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Read That Night with the CEO full story online

2024-03-19 11:34:05 Manobook.com 43

Read That Night with the CEO full story online

Step into the captivating world crafted by Karen Booth in "That Night with the CEO," where a chance encounter transforms into a complex dance of desire, ambition, and hidden truths.

Entrepreneur Adam Langford finds himself embroiled in a whirlwind of emotions as he navigates a tabloid scandal that forces him into seclusion at his North Carolina mountain estate. Little does he know that fate has orchestrated a reunion with Melanie Costello, the blonde beauty who shared his bed in a fleeting one-night stand a year ago and then vanished without a trace.

As Melanie resurfaces in Adam's life as his new PR consultant, tasked with reshaping his public image ahead of his impending CEO role, they grapple with a forbidden attraction that threatens to unravel their carefully constructed facades. With sparks flying between them, they must navigate the treacherous waters of professional boundaries and personal desires while keeping their smoldering secret under wraps.

Struggling to balance professional obligations with simmering passion, Melanie faces a monumental task: reinventing Adam's rebellious persona without succumbing to the magnetic pull drawing them together. Amidst high stakes and mounting tension, she must decide whether to risk her career and reputation for the man who ignites her most intense desires.

Karen Booth intricately weaves a tale of temptation, transformation, and tumultuous romance, exploring the complexities of love and ambition in a riveting narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Dive into a story that delves deep into the intricate dance between attraction and professionalism, unraveling the layers of secrecy and longing that bind Adam and Melanie together in an electrifying union of hearts and ambitions.

My CEO Daddy

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Part 1: That Night with the CEO story line

Part 2: The main characters of That Night with the CEO

Part 3: The most popular chapters of That Night with the CEO

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“That Night with the CEO”

Part 1: That Night with the CEO story line

That Night with the CEO story line

It was just a one-night stand—but now they’re working side by side . . .

Entrepreneur Adam Langford always gets what he wants. And he wants the blonde who shared his bed a year ago—then vanished. Now a tabloid scandal has him hiding out at his estate in the mountains of North Carolina, and it’s whisked Melanie Costello back into his life—as his new PR guru! But the real headline would be if their red-hot secret got out.

Transforming the rebellious image of the soon-to-be CEO will take Melanie’s best makeover skills. But how do they hide the sizzling electricity between them? Her PR firm is on the line. Will she risk everything for the one man she can’t resist?

Part 2: The main characters of That Night with the CEO

The main characters of That Night with the CEO

Male description:

Adam Langford, a successful entrepreneur accustomed to getting his way, finds himself entangled in a situation where a past one-night stand reenters his life unexpectedly. Amidst a tabloid scandal, Adam seeks refuge in his mountain estate in North Carolina, only to discover that Melanie Costello, the blonde from his past encounter, has resurfaced as his new PR consultant. As they navigate their professional collaboration, keeping their red-hot secret becomes paramount. Balancing the need for a drastic image makeover for the upcoming CEO role with the undeniable chemistry between them proves to be a challenging task. Adam must confront the risks of exposure while grappling with his growing feelings for the woman he can't resist.

The main characters of That Night with the CEO

Female description:

Melanie Costello, a skilled PR guru, steps into the spotlight once again when she is tasked with transforming the rebellious image of entrepreneur Adam Langford, her former one-night stand, who has resurfaced in her life amid a tabloid scandal. Working side by side with Adam to revamp his public persona tests Melanie's expertise and her ability to conceal the intense attraction simmering beneath the surface. With her PR firm's reputation on the line, Melanie faces a dilemma: uphold her professional integrity or give in to her feelings for Adam, the one man she finds irresistible. As they navigate the complexities of their working relationship, Melanie must weigh the risks of risking it all for a chance at love with Adam.

