Is the year 2022, the nations of the world imposed a tax on breathing as a measure against climate change. To avoid problems with the breathing police: "The Archons" some citizens have decided not to talk ever. Michael is one of these people. But this afternoon, Michael must decide: if breaking the law by telling his girlfriend that he loves her, or respect the system, and lose the woman he loves for ever.
Is the year 2022, the nations of the world adopted the tax on breathing, as a measure against climate change. They based this decision on a scientific study developed and sponsored by the world's largest Tabacco corporations. The study confirmed the CO2 that humans exhale when they breathe is the main cause of climate change. To control the human's breathe the nations formed a world government headed by the female president of the United States of America. This world government created the breathing police, called "The Archons".
This law enforcer patrol the streets with scanners on their hands that receive the breathing information from owl shaped watches that every citizen in the world must wear on their wrist. The police are authorized to arrest without a trial to any citizens who pass the legal limit of exhalations (25, 920) to be sent to a reeducation center.
All the citizens live in fear of The Archons. Some of them decided never to speak to anyone.
Los Angeles, CA. Year 2032
An ordinary Citizen...
Michael is walking down the street with his eyes on his owl's shaped watch. He wears a black leather jacket and a khaki pants. He looks worried, because the indicator shows how his number of exhalations is near to the legal limit.
There are a few people in the street, mostly women. They walk in pairs holding hands, with an expression of sadness and fear on their faces. A beautiful young girl wearing tiny shorts jogs toward Michael.
LILITH (To Michael): Wake up, slave!
The girl runs away from him. Michael takes a peek to her beautiful ass while she's jogging away.
LILITH (Screaming at loud to the crowd): Wake up, people! We're slaves! We did not cause the climate change, the corporation lied to us! Tabacco corporation caused the climate change!!
The people on the street don't pay attention to her. The eyes of the girl's owl shaped watch are now red and flashing.
LILITH: They've been lying to us! They want to control every aspect of our lives! Wake up!
The beautiful girl takes off her shirt. On her breast, she wrote on big red letters the words: "Lies, lies everywhere!"
A group of four archons intercepts the girl. They throw her to the ground and beat her without pity while she begs for help. But, nobody cares.
Michael is the only person watching such a gruesome scene. He wants to help at her, but a blonde woman dressed like him stops him.
ISHTAR (To Michael): What are you doing?! Hum?! You know that they don't like when the people watch them work! They are going to beat at you, too! What's wrong with you?
Michael readies his fist to fight.
ISHTAR: Don't you even think about it!
Michael doesn't listen to the girl.
ISHTAR: Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you want to go to the
Jail?! Say something!
The girl snaps her fingers in front of Michael's face. Michael looks at her. The beating is still going on. The girl screams for help.
ISHTAR: Ohh, I see... you are one of those who do not speak, well, they don't care about it. They are going to kick your ass, if you insist on stare at them while they are beating that girl.
Ishtar looks at Michael's owl shaped watch. It's yellow and flashing.
ISHTAR: Just look at your owl! It's flashing! You are near to the edge!
Michael looks at his watch. He doesn't care.
ISHTAR: What the hell are you waiting for! Go away!! (Pause) You people, Make me mad...!!! Jesus!!!
The Archon leader stars to monitoring to Michael and the girl. Ishtar walks away. Michael does the same thing. The Archon leader follows Michael, until he enters to a near building. The leader types something on his device..
Michael crosses the lobby of the building. The Archon leader is standing at the building entrance watching at Michael.
LILITH (V.O.): Oh... god...! Somebody help me! Please...!
The Archon leader turns his head toward the street.
ARCHON LEADER (Screaming at loud): She said "God" beat her harder! There is no such thing!!
The Archon turns his head to Michael again; He is knocking the door of an apartment. The law enforcer agent enters to the building. Michael knocks the door harder.
ISIS (V.O.): I'm coming...!
Michael knocks the door again. The Archon leader takes two steps forward and types something on his tablet. The names and pictures of Michael and his girlfriend, Isis, appear on the screen of his device.
The door opens. A beautiful brunette woman came out from the apartment; Isis, Michael Girlfriend, she is wearing a short dress and a transparent veil on her face. Isis has hazel eyes, and the eye of Horus tattooed on his right arm.
ISIS (To Michael): Hi... what's wrong?
Michael points at the archons. Isis and police leader make eye contact, then, she closes the door.
Inside Isis'Apartment.
