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Complete Hypnotism: Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism

Complete Hypnotism: Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism

A. Alpheus


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The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification:
Cocoa And Chocolate: Their Chemistry And Manufacture; Volume 8599 Of Harvard College Library Preservation Microfilm Program 2002; Core Historical Literature Of Agriculture: Food Science And Human Nutrition<br\/><br\/><edition> 2, revised<br\/><br\/><author> Robert Whymper<br\/><br\/><publisher> J.& A. Churchill, 1921<br\/><br\/><subjects> Cooking; Courses & Dishes; Chocolate; Cacao; Chocolate; Cocoa; Cocoa processing; Cooking \/ Courses & Dishes \/ Chocolate; Cooking \/ General; Theobroma cacao<\/title></p> <!----> <!----></div> <!----> <div class="lastChapter-box" data-v-a7def592><a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251663/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="lastChapter flex-ac-js" data-v-a7def592><span class="l-title van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Chapter 13 No.13</span> <div class="r-box flex-ac" data-v-a7def592> 08-13 18:39 <span class="r-icon" data-v-a7def592></span></div></a></div> <div class="chapter-content-wrap" data-v-a7def592><h2 class="chapter-num van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592> Chapter 1 HOW TO HYPNOTIZE.</h2> <div class="chapter-content" data-v-a7def592><div data-v-a7def592><p class='p_sj'>Dr. Cocke's Method--Dr. Flint's Method--The French Method at Paris--at Nancy--The Hindoo Silent Method--How to Wake a Subject from Hypnotic Sleep--Frauds of Public Hypnotic Entertainers.</p><p class='p_sj'></p></div> <div data-v-a7def592><p class='p_sj'>First let us quote what is said of hypnotism in Foster's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary. The dictionary states the derivation of the word from the Greek word meaning sleep, and gives as synonym "Braidism". This definition follows: "An abnormal state into which some persons may be thrown, either by a voluntary act of their own, such as gazing continuously with fixed attention on some bright object held close to the eyes, or by the exercise of another person's will; characterized by suspension of the will and consequent obedience to the promptings of suggestions from without. The activity of the organs of special sense, except the eye, may be heightened, and the power of the muscles increased. Complete insensibility to pain may be induced by hypnotism, and it has been used as an anaesthetic. It is apt to be followed by a severe headache of long continuance, and by various nervous disturbances. On emerging from the hypnotic state, the person hypnotized usually has no remembrance of what happened during its continuance, but in many persons such remembrance may be induced by 'suggestion'. About one person in three is susceptible to hypnotism, and those of the hysterical or neurotic tendency (but rarely the insane) are the most readily hypnotized."</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>First we will quote the directions for producing hypnotism given by Dr. James R. Cocke, one of the most scientific experimenters in hypnotism in America. His directions of are special value, since they are more applicable to American subjects than the directions given by French writers. Says Dr. Cocke:</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"The hypnotic state can be produced in one of the following ways: First, command the subject to close his eyes. Tell him his mind is a blank. Command him to think of nothing. Leave him a few minutes; return and tell him he cannot open his eyes. If he fails to do so, then begin to make any suggestion which may be desired. This is the so-called mental method of hypnotization.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"Secondly, give the subject a coin or other bright object. Tell him to look steadfastly at it and not take his eyes away from it. Suggest that his eyelids are growing heavy, that he cannot keep them open. Now close the lids. They cannot be opened. This is the usual method employed by public exhibitors. A similar method is by looking into a mirror, or into a glass of water, or by rapidly revolving polished disks, which should be looked at steadfastly in the same way as is the coin, and I think tires the eyes less.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"Another method is by simply commanding the subject to close his eyes, while the operator makes passes over his head and hands without coming in contact with them. Suggestions may be made during these passes.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"Fascination, as it is called, is one of the hypnotic states. The operator fixes his eyes on those of the subject. Holding his attention for a few minutes, the operator begins to walk backward; the subject follows. The operator raises the arm; the subject does likewise. Briefly, the subject will imitate any movement of the hypnotist, or will obey any suggestion made by word, look or gesture, suggested by the one with whom he is en rapport.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"A very effective method of hypnotizing a person is by commanding him to sleep, and having some very soft music played upon the piano, or other stringed instrument. Firm pressure over the orbits, or over the finger- ends and root of the nail for some minutes may also induce the condition of hypnosis in very sensitive persons.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"Also hypnosis can frequently be induced by giving the subject a glass of water, and telling him at the same time that it has been magnetized. The wearing of belts around the body, and rings round the fingers, will also, sometimes, induce a degree of hypnosis, if the subject has been told that they have previously been magnetized or are electric. The latter descriptions are the so-called physical methods described by Dr. Moll."</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>Dr. Herbert L. Flint, a stage hypnotizer, describes his methods as follows:</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"To induce hypnotism, I begin by friendly conversation to place my patient in a condition of absolute calmness and quiescence. I also try to win his confidence by appealing to his own volitional effort to aid me in obtaining the desired clad. I impress upon him that hypnosis in his condition is a benign agency, and far from subjugating his mentality, it becomes intensified to so great an extent as to act as a remedial agent.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"Having assured myself that he is in a passive condition, I suggest to him, either with or without passes, that after looking intently at an object for a few moments, he will experience a feeling of lassitude. I steadily gaze at his eyes, and in a monotonous tone I continue to suggest the various stages of sleep. As for instance, I say, 'Your breathing is heavy. Your whole body is relaxed.' I raise his arm, holding it in a horizontal position for a second or two, and suggest to him that it is getting heavier and heavier. I let my hand go and his arm falls to his side.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"'Your eyes,' I continue, 'feel tired and sleepy. They are fast closing' repeating in a soothing tone the words 'sleepy, sleepy, sleep.' Then in a self-assertive tone, I emphasize the suggestion by saying in an unhesitating and positive tone, 'sleep.'</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"I do not, however, use this method with all patients. It is an error to state, as some specialists do, that from their formula there can be no deviation; because, as no two minds are constituted alike, so they cannot be affected alike. While one will yield by intense will exerted through my eyes, another may, by the same means, become fretful, timid, nervous, and more wakeful than he was before. The same rule applies to gesture, tones of the voice, and mesmeric passes. That which has a soothing and lulling effect on one, may have an opposite effect on another. There can be no unvarying rule applicable to all patients. The means must be left to the judgment of the operator, who by a long course of psychological training should be able to judge what measures are necessary to obtain control of his subject. Just as in drugs, one person may take a dose without injury that will kill another, so in hypnosis, one person can be put into a deep sleep by means that would be totally ineffectual in another, and even then the mental states differ in each individual--that which in one induces a gentle slumber may plunge his neighbor into a deep cataleptic state."