Part 3: The most popular chapters of That Night with the CEO

That Night with the CEO One

Women had done some nutty things to get to Adam Langford, but Melanie Costello was going for a world record. Adam watched on the security camera as her car pulled through the gate in the most relentless rain he’d seen in the four years since he’d purchased his mountain estate. “I’ll be damned,” he mumbled, shaking his head.

Thunder boomed.

His dog, Jack, nudged his hand, whimpering.

“I know, buddy. Only a crazy person would drive up here in this weather.”

The hair on his arms stood up, but the electricity in the air wasn’t from thunderstorms. The anticipation of seeing Melanie for the second time in his life left him off-kilter. She’d done a number on him a year ago, giving him the most consuming night of passion he could remember and then slipping out the door before he awoke. There’d been no goodbye whispered into his ear, no nudge to wake him for a parting kiss. All she’d left behind was a memory he couldn’t shake and countless questions, the most pressing of which was whether she’d ever make him feel that alive again.

That Night with the CEO Two

“People say that I have a familiar face.” Melanie’s voice held a nervous squeak. She turned and practically buried her face in her project binder.

Adam considered himself an expert at deciphering the underlying message in a woman’s words, but he was especially fluent in coy deflection. I can’t believe she’s going to try to hide this. “Have you done any work for me?”

She shrugged and scanned her blessed notebook. “I would’ve remembered that.”

Time to turn up the heat. “Have we dated?”

She hesitated. “No. We haven’t dated.”

To be fair, she might have him on a technicality there. They hadn’t really been on a date. He scoured his brain for another leading question. “Do I detect an accent?” A slight twang had colored the word dated.

She screwed up her lips and sat straighter, still refusing to make eye contact, which was a real shame. Her crystalline blue eyes were lovely—plus, he’d be able to tell if she was being deceitful. “I grew up in Virginia.”

“I met a woman from Virginia at a party once. She was a real firecracker. Maybe a little bit crazy. If only I could remember what her name was.” He rubbed his chin, took another sip of wine, rounding to the other side of the kitchen island and taking the seat next to hers. Jack hadn’t moved, standing sentry at her hip. That’s right, buddy. You know her.

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“That Night with the CEO”

If you like CEO romance novels, I recommend 10 books similar to "That Night with the CEO".

1. Bye My Bossy Husband

author: Tonye Stern

Bye, My Bossy Husband

Bye, My Bossy Husband

"You never know what you have until you lose it!" This was the case for Samuel who despised his wife throughout their marriage. Tessa gave her all to Samuel. But what did he do? He treated her like a useless rag. In his eyes, she was selfish, unscrupulous, and disgusting. He wanted to be away from her at all times. He was happy to divorce her. However, his happiness didn't last. He soon realized that he had let go of a jewel of inestimable value. By this time, Tessa was already doing well for herself. "Tessa love, I know I was such a jerk, but I have learned my lessons. Give me another chance," Samuel begged with teary eyes. "Ha-ha! You are a comedian, Samuel. Weren't you always disgusted with me? What changed now?" Tessa sneered, eyeing him. "I changed, my love. I became a better man. Please take me back. I won't stop until you agree." With her eyes shooting lasers, Tessa yelled, "Get the hell out of my sight! I don't want to ever see you again!"

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Chapter 1 Divorce

The thud of paper landing on a hard surface echoed in the room.

A divorce agreement was thrown in front of Tessa Lopez.

"Your cousin has woken up, and I've promised her that she'll be my only wife for as long as she lives.  Sign it, Tessa, so that we can finally end this marriage."

Tessa's expression did not show the slightest sign of surprise.  She already knew this would happen the moment she heard that her cousin had woken up.

She looked at the man and asked bitterly, "You still don't believe me, do you?"

Samuel Pearson sneered.  "Why should I believe in a greedy and vain woman like you?  Anyway, don't make me repeat myself.  Sign it, and this villa will be yours.  That should be enough for you, right?  I'm being generous already."