The dining room is all white; walls and furniture's. The floor is checkered; Black and white. There's a small table in the middle of the room with a transparent vase with a rose on it.
Michael and his girl are standing by the table holding hands. Slowly and gently, Michael removes the veil from Isis's face. She smiles.
ISIS: Please, sit down.
Michael sits on the chair. Isis goes to the kitchen.
ISIS (V.O.): Why that archon was staring at you?
Isis comes back to the dining room to see Michael's answer. Michael shrugs his shoulders. Isis goes back to the kitchen.
ISIS (V.O.): You know, it's not a good idea to bother at the archons, 'cause they are mean when they're angry.
Michael touches the rose. Isis comes back to the dining room with two bowls of soup and two glasses of red wine. Isis serves the soup to her boyfriend and, then, she sits on the chair. Inside every bowls of soup, there's only one big potato.
An alarm sounds. Michael and Isis take the spoons. The alarm sounds again. They introduce their spoons in the soup. The alarm sounds again. They begin to eat.
Michael looks at his girlfriend watch; the eyes of the owl are yellow and flashing. Michael furrows his eye brow.
ISIS: I Know... I know...
Michael drinks a sip of wine. Isis does the same thing.
ISIS: Lately, I've been breathing so fast, 'cause I'm worried...
Isis drinks wine again.
ISIS: And... I... I... I've been talking to myself a lot... because...
She divides the potato into 3 pieces.
ISIS: I've been dreaming a lot... I've got this Lucid dreams... they're so real...
Isis eats a piece of the potato.
ISIS: ...Inside my dream, someone is trying to awake me, It's a woman... but, When I open my eyes I don't see anybody.
Isis looks down.
ISIS: That woman... I think... I... uh... uh... I guess, I know who she is...
Isis looks into the eyes of her boyfriend.
ISIS: I'm pretty sure that the woman who screams my name in my dreams, it's Matilda.
Michael sees how in the screen of Isis' owl shaped watch the number of her exhalations increases. Isis' watch begins to Beep. Michael points at it..
ISIS: I know. I don't care! (Long pause) Matilda... she was an employee in my house when I was a little girl...
Michael points the Isis' owl repeatedly.
ISIS: Just hear me out!
Michael drinks wine.
ISIS: This woman... Matilda... uh, She had weird ideas about the society in which we live... She constantly talked me about something that she called "liberty"... that's a funny word... don't you think?
Michael drinks more wine.
ISIS: Anyway... Once, she said to me, that I am a slave who was born prisoner... A slave that can't not see the bars of the jail... A slave that doesn't know the taste of the natural water... A slave who thinks that to breath is wrong.
Isis' owl is now flashing in red. Michael points the owl.
Michael drinks more wine
ISIS: Anyway, my parents accused her with the government... and... Uh... she... She was taken to a reeducation center... that was the last time that I saw her, or knew about her.
Michael's owl is now flashing in red too.
ISIS: But... a few days ago, an official from the government handed me a letter... (From her pocket, Isis pulls out a piece of paper, and reads the letter). "Dear Isis; I've been thinking about you a lot. I've lived years of pain... years of loneliness..." (Long pause) Isis puts the letter down. I just can't read it again. The letter is too sad... If I read it again, my soul and heart will be broken again... she has suffered a lot all these years... (Pause) The letter is dated 10 years ago... So, Hum, I guess that maybe she's dead by now... (Pause) The dreams started one day before I received the letter... it's like, if I called Matilda with my mind...
The Isis' owl is beeping now. Michael is so worried.
ISIS: My dreams are not bad; they are about a world without limitations, without regimes. A world full of pure love. A world where; our breathing is not control by The Archons... because, there, they don't even exist. A world where we can live in peace with the nature... (Pause) No laws. Just love! (Smiling) I want to live in that dream... I don't understand why Matilda is trying to wake me up from it. (Pause) Maybe... (Pause) maybe, she's trying to bring my dream to the real world. Maybe she wants me to fly...
Michael stands up and points Isis' owl.
ISIS: Sit down! I told you, I don't care! Just hear me out... be a boyfriend!
Michael sits down. Now, his owl is beeping too.
ISIS: In the letter, Matilda wrote me how to break free from this prison...
Isis looks at the letter.
ISIS: She wrote that... the only way to break free from this tyranny is... (Pause) Love...! Because, they can't control the feelings, they wish they could... but they just can't... (Long pause) No chip, no computer program can't control our feelings, because they are perfect, they were sent by... god...
Other books by JulioMEspinosaJ