</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>That hypnotism may be produced by purely physical or mechanical means seems to have been demonstrated by an incident which started Doctor Burq, a Frenchman, upon a scientific inquiry which lasted many years. "While practising as a young doctor, he had one day been obliged to go out and had deemed it advisable to lock up a patient in his absence. Just as he was leaving the house he heard the sound as of a body suddenly falling. He hurried back into the room and found his patient in a state of catalepsy. Monsieur Burq was at that time studying magnetism, and he at once sought for the cause of this phenomenon. He noticed that the door-handle was of copper. The next day he wrapped a glove around the handle, again shut the patient in, and this time nothing occurred. He interrogated the patient, but she could give him no explanation. He then tried the effect of copper on all the subjects at the Salpetriere and the Cochin hospitals, and found that a great number were affected by it."</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>At the Charity hospital in Paris, Doctor Luys used an apparatus moved by clockwork. Doctor Foveau, one of his pupils, thus describes it:</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"The hypnotic state, generally produced by the contemplation of a bright spot, a lamp, or the human eye, is in his case induced by a peculiar kind of mirror. The mirrors are made of pieces of wood cut prismatically in which fragments of mirrors are incrusted. They are generally double and placed crosswise, and by means of clockwork revolve automatically. They are the same as sportsmen use to attract larks, the rays of the sun being caught and reflected on every side and from all points of the horizon. If the little mirrors in each branch are placed in parallel lines in front of a patient, and the rotation is rapid, the optic organ soon becomes fatigued, and a calming soothing somnolence ensues. At first it is not a deep sleep, the eye-lids are scarcely heavy, the drowsiness slight and restorative. By degrees, by a species of training, the hypnotic sleep differs more and more from natural sleep, the individual abandons himself more and more completely, and falls into one of the regular phases of hypnotic sleep. Without a word, without a suggestion or any other action, Dr. Luys has made wonderful cures. Wecker, the occulist, has by the same means entirely cured spasms of the eye-lids."</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>Professor Delboeuf gives the following account of how the famous Liebault produced hypnotism at the hospital at Nancy. We would especially ask the reader to note what he says of Dr. Liebault's manner and general bearing, for without doubt much of his success was due to his own personality. Says Professor Delboeuf:</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"His modus faciendi has something ingenious and simple about it, enhanced by a tone and air of profound conviction; and his voice has such fervor and warmth that he carries away his clients with him.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"After having inquired of the patient what he is suffering from, without any further or closer examination, he places his hand on the patient's forehead and, scarcely looking at him, says, 'You are going to sleep.' Then, almost immediately, he closes the eyelids, telling him that he is asleep. After that he raises the patient's arm, and says, 'You cannot put your arm down.' If he does, Dr. Liebault appears hardly to notice it. He then turns the patient's arm around, confidently affirming that the movement cannot be stopped, and saying this he turns his own arms rapidly around, the patient remaining all the time with his eyes shut; then the doctor talks on without ceasing in a loud and commanding voice. The suggestions begin:</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"'You are going to be cured; your digestion will be good, your sleep quiet, your cough will stop, your circulation will become free and regular; you are going to feel very strong and well, you will be able to walk about,' etc., etc. He hardly ever varies the speech. Thus he fires away at every kind of disease at once, leaving it to the client to find out his own. No doubt he gives some special directions, according to the disease the patient is suffering from, but general instructions are the chief thing.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>"The same suggestions are repeated a great many times to the same person, and, strange to say, notwithstanding the inevitable monotony of the speeches, and the uniformity of both style and voice, the master's tone is so ardent, so penetrating, so sympathetic, that I have never once listened to it without a feeling of intense admiration."</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>The Hindoos produce sleep simply by sitting on the ground and, fixing their eyes steadily on the subject, swaying the body in a sort of writhing motion above the hips. By continuing this steadily and in perfect silence for ten or fifteen minutes before a large audience, dozens can be put to sleep at one time. In all cases, freedom from noise or distractive incidents is essential to success in hypnotism, for concentration must be produced.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>Certain French operators maintain that hypnotism may be produced by pressure on certain hypnogenic points or regions of the body. Among these are the eye-balls, the crown of the head, the back of the neck and the upper bones of the spine between the shoulder glades. Some persons may be hypnotized by gently pressing on the skin at the base of the finger-nails, and at the root of the nose; also by gently scratching the neck over the great nerve center.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>Hypnotism is also produced by sudden noise, as if by a Chinese gong, etc.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>HOW TO WAKE A SUBJECT FROM HYPNOTIC SLEEP.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>This is comparatively easy in moot cases. Most persons will awake naturally at the end of a few minutes, or will fall into a natural sleep from which in an hour or two they will awake refreshed. Usually the operator simply says to the subject, "All right, wake up now," and claps his hands or makes some other decided noise. In some cases it is sufficient to say, "You will wake up in five minutes"; or tell a subject to count twelve and when he gets to ten say, "Wake up."</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>Persons in the lethargic state are not susceptible to verbal suggestions, but may be awakened by lifting both eyelids.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>It is said that pressure on certain regions will wake the subject, just as pressure in certain other places will put the subject to sleep. Among these places for awakening are the ovarian regions.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>Some writers recommend the application of cold water to awaken subjects, but this is rarely necessary. In olden times a burning coal was brought near.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>If hypnotism was produced by passes, then wakening may be brought about by passes in the opposite direction, or with the back of the hand toward the subject.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>The only danger is likely to be found in hysterical persons. They will, if aroused, often fall off again into a helpless state, and continue to do so for some time to come. It is dangerous to hypnotize such subjects.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>Care should be taken to awaken the subject very thoroughly before leaving him, else headache, nausea, or the like may follow, with other unpleasant effects. In all cases subjects should be treated gently and with the utmost consideration, as if the subject and operator were the most intimate friends.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>It is better that the person who induces hypnotic sleep should awaken the subject. Others cannot do it so easily, though as we have said, subjects usually awaken themselves after a short time.