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2. My Beloved Hated Wife

author: mind's pen

My Beloved Hated Wife

My Beloved Hated Wife

Tovia wanted freedom through her marriage, but like every other thing, her father already have her marriage planned too. After knowing that her father was going to give her hand in marriage to Jerry Wood from the most notorious and dangerous gangster family in the city for a business deal, Tovia decides to take her destiny by her own hand to go against the marriage. She propose a contract marriage to her college friend Andre Martin who is a stammer and nobody but it's turns Andre is a rich billionaire, and the boss of the underworld.

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Chapter 1 Tovia

"Tovia!  Tovia!"

That morning, her father had called her, shouting her name as she prepared to go to college.

"What is it this time again?"  Tovia murmured angrily as she descended the stairs.

"Don't you hear me calling you?"  Mr. Page lashed out at his only daughter and child, but she only stood with an angry face, looking at her father.  Tovia knows that whenever her father starts calling her like that, there has to be something that she will regret later.

"Prepare yourself tonight.  We are both meeting the Woods," Mr. Page said, adjusting his tie.

"The Woods!"  Tovia squeezed her face, looking ugly.

"I have already finalized your marriage with Jerry.  So we need to meet with them tonight to talk about the wedding preparations," Jones added nonchalantly.

"No drama, you hear me?"  He warned as he dashed out of the mansion, with his assistant following closely.  Tovia stood still, like she had just been struck by heavy lightning.  It takes a while for her to crawl back into her room.

Sitting in front of the mirror in her room, she stares at her reflection as if she has lost the sense of time.  Suddenly, she yells.

"I hate myself!  I hate myself!"  Hot tears flow down her cheeks as she cries.  Her face turns sore because of anger.

"How could he?  How could he do that to me?"  Tovia cries and starts to throw all the things on her dressing table away furiously.  The sound of things shattering attracts Maggie, the househelp, who is working downstairs.  She quickly runs to Tovia's room.  Maggie had already secretly heard Mr. Page talking to Tovia about the marriage that morning.

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3. Overwhelmed By The Billionaires Persistent Pursuits

author: Bernita Sredl

Overwhelmed By The Billionaire's Persistent Pursuits

Overwhelmed By The Billionaire's Persistent Pursuits

Candice's life took a strange turn on her wedding night. Her groom, Greyson, didn't show up to consummate their marriage. Instead, a stranger broke into her room and violated her. Marriage was hell for her. As she licked her wounds, her mother-in-law took every chance to make her feel less of herself. Greyson who was supposed to be supportive didn't give a damn about her. He brought his side chick into their matrimonial home. It didn't take long before she was kicked out of the house. Everyone thought that she was just a helpless weakling. They didn't know that she was an extraordinary lawyer. She dragged the stranger who raped her to court. She intended to make his life a living hell for ruining hers. In the course of this, she was stunned to find out that the rapist was actually the richest man in the city. He was a domineering and clean freak. Things soon went out of her control. This man tried every means to make her marry him. It dawned on her that she caused even more trouble for herself. How could she get this man off her back, while also bringing him to book?

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Chapter 1 The Bridegroom Didn't Show Up

It was Candice Blake's wedding night.

She finally married Greyson Harman.

It was a milestone moment, a day she'd been expecting for a decade.

Yet, as night fell, her husband still didn't come to her.

As Candice sat in the exquisitely decorated suite that had been thoughtfully arranged by the Harman family, her heart fluttered with nervous anticipation.

Surely he was mingling with the guests below, but it was getting late.  When would he appear?

Candice was uncertain.

Greyson didn't love her.  He had another woman in his heart.  He married her just because his family forced him to do so.  Candice held on to the fantasy that matrimony and shared time would eventually kindle love in his heart.

