he speak to her. She gulp unconsciously by how remarkably handsome the man was. As if she found her prince charming through him. She glanced at her siblings and found out that they were giggling, looking at her with the man. Denise even gave her a wink to tease her.

Oh, brother! This is so embarrassing! I wish I could go home now and leave this place! This place doesn't suit my taste of socializing. Cynthia thought.

" Do you have a boyfriend?" Oscar confidently asked her again.

Cynthia was alarmed by his question. She looked at the man with an intriguing look on her face. " Why do you ask?" She said.

" I'm just curious!" Oscar said. He felt something while holding Cynthia close to him. It was a warm and soothing sensation. He never felt like this with any other woman that he had a relationship with. He could smell her fragrance that was intoxicating his senses.

" Seriously, I don't have any boyfriend and I don't like to have one. Excuse me!" Cynthia shove him, pushing him away and left him at the center stage.

Oscar wanted to stop her and feel her again but when he tried to catch up with her, she suddenly disappeared from the crowd.

Damn it! She got away! I wonder what's her name? I wasn't able to get her name. Oscar thought.

Leandro and his other siblings went to look for Cynthia. They looked too concerned because of how she acted towards the man. Their partners went with them too. When they got out of the bar, they saw Cynthia leaning on her car.

" Hey, Sis! What happened? You suddenly disappeared." Leandro asked her.

" I'm going back home! This place suffocates me!" Cynthia frankly said to him.

" Was it because of the guy you danced with?" Randolf came close to her and scanned her facial expression.

Cynthia stared at them with cold eyes. " I'm not going back there! I have to leave now before I do something terrible in there." She said.

Randolf and the others exchanged gazes before they allowed her to leave. " Okay! You may go now, Sis!" He said to her.

Cynthia opened her car door and went inside her car. Before she started the engine, she saluted her siblings on the window car and then she drove back towards their house.

When Cynthia left, the four pairs went back inside the bar. Oscar went back to his companions after being left by Cynthia.

" How's our man? Did you get her name and number?" Mark teased Oscar who sat next to him and grabbed a cold bottle of beer.

" Unfortunately, I didn't get her name nor her number." Oscar said and he drank some amount of beer.

" Wow! That's unusual! Why? What happened to the playboy doctor?" Louie smirked.

" I guess she's different from the other girls I've met." Oscar was thinking of Cynthia as he tossed the beer.

" I think you have found your match, man! That girl will change your life forever!" James concluded.

" Let's forget about her and let's have fun!" Oscar said trying to divert the attention of his companions. " Cheers!"

They made a tossed with their bottle of beers and drank from it.

In Oscar's mind, I'm going to find her and we'll surely meet once more.

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Unbreakable Vow

Chapter 1 A mysterious girl



Chapter 2 Her mission



Chapter 3 Meeting the Chou family



Chapter 4 Getting a lover



Chapter 5 Who is Dark Angel



Chapter 6 Tracing the CIA leader



Chapter 7 Cynthia's birthday party



Chapter 8 Getting to know you



Chapter 9 A lunch date



Chapter 10 The Four Gods



Chapter 11 Find my soul mate



Chapter 12 A childhood memory



Chapter 13 Valentine's day romance



Chapter 14 Book signing



Chapter 15 A nightmare



Chapter 16 A new enemy



Chapter 17 Randolf's mission



Chapter 18 Saving my brother



Chapter 19 Beginning of Friendship



Chapter 20 I'll take my revenge



Chapter 21 A life for a life



Chapter 22 You are Dark Angel



Chapter 23 Living together in one house



Chapter 24 Cynthia is the only person i need



Chapter 25 He's mine



Chapter 26 Cynthia's abduction



Chapter 27 Cynthia's escape



Chapter 28 Back in your arms again



Chapter 29 For the man I love



Chapter 30 You are my destiny



Chapter 31 A secret affair



Chapter 32 Lover's quarrel



Chapter 33 Let's forget the past



Chapter 34 Keep your money



Chapter 35 Leaving the writing novels



Chapter 36 Red signal alert



Chapter 37 Cynthia's pregnancy



Chapter 38 Her final battle



Chapter 39 I'm forever your slave



Chapter 40 When the right time comes