</p><p class='p_sj'></p><p class='p_sj'>Further description of the method of producing hypnotism need not be given; but it is proper to add that in addition to the fact that not more than one person out of three can be hypnotized at all, even by an experienced operator, to effect hypnotization except in a few cases requires a great deal of patience, both on the part of the operator and of the subject. It may require half a dozen or more trials before any effect at all can be produced, although in some cases the effect will come within a minute or two. After a person has been once hypnotized, hypnotization is much easier. The most startling results are to be obtained only after a long process of training on the part of the subject. Public hypnotic entertainments, and even those given at the hospitals in Paris, would be quite impossible if trained subjects were not at hand; and in the case of the public hypnotizer, the proper subjects are hired and placed in the audience for the express purpose of coming forward when called for. The success of such an entertainment could not otherwise be guaranteed. In many cases, also, this training of subjects makes them deceivers. They learn to imitate what they see, and since their living depends upon it, they must prove hypnotic subjects who can always be depended upon to do just what is wanted. We may add, however, that what they do is no more than an imitation of the real thing. There is no grotesque manifestation on the stage, even if it is a pure fake, which could not be matched by more startling facts taken from undoubted scientific experience.</p></div></div> <a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251652/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="read-btn btn isClick" data-v-a7def592>Continue Reading</a></div> <div style="display:none;" data-v-a7def592><!----> <div class="comments-list" data-v-a7def592></div> <!----> <h2 class="comments-title" data-v-a7def592>You'll also like</h2> <div class="books" data-v-a7def592><div class="book-box" data-v-a7def592><a href="/en/bookDetail/37661322/Romance/Goodbye-My-Love" data-v-a7def592><div author="Axel Bob" class="bookImage book-img van-image" data-v-5d37d9bc data-v-a7def592><img alt="Goodbye, My Love" class="van-image__img"><div class="van-image__loading"><i class="van-icon van-icon-photo van-image__loading-icon"><!----></i></div></div></a> <div class="right-box" data-v-a7def592><a href="/en/bookDetail/37661322/Romance/Goodbye-My-Love" data-v-a7def592><h3 class="b-title van-multi-ellipsis--l2" data-v-a7def592>Goodbye, My Love</h3></a> <p class="b-classify van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Romance</p> <div class="scoreBox mt0" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-a7def592><div class="star-box" data-v-68b1e2a0><i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <div class="star-box star-box-active" style="width:98.00000000000001%;" data-v-68b1e2a0><i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i></div></div> <span class="score" data-v-68b1e2a0>4.9</span></div> <a href="/en/bookDetail/37661322/Romance/Goodbye-My-Love" data-v-a7def592><p class="b-desc van-multi-ellipsis--l2" data-v-a7def592>Loraine was a dutiful wife to Marco since they got married three years ago. 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When her life was on the line, he was weeping at his beloved’s grave. It was the last straw. “Let’s get a divorce, Alan.” Kaitlin thrived in her newfound freedom, gaining internationa</p></a></div></div><div class="book-box" data-v-a7def592><a href="/en/bookDetail/57803322/Werewolf/The-Alphas-Bullied-Mate" data-v-a7def592><div author="Anna Kendra" class="bookImage book-img van-image" data-v-5d37d9bc data-v-a7def592><img alt="The Alpha's Bullied Mate" class="van-image__img"><div class="van-image__loading"><i class="van-icon van-icon-photo van-image__loading-icon"><!----></i></div></div></a> <div class="right-box" data-v-a7def592><a href="/en/bookDetail/57803322/Werewolf/The-Alphas-Bullied-Mate" data-v-a7def592><h3 class="b-title van-multi-ellipsis--l2" data-v-a7def592>The Alpha's Bullied Mate</h3></a> <p class="b-classify van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Werewolf</p> <div class="scoreBox mt0" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-a7def592><div class="star-box" data-v-68b1e2a0><i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <div class="star-box star-box-active" style="width:96%;" data-v-68b1e2a0><i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i></div></div> <span class="score" data-v-68b1e2a0>4.8</span></div> <a href="/en/bookDetail/57803322/Werewolf/The-Alphas-Bullied-Mate" data-v-a7def592><p class="b-desc van-multi-ellipsis--l2" data-v-a7def592>Freya Walker is a woman who just wants to disappear from the world. Her mother died during childbirth, leaving her at the mercy of her treacherous, gambler and alcoholic father who loves to abuse her. Her fellow students in high school despise her for no reason and she is often harassed at her work.</p></a></div></div><div class="book-box" data-v-a7def592><a href="/en/bookDetail/58141322/Billionaires/Billionaire-Substitute-Bride" data-v-a7def592><div author="Nini Pen" class="bookImage book-img van-image" data-v-5d37d9bc data-v-a7def592><img alt="Billionaire Substitute Bride " class="van-image__img"><div class="van-image__loading"><i class="van-icon van-icon-photo van-image__loading-icon"><!----></i></div></div></a> <div class="right-box" data-v-a7def592><a href="/en/bookDetail/58141322/Billionaires/Billionaire-Substitute-Bride" data-v-a7def592><h3 class="b-title van-multi-ellipsis--l2" data-v-a7def592>Billionaire Substitute Bride </h3></a> <p class="b-classify van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Billionaires</p> <div class="scoreBox mt0" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-a7def592><div class="star-box" data-v-68b1e2a0><i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <div class="star-box star-box-active" style="width:98.00000000000001%;" data-v-68b1e2a0><i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i></div></div> <span class="score" data-v-68b1e2a0>4.9</span></div> <a href="/en/bookDetail/58141322/Billionaires/Billionaire-Substitute-Bride" data-v-a7def592><p class="b-desc van-multi-ellipsis--l2" data-v-a7def592>"Don't you feel a bit of regret, or even sadness? You should know you've spewed coffee at Mia, because if one day I exchange places with her and she's still mad at it, she would definitely get back to you and she might even get frantic. Do you understand how terrible a frantic woman can get? Are you</p></a></div></div><div class="book-box" data-v-a7def592><a href="/en/bookDetail/46526322/Romance/Love-Unbreakable" data-v-a7def592><div author="Bank Brook" class="bookImage book-img van-image" data-v-5d37d9bc data-v-a7def592><img alt="Love Unbreakable" class="van-image__img"><div class="van-image__loading"><i class="van-icon van-icon-photo van-image__loading-icon"><!----></i></div></div></a> <div class="right-box" data-v-a7def592><a href="/en/bookDetail/46526322/Romance/Love-Unbreakable" data-v-a7def592><h3 class="b-title van-multi-ellipsis--l2" data-v-a7def592>Love Unbreakable</h3></a> <p class="b-classify van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Romance</p> <div class="scoreBox mt0" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-a7def592><div class="star-box" data-v-68b1e2a0><i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <div class="star-box star-box-active" style="width:96%;" data-v-68b1e2a0><i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i> <i class="star van-icon van-icon-star" data-v-68b1e2a0 data-v-68b1e2a0><!----></i></div></div> <span class="score" data-v-68b1e2a0>4.8</span></div> <a href="/en/bookDetail/46526322/Romance/Love-Unbreakable" data-v-a7def592><p class="b-desc van-multi-ellipsis--l2" data-v-a7def592>There was only one man in Raegan's heart, and it was Mitchel. In the second year of her marriage to him, she got pregnant. Raegan's joy knew no bounds. But before she could break the news to her husband, he served her divorce papers because he wanted to marry his first love. After an accident, Ra</p></a></div></div></div></div> <div class="bottom-box-placeholder" data-v-a7def592></div> <div class="bottom-box-wrap flex-ac" data-v-a7def592><div class="chapter-btn flex-column" data-v-a7def592><span class="chapter-icon" data-v-a7def592></span> <span data-v-a7def592>Chapters</span></div> <a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251651/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="readBtn flex-column" data-v-a7def592><span class="book-icon" data-v-a7def592></span> <span class="btn isClick" data-v-a7def592>Read Now</span></a> <div class="flex" data-v-e2d39d2c data-v-a7def592><!