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4. When Love Comes Late

author: Fifine Schwan

When Love Comes Late

When Love Comes Late

In order to fulfill her grandfather's last wish, Stella entered into a hasty marriage with an ordinary man she had never met before. However, even after becoming husband and wife on paper, they each led separate lives, barely crossing paths. A year later, Stella returned to Seamarsh City, hoping to finally meet her mysterious husband. To her astonishment, he sent her a text message, unexpectedly pleading for a divorce without ever having met her in person. Gritting her teeth, Stella replied, "So be it. Let’s get a divorce!" Following that, Stella made a bold move and joined the Prosperity Group, where she became a public relations officer that worked directly for the company’s CEO, Matthew. The handsome and enigmatic CEO was already bound in matrimony, and was known to be unwaveringly devoted to his wife in private. Unbeknownst to Stella, her mysterious husband was actually her boss, in his alternate identity! Determined to focus on her career, Stella deliberately kept her distance from the CEO, although she couldn't help but notice his deliberate attempts to get close to her. As time went on, her elusive husband had a change of heart. He suddenly refused to proceed with the divorce. When would his alternate identity be uncovered? Amidst a tumultuous blend of deception and profound love, what destiny awaited them?

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Chapter 1 Unknown Husband

At Seamarsh Airport, Stella Anderson stood waiting at the waiting area with a large suitcase at her feet.

She glanced at her watch again.  It had been thirty minutes since she got off the plane.  And yet, her husband whom she had gotten married to a year ago was nowhere in sight.

She fanned herself with her fingers while frowning.  She already had a bad impression of someone she had never met.

This was supposed to be their first meeting.  How could he be so late?

As she watched people come and go, she couldn't help but recall her hasty marriage.

It had happened a year ago after her grandfather came down with a serious illness.

Stella, who was abroad at the time, rushed home to see him.  It was then he made it known that he hoped to see her get married soon.

Stella wanted to say no.  But when she remembered how her grandfather adopted her from an orphanage and raised her into the adult she had become, she didn't have the heart to disappoint him.

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5. A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love

author: Arny Gallucio

A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love

A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love

Rena got into an entanglement with a big shot when she was drunk one night. She needed Waylen's help while he was drawn to her youthful beauty. As such, what was supposed to be a one-night stand progressed into something serious. All was well until Rena discovered that Waylen's heart belonged to another woman. When his first love returned, he stopped coming home, leaving Rena all alone for many nights. She put up with it until she received a check and farewell note one day. Contrary to how Waylen expected her to react, Rena had a smile on her face as she bid him farewell. "It was fun while it lasted, Waylen. May our paths never cross. Have a nice life." But as fate would have it, their paths crossed again. This time, Rena had another man by her side. Waylen's eyes burned with jealousy. He spat, "How the hell did you move on? I thought you loved only me!" "Keyword, loved!" Rena flipped her hair back and retorted, "There are plenty of fish in the sea, Waylen. Besides, you were the one who asked for a breakup. Now, if you want to date me, you have to wait in line." The next day, Rena received a credit alert of billions and a diamond ring. Waylen appeared again, got down on one knee, and uttered, "May I cut in line, Rena? I still want you."

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Chapter 1 A Big Shot

In a dimly-lit hotel room... 

Rena Gordon passionately kissed the handsome stranger. 

Earlier tonight, her ex-boyfriend, Harold Moore, announced his engagement—with another woman. Rena was so devastated that she got drunk at a bar. Under the influence of alcohol and the strange man's charm, she somehow ended up here. 

Now that Harold was marrying a rich girl regardless of his four-year relationship with her, then she could also indulge herself a little, right? 

Just as the man was pulling her clothes off, Rena leaned on the man's shoulder and forgot herself, murmuring, "Harold!"

The man stopped abruptly, and the lust in the atmosphere instantly dissipated. 

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6. Burning Love What If I Never Get Over You

author: Sancho Pintus

Burning Love: What If I Never Get Over You

Burning Love: What If I Never Get Over You

Despite being an ordinary orphan girl, Cheryl managed to marry the most powerful man in the city. He was perfect in every aspect, but there was one thing-- he didn't love her. Three years into their marriage, she finally got pregnant, but it was also the day her husband gave her their divorce papers. It seemed that he had fallen in love with another woman, and he assumed that she had fallen for another man as well. Just when she thought the relationship was coming to an end, all of a sudden, he didn't seem to want her gone. She was already about to give up, but then he came back and confessed his love for her. What was Cheryl supposed to do in this tangle between love and hate, while being pregnant on top of it? What was best for her?