----> <!----> <div data-clipboard-text="" class="downLoad touch downloadbtnbox" data-v-e2d39d2c><span class="downIcon" data-v-e2d39d2c></span> <span data-v-e2d39d2c>Download Book</span></div></div></div> <!----> <div class="chapter-view" data-v-a7def592><div data-v-a7def592>Complete Hypnotism: Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism</div> <a 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data-v-a7def592>06/12/2017</p></div></a><a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251654/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="item flex" data-v-a7def592><span class="left" data-v-a7def592>4</span> <div class="right" data-v-a7def592><p class="van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Chapter 4 No.4</p> <p class="time" data-v-a7def592>06/12/2017</p></div></a><a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251655/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="item flex" data-v-a7def592><span class="left" data-v-a7def592>5</span> <div class="right" data-v-a7def592><p class="van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Chapter 5 No.5</p> <p class="time" data-v-a7def592>06/12/2017</p></div></a><a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251656/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="item flex" data-v-a7def592><span class="left" data-v-a7def592>6</span> <div class="right" data-v-a7def592><p class="van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Chapter 6 No.6</p> <p class="time" 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data-v-a7def592>06/12/2017</p></div></a><a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251660/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="item flex" data-v-a7def592><span class="left" data-v-a7def592>10</span> <div class="right" data-v-a7def592><p class="van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Chapter 10 No.10</p> <p class="time" data-v-a7def592>06/12/2017</p></div></a><a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251661/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="item flex" data-v-a7def592><span class="left" data-v-a7def592>11</span> <div class="right" data-v-a7def592><p class="van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Chapter 11 No.11</p> <p class="time" data-v-a7def592>06/12/2017</p></div></a><a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251662/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="item flex" data-v-a7def592><span class="left" data-v-a7def592>12</span> <div class="right" data-v-a7def592><p class="van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Chapter 12 No.12</p> <p class="time" data-v-a7def592>06/12/2017</p></div></a><a href="/en/readBook/12641322/251663/Complete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism" class="item flex" data-v-a7def592><span class="left" data-v-a7def592>13</span> <div class="right" data-v-a7def592><p class="van-ellipsis" data-v-a7def592>Chapter 13 No.13</p> <p class="time" data-v-a7def592>06/12/2017</p></div></a></div></div></div></div><script>window.__CD__=(function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,_,$,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az,aA,aB,aC,aD,aE){R.title=S;R.description="Complete Hypnotism: Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism: This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book. \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E ++++\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification: \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E++++ \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Ctitle\u003E Cocoa And Chocolate: Their Chemistry And Manufacture; Volume 8599 Of Harvard College Library Preservation Microfilm Program 2002; Core Historical Literature Of Agriculture: Food Science And Human Nutrition\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cedition\u003E 2, revised\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cauthor\u003E Robert Whymper\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cpublisher\u003E J.& A. Churchill, 1921\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Csubjects\u003E Cooking; Courses & Dishes; Chocolate; Cacao; Chocolate; Cocoa; Cocoa processing; Cooking \\\u002F Courses & Dishes \\\u002F Chocolate; Cooking \\\u002F General; Theobroma cacao\u003C\\\u002Ftitle\u003E";R.keyWord="Complete Hypnotism: Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism, A. Alpheus, Literature, classic american novels, classic american literature, top 100 books, top 100 books of all time, 100 best books";T.isSpeedSowing=b;T.dayUpdate=a;T.bookId=12641322;T.mainBookId=a;T.bookName=m;T.authorId="0";T.authorName=x;T.imgUrl="https:\u002F\u002Fcos-enres.cdreader.com\u002Fsite-322(new)\u002F0\u002F12641\u002Fcoverbig.jpg?v=20210813183910";T.introduce="This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book. \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E ++++\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification: \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E++++ \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E \u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Ctitle\u003E Cocoa And Chocolate: Their Chemistry And Manufacture; Volume 8599 Of Harvard College Library Preservation Microfilm Program 2002; Core Historical Literature Of Agriculture: Food Science And Human Nutrition\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cedition\u003E 2, revised\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cauthor\u003E Robert Whymper\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cpublisher\u003E J.& A. Churchill, 1921\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Cbr\\\u002F\u003E\u003Csubjects\u003E Cooking; Courses & Dishes; Chocolate; Cacao; Chocolate; Cocoa; Cocoa processing; Cooking \\\u002F Courses & Dishes \\\u002F Chocolate; Cooking \\\u002F General; Theobroma cacao\u003C\\\u002Ftitle\u003E";T.readerNum=48;T.updateChapter="0344 Chapter 13 No.13";T.updatetime="08-13 18:39";T.chapterNum=y;T.chapterName=z;T.cName=f;T.site="Not classified";T.bookLength="27885";T.bookStar=p;T.cid=90011;T.buildTime="2017-12-06T23:21:06";T.viewedBooks=[{bookId:15336322,imgUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fcos-enres.cdreader.com\u002Fsite-322(new)\u002F0\u002F15336\u002Fcoverorgin.jpg?v=c9fe27c8e94eb88ba43f2ca295c88383",bookName:"The 2010 CIA World Factbook",genre:f,viewedPer:"75.9% of readers",authorName:"United States. 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However, he treated her like trash. Nothing she did softened his heart.\n\nOne day, Loraine got fed up with it all. She asked him for a divorce and left him to enjoy with his mistress.\n\nThe elites looked at her like she was de",updateInfo:"Author: Axel Bob",star:F,cName:g,href:"ndaction:readbyte(https:\u002F\u002Fapi.cdreader.com\u002Fapi.aspx?actionid=8001&id=37661322&restype=5&dstat=9999024.)",imgType:a,showType:a,isRecommend:a,rightModel:a,maskImg:c,author:"\u003Cicon href='https:\u002F\u002Fupimg.cdreader.com\u002Fresource\u002Fauthor_1.png?1'\u002F\u003EAxel Bob",authorId:"171220",wordCount:a,bookType:a,isSearch:a,websiteData:{cid:i,readNum:"34.3M",chapterNum:1294,firstChapterId:1158124,tagList:[{tagName:"Sweet",tagId:483350},{tagName:o,tagId:G}]}},{bookId:60743322,rankNumber:"41M",title:"Comeback Of The Adored Heiress",img:"https:\u002F\u002Fcos-enres.cdreader.com\u002Fsite-322(new)\u002F0\u002F60743\u002Fcoverorgin.jpg?v=78a035f3287c24e9198a74099d6c0a8b",subTitleIcon:"\u003Cicon href='https:\u002F\u002Fupimg.cdreader.com\u002FresourceEn\u002Fhot24.png'\u002F\u003E41M",introduce:"Madisyn was stunned to discover that she was not her parents' biological child. 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You should know you've spewed coffee at Mia, because if one day I exchange places with her and she's still mad at it, she would definitely get back to you and she might even get frantic. Do you understand how terrible a frantic woman can get? Are you",updateInfo:"Author: Nini Pen",star:F,cName:o,href:"ndaction:readbyte(https:\u002F\u002Fapi.cdreader.com\u002Fapi.aspx?actionid=8001&id=58141322&restype=5&dstat=9999037.)",imgType:a,showType:a,isRecommend:a,rightModel:a,maskImg:c,author:"\u003Cicon href='https:\u002F\u002Fupimg.cdreader.com\u002Fresource\u002Fauthor_1.png?1'\u002F\u003ENini Pen",authorId:"156834243",wordCount:a,bookType:a,isSearch:a,websiteData:{cid:20008,readNum:K,chapterNum:228,firstChapterId:3436245,tagList:[{tagName:"R18+",tagId:304322},{tagName:q,tagId:r},{tagName:"Forced love",tagId:341322},{tagName:u,tagId:v},{tagName:"GXG",tagId:483354},{tagName:O,tagId:P},{tagName:o,tagId:G}]}},{bookId:Q,rankNumber:"29M",title:"Love Unbreakable",img:"https:\u002F\u002Fcos-enres.cdreader.com\u002Fsite-322(new)\u002F0\u002F46526\u002Fcoverorgin.jpg?v=e300ee7d274175004d80cd31145b867d",subTitleIcon:"\u003Cicon href='https:\u002F\u002Fupimg.cdreader.com\u002FresourceEn\u002Fhot24.png'\u002F\u003E29M",introduce:"There was only one man in Raegan's heart, and it was Mitchel. 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But before she could break the news to her husband, he served her divorce papers because he wanted to marry his first love.\n\nAfter an accident, Ra",updateInfo:"Author: Bank Brook",star:N,cName:g,href:"ndaction:readbyte(https:\u002F\u002Fapi.cdreader.com\u002Fapi.aspx?actionid=8001&id=46526322&restype=5&dstat=9999001.)",imgType:a,showType:a,isRecommend:a,rightModel:a,maskImg:c,author:"\u003Cicon href='https:\u002F\u002Fupimg.cdreader.com\u002Fresource\u002Fauthor_1.png?1'\u002F\u003EBank 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This book may have occasional imperfections \u003Cbr \\\u002F\u003E such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of"},{property:"og:url",content:"https:\u002F\u002Fm.manobook.com\u002Fen\u002FbookDetail\u002F12641322\u002FLiterature\u002FComplete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism"},{property:"og:site_name",content:ak},{property:"og:image",content:"https:\u002F\u002Fcos-enres.cdreader.com\u002Fsite-322(new)\u002F0\u002F12641\u002Fcoverbigger.jpg?v=20210813183910"},{property:"og:image:alt",content:m},{property:"og:book:author",content:x},{property:"og:book:release_date",content:"2017-12-06T23:21:06+00:00"}],appName:al,showShare:b,headLink:[],LD:[{"@context":am,"@type":"BreadcrumbList",itemListElement:[{"@type":C,position:h,name:an,item:ak},{"@type":C,position:A,name:f,item:"https:\u002F\u002Fm.manobook.com\u002FBooks\u002FMen\u002FLiterature"},{"@type":C,position:B,name:m,item:"https:\u002F\u002Fm.manobook.com\u002FbookDetail\u002F12641322\u002FLiterature\u002FComplete-Hypnotism-Mesmerism-Mind-Reading-and-Spiritualism"}]},{"@context":am,"@type":"Book",name:m,image:"https:\u002F\u002Fcos-enres.cdreader.com\u002Fsite-322(new)\u002F0\u002F12641\u002Fcoverorgin.jpg?v=20210813183910",bookFormat:"eBook",numberOfPages:y,author:[{"@type":"Person",name:x,url:"https:\u002F\u002Fm.manobook.com\u002Fauthor\u002FA.-Alpheus"}],aggregateRating:{"@type":"AggregateRating",ratingValue:p,ratingCount:h}}],bookSeo:R,downloadBookId:k,icoLang:l,lang:l,env:w,tagsList:V,bookDetail:T,showBookDetailLoading:b,lastReadChapterID:a,dataNull:b,chapterOne:{chapterId:Z,serialNumber:h,nextChapterId:j,nextChapterName:$,nextIsVip:b,prevChapterId:a,prevChapterName:d,prevIsVip:b,hasBuy:b,nextHasBuy:b,prevHasBuy:b,content:d,firstContent:"\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EDr. Cocke's Method--Dr. Flint's Method--The French Method at Paris--at Nancy--The Hindoo Silent Method--How to Wake a Subject from Hypnotic Sleep--Frauds of Public Hypnotic Entertainers.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E",lastContent:"\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EFirst let us quote what is said of hypnotism in Foster's Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary. The dictionary states the derivation of the word from the Greek word meaning sleep, and gives as synonym \"Braidism\". This definition follows: \"An abnormal state into which some persons may be thrown, either by a voluntary act of their own, such as gazing continuously with fixed attention on some bright object held close to the eyes, or by the exercise of another person's will; characterized by suspension of the will and consequent obedience to the promptings of suggestions from without. The activity of the organs of special sense, except the eye, may be heightened, and the power of the muscles increased. Complete insensibility to pain may be induced by hypnotism, and it has been used as an anaesthetic. It is apt to be followed by a severe headache of long continuance, and by various nervous disturbances. On emerging from the hypnotic state, the person hypnotized usually has no remembrance of what happened during its continuance, but in many persons such remembrance may be induced by 'suggestion'. About one person in three is susceptible to hypnotism, and those of the hysterical or neurotic tendency (but rarely the insane) are the most readily hypnotized.\"\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EFirst we will quote the directions for producing hypnotism given by Dr. James R. Cocke, one of the most scientific experimenters in hypnotism in America. His directions of are special value, since they are more applicable to American subjects than the directions given by French writers. Says Dr. Cocke:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"The hypnotic state can be produced in one of the following ways: First, command the subject to close his eyes. Tell him his mind is a blank. Command him to think of nothing. Leave him a few minutes; return and tell him he cannot open his eyes. If he fails to do so, then begin to make any suggestion which may be desired. This is the so-called mental method of hypnotization.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"Secondly, give the subject a coin or other bright object. Tell him to look steadfastly at it and not take his eyes away from it. Suggest that his eyelids are growing heavy, that he cannot keep them open. Now close the lids. They cannot be opened. This is the usual method employed by public exhibitors. A similar method is by looking into a mirror, or into a glass of water, or by rapidly revolving polished disks, which should be looked at steadfastly in the same way as is the coin, and I think tires the eyes less.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"Another method is by simply commanding the subject to close his eyes, while the operator makes passes over his head and hands without coming in contact with them. Suggestions may be made during these passes.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"Fascination, as it is called, is one of the hypnotic states. The operator fixes his eyes on those of the subject. Holding his attention for a few minutes, the operator begins to walk backward; the subject follows. The operator raises the arm; the subject does likewise. Briefly, the subject will imitate any movement of the hypnotist, or will obey any suggestion made by word, look or gesture, suggested by the one with whom he is en rapport.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"A very effective method of hypnotizing a person is by commanding him to sleep, and having some very soft music played upon the piano, or other stringed instrument. Firm pressure over the orbits, or over the finger- ends and root of the nail for some minutes may also induce the condition of hypnosis in very sensitive persons.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"Also hypnosis can frequently be induced by giving the subject a glass of water, and telling him at the same time that it has been magnetized. The wearing of belts around the body, and rings round the fingers, will also, sometimes, induce a degree of hypnosis, if the subject has been told that they have previously been magnetized or are electric. The latter descriptions are the so-called physical methods described by Dr. Moll.\"\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EDr. Herbert L. Flint, a stage hypnotizer, describes his methods as follows:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"To induce hypnotism, I begin by friendly conversation to place my patient in a condition of absolute calmness and quiescence. I also try to win his confidence by appealing to his own volitional effort to aid me in obtaining the desired clad. I impress upon him that hypnosis in his condition is a benign agency, and far from subjugating his mentality, it becomes intensified to so great an extent as to act as a remedial agent.