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Chapter 1 Pregnancy And Divorce

"You're pregnant, ma'am.  Congratulations!"

Cheryl Naylor walked out of the hospital in a stupor, but the doctor's remarks continued to play in her head.

When she glanced at the pregnancy test report in her hand once more, her face creased into a sudden smile.

It was the third year of Cheryl and Jarred Fuller's marriage.

They wed not because of love but to fulfill the last request of Jarred's grandmother.

However, Jarred was a wonderful husband once they were married, doing everything a spouse should do.  He made sure Cheryl lived a good life and took good care of her.  Every year on their anniversary, he would ask his assistant to send Cheryl a gift.

He treated her with the utmost respect and dignity that a wife deserved.

It seemed to everyone else that they were the sweetest and most loving couple.

However, it was a far cry from reality.

Cheryl kept to herself that Jarred did not utter a single "I love you" to her in the past three years they spent together.

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7. Infinite Love From My Ex husband

author: Q. CARTER

Infinite Love From My Ex-husband

Infinite Love From My Ex-husband

Their marriage was nothing but for the benefit of the two families. He could choose anyone to be his bride, but the moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew she was the one he wanted. However, their marriage didn't last for a long because of her indifference. Until the moment he signed the divorce agreement, he finally witnessed her true colors. It turned out that she also took advantage of him. Their divorce was not an end but the start of the real love game.

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Chapter 1 A Divorce Agreement

When Michelle Greenwood got up in the morning, she didn't feel refreshed as one would expect after a good night's rest.  She felt restless due to her lingering anxiety that something bad was about to happen.  This made her extremely upset.  As expected, she received a direct call from Gerard Roberts just a few moments before the clock ticked to nine.  He told her to go to Robert Enterprises before ten o'clock.

She had no idea why he wanted to see her all of a sudden, but she knew at the back of her mind that it definitely wasn't something good.  So she quickly got dressed and walked for about ten minutes to Robert Enterprises.

It was not the first time that she had entered the building.  There was nothing new, except that this time, she received a direct order from her husband, the son of the owner of the Robert Enterprises, to go to the headquarters of their company in Binfield to sign the divorce agreement!

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8. The Paranoid Billionaires Trap

author: Nevsa-Ybarra

The Paranoid Billionaire's Trap

The Paranoid Billionaire's Trap

Henrik, a paranoid young man from a rich family, believed that women were gold-diggers. He disguised himself as a car mechanic and married Noreen just to get back at her. In his eyes, she was just a frivolous woman who hated him because of his disability. He put on the mask of a loving husband who cared for his wife, but in reality, he had no feelings for her at all. It was all a ploy to get her to fall into his trap. One thing led to another and Henrik's plan slowly got out of his control. It wasn't until the divorce was finalized that he realized what a fool he had been. Noreen wasn't like other women at all. He soon found that he was head over heels in love with her, so he tried to win her back without backing down. Noreen frowned at him for the umpteenth time and sneered, "Mr. Sanchez, you must have mistaken me for someone else. I was never married to you. My ex-husband was just a mechanic. You are the richest businessman in the country. How can you be my ex-husband? Please I would appreciate it if you stop pestering me." Henrik was at wit's end now. Out of desperation, he blurted out, "I can be a mechanic again, just for you. I'll resign from Sanchez Group and become poor again. Just come back to me, honey." Noreen was too stunned to speak. What the hell had gotten into him?

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Chapter 1 Run Away From The Wedding

Noreen Wheeler stared at the ceiling as she lay on the bed, her sweat seeping through the mattress.

From time to time, she would steal a glimpse of the handsome man beside her.