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"Having assured myself that he is in a passive condition, I suggest to him, either with or without passes, that after looking intently at an object for a few moments, he will experience a feeling of lassitude. I steadily gaze at his eyes, and in a monotonous tone I continue to suggest the various stages of sleep. As for instance, I say, 'Your breathing is heavy. Your whole body is relaxed.' I raise his arm, holding it in a horizontal position for a second or two, and suggest to him that it is getting heavier and heavier. I let my hand go and his arm falls to his side.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"'Your eyes,' I continue, 'feel tired and sleepy. They are fast closing' repeating in a soothing tone the words 'sleepy, sleepy, sleep.' Then in a self-assertive tone, I emphasize the suggestion by saying in an unhesitating and positive tone, 'sleep.'\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"I do not, however, use this method with all patients. It is an error to state, as some specialists do, that from their formula there can be no deviation; because, as no two minds are constituted alike, so they cannot be affected alike. While one will yield by intense will exerted through my eyes, another may, by the same means, become fretful, timid, nervous, and more wakeful than he was before. The same rule applies to gesture, tones of the voice, and mesmeric passes. That which has a soothing and lulling effect on one, may have an opposite effect on another. There can be no unvarying rule applicable to all patients. The means must be left to the judgment of the operator, who by a long course of psychological training should be able to judge what measures are necessary to obtain control of his subject. Just as in drugs, one person may take a dose without injury that will kill another, so in hypnosis, one person can be put into a deep sleep by means that would be totally ineffectual in another, and even then the mental states differ in each individual--that which in one induces a gentle slumber may plunge his neighbor into a deep cataleptic state.\"\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EThat hypnotism may be produced by purely physical or mechanical means seems to have been demonstrated by an incident which started Doctor Burq, a Frenchman, upon a scientific inquiry which lasted many years. \"While practising as a young doctor, he had one day been obliged to go out and had deemed it advisable to lock up a patient in his absence. Just as he was leaving the house he heard the sound as of a body suddenly falling. He hurried back into the room and found his patient in a state of catalepsy. Monsieur Burq was at that time studying magnetism, and he at once sought for the cause of this phenomenon. He noticed that the door-handle was of copper. The next day he wrapped a glove around the handle, again shut the patient in, and this time nothing occurred. He interrogated the patient, but she could give him no explanation. He then tried the effect of copper on all the subjects at the Salpetriere and the Cochin hospitals, and found that a great number were affected by it.\"\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EAt the Charity hospital in Paris, Doctor Luys used an apparatus moved by clockwork. Doctor Foveau, one of his pupils, thus describes it:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"The hypnotic state, generally produced by the contemplation of a bright spot, a lamp, or the human eye, is in his case induced by a peculiar kind of mirror. The mirrors are made of pieces of wood cut prismatically in which fragments of mirrors are incrusted. They are generally double and placed crosswise, and by means of clockwork revolve automatically. They are the same as sportsmen use to attract larks, the rays of the sun being caught and reflected on every side and from all points of the horizon. If the little mirrors in each branch are placed in parallel lines in front of a patient, and the rotation is rapid, the optic organ soon becomes fatigued, and a calming soothing somnolence ensues. At first it is not a deep sleep, the eye-lids are scarcely heavy, the drowsiness slight and restorative. By degrees, by a species of training, the hypnotic sleep differs more and more from natural sleep, the individual abandons himself more and more completely, and falls into one of the regular phases of hypnotic sleep. Without a word, without a suggestion or any other action, Dr. Luys has made wonderful cures. Wecker, the occulist, has by the same means entirely cured spasms of the eye-lids.\"\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EProfessor Delboeuf gives the following account of how the famous Liebault produced hypnotism at the hospital at Nancy. We would especially ask the reader to note what he says of Dr. Liebault's manner and general bearing, for without doubt much of his success was due to his own personality. Says Professor Delboeuf:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"His modus faciendi has something ingenious and simple about it, enhanced by a tone and air of profound conviction; and his voice has such fervor and warmth that he carries away his clients with him.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"After having inquired of the patient what he is suffering from, without any further or closer examination, he places his hand on the patient's forehead and, scarcely looking at him, says, 'You are going to sleep.' Then, almost immediately, he closes the eyelids, telling him that he is asleep. After that he raises the patient's arm, and says, 'You cannot put your arm down.' If he does, Dr. Liebault appears hardly to notice it. He then turns the patient's arm around, confidently affirming that the movement cannot be stopped, and saying this he turns his own arms rapidly around, the patient remaining all the time with his eyes shut; then the doctor talks on without ceasing in a loud and commanding voice. The suggestions begin:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"'You are going to be cured; your digestion will be good, your sleep quiet, your cough will stop, your circulation will become free and regular; you are going to feel very strong and well, you will be able to walk about,' etc., etc. He hardly ever varies the speech. Thus he fires away at every kind of disease at once, leaving it to the client to find out his own. No doubt he gives some special directions, according to the disease the patient is suffering from, but general instructions are the chief thing.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\"The same suggestions are repeated a great many times to the same person, and, strange to say, notwithstanding the inevitable monotony of the speeches, and the uniformity of both style and voice, the master's tone is so ardent, so penetrating, so sympathetic, that I have never once listened to it without a feeling of intense admiration.\"\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EThe Hindoos produce sleep simply by sitting on the ground and, fixing their eyes steadily on the subject, swaying the body in a sort of writhing motion above the hips. By continuing this steadily and in perfect silence for ten or fifteen minutes before a large audience, dozens can be put to sleep at one time. In all cases, freedom from noise or distractive incidents is essential to success in hypnotism, for concentration must be produced.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003ECertain French operators maintain that hypnotism may be produced by pressure on certain hypnogenic points or regions of the body. Among these are the eye-balls, the crown of the head, the back of the neck and the upper bones of the spine between the shoulder glades. Some persons may be hypnotized by gently pressing on the skin at the base of the finger-nails, and at the root of the nose; also by gently scratching the neck over the great nerve center.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EHypnotism is also produced by sudden noise, as if by a Chinese gong, etc.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EHOW TO WAKE A SUBJECT FROM HYPNOTIC SLEEP.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EThis is comparatively easy in moot cases. Most persons will awake naturally at the end of a few minutes, or will fall into a natural sleep from which in an hour or two they will awake refreshed. Usually the operator simply says to the subject, \"All right, wake up now,\" and claps his hands or makes some other decided noise. In some cases it is sufficient to say, \"You will wake up in five minutes\"; or tell a subject to count twelve and when he gets to ten say, \"Wake up.\"\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EPersons in the lethargic state are not susceptible to verbal suggestions, but may be awakened by lifting both eyelids.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EIt is said that pressure on certain regions will wake the subject, just as pressure in certain other places will put the subject to sleep. Among these places for awakening are the ovarian regions.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003ESome writers recommend the application of cold water to awaken subjects, but this is rarely necessary. In olden times a burning coal was brought near.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EIf hypnotism was produced by passes, then wakening may be brought about by passes in the opposite direction, or with the back of the hand toward the subject.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EThe only danger is likely to be found in hysterical persons. They will, if aroused, often fall off again into a helpless state, and continue to do so for some time to come. It is dangerous to hypnotize such subjects.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003ECare should be taken to awaken the subject very thoroughly before leaving him, else headache, nausea, or the like may follow, with other unpleasant effects. In all cases subjects should be treated gently and with the utmost consideration, as if the subject and operator were the most intimate friends.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EIt is better that the person who induces hypnotic sleep should awaken the subject. Others cannot do it so easily, though as we have said, subjects usually awaken themselves after a short time.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class='p_sj'\u003EFurther description of the method of producing hypnotism need not be given; but it is proper to add that in addition to the fact that not more than one person out of three can be hypnotized at all, even by an experienced operator, to effect hypnotization except in a few cases requires a great deal of patience, both on the part of the operator and of the subject. It may require half a dozen or more trials before any effect at all can be produced, although in some cases the effect will come within a minute or two. After a person has been once hypnotized, hypnotization is much easier. The most startling results are to be obtained only after a long process of training on the part of the subject. Public hypnotic entertainments, and even those given at the hospitals in Paris, would be quite impossible if trained subjects were not at hand; and in the case of the public hypnotizer, the proper subjects are hired and placed in the audience for the express purpose of coming forward when called for. The success of such an entertainment could not otherwise be guaranteed. In many cases, also, this training of subjects makes them deceivers. They learn to imitate what they see, and since their living depends upon it, they must prove hypnotic subjects who can always be depended upon to do just what is wanted. We may add, however, that what they do is no more than an imitation of the real thing. There is no grotesque manifestation on the stage, even if it is a pure fake, which could not be matched by more startling facts taken from undoubted scientific experience.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E",readPersion:.07692307692307693,isNeedLogin:b,canBuy:b,chapterName:z,updateTime:_,isVip:b,coin:a,lastChapterIndex:a,nextChapterIndex:a,currentChapterIndex:a,length:a,lockType:a,money:a,giftMoney:a,need:a,isMoneyEnough:b,isReadByApp:b},nextChapterId:j,isRender:b}],fetch:{},error:d,state:{lang:l,env:w,appName:al,utmBookId:Q,langTxt:{about:"About",all:"All",all_the_following_chapters:"All the following chapters",Author:"Author: ",author_fogetsuccess_one:"The link's been sent! Please check your email (",author_fogetsuccess_two:"). 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If the accumulative income of one of your former contracted work in {0} months has lived up to our expectations, you can receive the incentive advance payment when you sign a new contract with us.\u003Cbr\u002F\u003En\u003Cspan\u003E2.\u003C\u002Fspan\u003E After signing the new contract, you must publish a work of at least 50,000 words, whose content must be approved by our editor in order to receive the incentive advance payment.\u003Cbr\u002F\u003En\u003Cspan\u003E3.\u003C\u002Fspan\u003E When the said book generates income greater than the amount of the advance payment you receive, you will be able to obtain the other bonuses of this book.",Prepayment_003:"Incentive advance payment",present_no_money:"You don't have enough coins. 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Please check and follow the link to continue the signup.",shareto:"Share to",sign:"By Signing In",sign_in_with_facebook:"Sign in with Facebook",sign_in_with_google:"Sign in with Google",Signing_Bonus_001:"a) Your book reaches at least {0} words.\u003Cbr\u002F\u003Eb) The accumulated number of views on MoboReader during {1} month must exceed {2}.",sneak_preview:"SNEAK PREVIEW",status:"Status",tags:"Tags",tagsName:"{tag} Novels",title_facebook:X,title_twitter:Y,to_app_see_more:"View More Comments on App",today:"Today ",today_at:"Today at ",TOP:"TOP",top_up:"TOP UP",TOP_UP_NOW:"TOP UP NOW",top_up_record:"Top-up Record",top_up_via_App:"Top up via App",top_up_via_website:"Top up via website",top_up1:"Top up",Toprated:"Top-Rated",trending:ay,unlock_chapters_in_bulk:"Unlock Chapters in Bulk",UNLOCK_CHAPTERS_IN_BULK:"UNLOCK CHAPTERS IN BULK",unlock_this_chapter:E,unlock_toast:"Unlocked",unlocked_chapters:E,"unlocked_chapters-2":E,Updated:"Updated",upload_profile_photo:"Upload Profile Photo",user_login_1:aA,verification_succeed:"Verification succeeded. Log in now!",via_app_store:"APP STORE",via_google_paly:"GOOGLE PLAY",views:"View",wallet:"Wallet",weekly:"Weekly",word_count:"Word Count: ",you_might_like:"You might like: ",zw1:"1st English Webnovel Contest",zw10:"\u003Cp class=\"r-title\"\u003ERequirements For Winning:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E1. An exclusive contract for the novel must be signed with our platform.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E2. By the last day of the contest, the novel must be over 80,000 words.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E3. The novel must be updated at least once in two weeks. Novels without any new chapters for two weeks in a row will be eliminated from the contest.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class=\"r-title mb30\"\u003EOther information:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E1. Novels can be entered even on the last date of the contest duration (Jan 20, 2023). These novels will still have 60 days until the winners announcement to be evaluated by the readers and editors.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E2. The final ranking will be determined based on readers' votes, the number of views on the novel, the editors' ratings, and the total earnings of the work.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E3. The total earnings will hold the highest weight when calculating the score.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E",zw11:"Attractive prizes waiting for you!",zw12:"1st Place: US$2000*1",zw13:"2nd Place: US$1000*2",zw14:"3rd Place: US$500*5",zw15:"Rising Star Award: US$300*10",zw16:"Winner Benefits",zw17:"\u003Cp\u003E1. All winners will enjoy the benefits of exclusively signed works on Moboreader, such as signing bonus, monthly bonus, and completion bonus.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E2. Winners will have their work promoted through main market channels and be released on multiple platforms in other languages.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E3. Exclusive author interviews with winners will be published on our fan page, and their novels will be publicized on our official social platforms.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E4. Winning works will have the opportunity to be made into audiobooks.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E",zw18:"Treading Books",zw19:"Reminder",zw2:"Prizes Rewarded:",zw20:"\u003Cp\u003E1. Fan fiction, poetry, and short stories are not accepted.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E2. Winning works will be determined based on readers' votes, editors' rating, and overall popularity of the stories.