All she could think about was how she let a strange man take her virginity.

Well, that wasn't completely accurate.  He wasn't exactly a strange man.  After all, they had gotten their marriage certificate not long ago.

Legally, he was her husband.

His name was Henrik Sanchez, and he was a car mechanic.

Getting married to him out of impulse was one of the two most outrageous things she had done in her pathetic life.

The other one was running away from the wedding.

For their family's interests, her foster parents asked her to replace their biological daughter, Melany Wheeler, and marry the disfigured, abnormal, and disabled man of the Sanchez family.

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9. Burning Passion: Love Never Dies

author: Paule Ree

Burning Passion: Love Never Dies

Burning Passion: Love Never Dies

“Drive this woman out!” "Throw this woman into the sea!” When he doesn’t know Debbie Nelson’s true identity, Carlos Hilton cold-shoulders her. “Mr. Hilton, she is your wife,” Carlos’ secretary reminded him. Hearing that, Carlos gives him a cold stare and complained, “why didn’t you tell me earlier?” From then on, Carlos spoils her rotten. Little did everyone expect that they would get a divorce.

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Chapter 1 The Divorce Agreement

"Philip, this is the divorce agreement.  I've already signed it.  Please give it to Carlos."

Debbie Nelson plucked up her courage and handed the signed agreement to Philip Brown, the steward of the Hilton family.

Philip was shocked by the words "divorce agreement".  His first thought was that Debbie wanted to get a divorce so as to carve up the property that belonged to Carlos Hilton.

But as he looked through the document, he saw that she wanted to give up everything, including her share of the mutual property.

Philip heaved a heavy sigh.  "Debbie, why are you being ridiculous?  Why would you want to divorce Mr. Hilton and even choose to give up your property?"

Debbie was only a college student, and she had no parents.  It was unwise for her to ask for a divorce now, much less give up her property that was worth quite a fortune.

Embarrassed, Debbie looked away and scratched the back of her head.  "Carlos and I have been married for three years, but our marriage only exists on paper.  I don't want to waste my time on him anymore," she admitted, instead of hiding the reason from Philip.

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10. The Enchanted Night


The Enchanted Night

The Enchanted Night

Four years ago, Cassandra had to marry a wealthy man, though she had no feelings toward him. Similarly, the man whose name was written against hers on the marriage certificate couldn't care less about her either. Four years later, she was drunk on a cruise ship in Rome and the fate sent her a graduation gift, a steaming hot one-night-stand with an unbelievably handsome man. She had cheated on her husband! And what was worse, the unbelievably handsome man turned out to be her husband’s brother, Rufus Luo! What was she gonna do? How could she live with him under the same roof? What would her husband do to her after he found out the buried secret? And more importantly, how could she resist his boundless charm?

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Chapter 1 Savoring

Somewhere in the medieval city of Rome, as the moon cast a mystique glow out of the pitch-dark night, a white luxurious cruise ship silently transcended the calm torrents of the ocean.   The festivity in the ship was heightened as it was filled with singing and dancing.   Everyone on board was in a sprite, enjoying the lively and cordial atmosphere.

Meanwhile, in a deluxe room of the ship, the silhouette cast on the glass door was blurred by the steam of the hot shower, making it mysteriously attractive.   The sound of water dripping on the floor strikingly contrasted the silence of the night.   Inside the room, the ambiance was cozy and charming.

On the other side of the glass door, a man was patiently waiting.   He leaned himself against the board of the bed.   Between his slender fingers, a half-burnt cigarette lay pinched.   Sipping his cigar, he felt boosted knowing that smoking was regarded as the symbol of masculinity.   Gently tapping the ashes of his cigar, he took a heavy breath and spluttered out a beautiful array of smoke rings.   He regarded the playful smokes as an art piece.

The man's wheat-colored skin exuded a healthy glow under the dim light.   His build was lean and firm without any extra trace of fat.   Every aspect of his appearance was just so perfect.

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