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E3. To join the contest, please select the Event button when creating a new book.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E",zw21:"Vote",zw22:"Q1. If my exclusive novel wins a prize in the contest, will I be able to get both the contest prize and the Exclusive Author Award?",zw23:"Yes, as long as you meet the requirements, you can get them at the same time.",zw24:"Q2. Can non-exclusive works enter the contest?",zw25:"Only exclusive works are eligible for the contest. For non-exclusive works, please keep an eye out for other events organized by our platform.",zw26:"Q3. What are the requirements regarding the length of the entries?",zw27:"To enter the contest, the novel must be over 10,000 words and approved by our editors. To be eligible for winning a prize, the novel must be over 80,000 words as on Jan 20, 2023.",zw28:"Q4. How many tags can I select for a contest entry?",zw29:"You can select a maximum of 3 tags, but you are recommended to stick to 1 or 2 tags that are appropriate for the novel. The more accurate the tags are, the higher the chance of readers voting for your novel.",zw3:"Start Writing Now!",zw30:"Q5. I have no prior writing experience, but I love reading novels. Can I enter the contest and win prizes like other writers?",zw31:"Of course. We encourage everyone to enter the contest. As long as your work meets the requirements for entry and for winning, you may stand to win a prize. If you don't have any experience in writing novels, you can contact our editors. A team of professional writers will guide and assist you. May you have a pleasant writing experience!",zw32:ao,zw33:"\u003Cp class=\"e-title\"\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class=\"e-desc\"\u003EWe are now screening the works that meet the requirements.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp class=\"e-desc\"\u003EAnd the voting will begin on February 20, 2023.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E",zw34:"Voted",zw35:"Voted successfully. ",zw36:"No more chances today. Please cast your votes tomorrow.",zw37:"Share",zw38:"Copy link",zw39:"Link copied. Share it now~",zw4:"About the Contest",zw5:c,zw6:aD,zw7:"Rules",zw8:"\u003Cspan class=\"r-title\"\u003EAccepted Themes: \u003C\u002Fspan\u003ERomance, Young Adult, Billionaire, Mafia, Werewolves, Paranormal",zw9:"\u003Cp class=\"r-title\"\u003ERequirements for Entry:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E1. The novel must be new and original without any plagiarism, relevant to one or more of the aforementioned themes, and unpublished on any other platforms.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E2. An exclusive contract for the novel must be signed with our platform.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\u003Cp\u003E3. At the time of entry, the novel must be over 10,000 words.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E",zzfl_910_1:"EXCELLENCE BONUS",zzfl_910_2:"From signing the contract to applying for completion, this book gets royalty OVER 300 USD (including 300USD), the writer can get this bonus, and this bonus will be released with the complete bonus together",zzfl1:"Benefits for exclusive works",zzfl10:"Create Your Story Now!",zzfl11:"BONUS",zzfl2:"SIGNING BONUS;Update 30,000 words to the signed story.",zzfl3:"MONTHLY BONUS;Update 50,000 more words to the signed story per month, with a maximum of 3 days absent.",zzfl4:"POPULAR STORIES",zzfl5:"COMPLETION BONUS;When Completed;Bonus;Words;Words or More",zzfl6:"*All the bonuses above apply to exclusive stories only, and only the stories signed within the event period can enjoy the bonuses.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E*The outstanding stories will be promoted around the world. We will also create an official group to connect the writers and their readers.",zzfl7:"We have established a close relationship with thousands of writers in the past year.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EThank you for your unwavering trust. It would be an honor to have more of you join us!",zzfl8:"Q+Are there any requirements regarding the length of the book or the number of chapters?\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EA+It is highly recommended that you update 10 chapters and 10,000 words before you apply for the contract. In this way, our editors can better understand and promote your story.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EQ+How to get the Monthly Bonus?\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EA+a.Upload 50,000 additional words within one calendar month on top of the signing bonus;\u003Cbr\u002F\u003Eb.Uploading 1,000 words generates a punch-in record (the platform has an automatic scheduled upload function; please ask your editor for more information regarding this);\u003Cbr\u002F\u003Ec.The writer gets three days off during the updating month.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EQ+How many times can I claim the Monthly Bonus?\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EA+For the quality concern, you can claim the Monthly Bonus for at most 3 times for each exclusive story signed during this event. For those long stories, we also provide you with customized bonus. Please contact our editor for more details!\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EQ+I have completed my story. Can I get the Monthly Bonus if I update it at once?\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EA+Please contact our editor. We will provide a suitable solution for you!\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EQ+Do exclusive stories share royalties?\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EA+Yes, of course!\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EQ+I have updated the first 30,000 words in the first half of the month. Now I would like to update more. Should I still update 50,000 more words to get the monthly bonus?\u003Cbr \u002F\u003EA+No. It will depend on the remaining days in the month. You can consult our editor for details.",zzfl9:aD},configUrl:{UnLoginChapterCount:"15",FreeReadPercent:"30",AppDownUrl:aE,IOSDownUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fapps.apple.com\u002Fapp\u002Fapple-store\u002Fid1291247971?pt=118830109&ct=officialsite&mt=8",AndDownUrl:aE,CreateUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fauthor.moboreader.com\u002F",RechargeUrl:"..\u002Fpay\u002Findex.html",TwShareUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Ftwitter.com\u002Fshare",FbShareUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.facebook.com\u002Fsharer\u002Fsharer.php",youtubeUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.youtube.com\u002Fchannel\u002FUCRZmguXSufAtB6vbr1zhaSg",FBUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.facebook.com\u002FMoboreader-111318811475286",amazonUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.amazon.com\u002FMobo-Reader\u002Fe\u002FB07G59TGP7",moboUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.moboreader.net\u002Fapp\u002F",manoUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.manobook.net\u002F",LeraUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.lera.mobi\u002F",KiffireUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.kifflire.com\u002F",termsUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fstaticpage-en.cdreader.com\u002FEN\u002Ftermsofservice.html?client_proid=1000&mt=9",prvacyUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fstaticpage-en.cdreader.com\u002FEN\u002FPrivacyPolicy.html?client_proid=1000&mt=9",contactUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fstaticpage-en.cdreader.com\u002FEN\u002Fcontact.html?client_proid=1000&mt=9",copyRightUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fauthor.moboreader.com\u002Fpc\u002Fcomplaints.html",bookDetailUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.moboreader.com\u002FbookDetail.html",readBookUrl:"https:\u002F\u002Fwww.moboreader.com\u002FreadBook.html",BestSellingBookId:"46526322"},userInfo:{},read_source_page_id:100250,read_source_page_name:"官网书城首页",projectLock:b,i18n:{routeParams:{}}},serverRendered:n,routePath:W,config:{_app:{basePath:"\u002F",assetsPath:"\u002F_cd\u002F",cdnURL:d}}}}(0,false,"",null,"2017-12-06T00:02:00","Literature","Romance",1,20007,251652,"12641322","sp","Complete Hypnotism: Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism",true,"Billionaires","5.0","Modern",326322,"CEO",419322,"Attractive",473322,"pro","A. 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