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Read Now: His Nanny Mate Novel by Eve Above Story

2024-04-08 14:04:30 Manobook.com 92

Read Now: His Nanny Mate Novel by Eve Above Story

Immerse yourself in the captivating tale penned by Eve Above Story in the novel "His Nanny Mate." Follow the journey of a recent graduate burdened with debt and heartbreak after being abandoned by her Omega boyfriend. When a night of revelry leads to unexpected encounters, she finds herself plunged into a whirlwind of events that change her life forever.

As the morning light filters through the haze of the previous night's escapades, she awakens to a startling discovery—the man she shared an unforgettable evening with is none other than her ex-boyfriend's Alpha billionaire boss. Struggling to come to terms with this twist of fate, she soon finds herself thrust into an even more unexpected role as the live-in nanny to his young daughter.

Confounded by the rapidly unfolding series of events, she grapples with questions of how her life took such a sudden turn. As she navigates her new position, she is confronted with the realization that her new employer deliberately orchestrated their current situation, leaving her questioning his motives and her own decisions.

In a moment fraught with tension and intrigue, she confronts him with her confusion, only to be met with a surprising admission—"I knew it was you when I hired you. I did it on purpose." As the pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place, she must navigate the complexities of her tangled relationships, newfound employment, and an uncertain future entwined with the enigmatic alpha billionaire.

Join Eve Above Story on a journey teeming with unexpected twists, simmering desire, and the delicate dance between duty and desire in "His Nanny Mate," where passion, secrets, and fate intertwine to shape the lives of two individuals embarking on a path rife with challenges and undeniable chemistry.

You Are Mine, Omega

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Part 1: His Nanny Mate story line

Part 2: The main characters of His Nanny Mate

Part 3: The most popular chapters of His Nanny Mate

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“His Nanny Mate”

Part 1: His Nanny Mate story line

I’m a new grad human in huge debt and dumped by my Omega boyfriend. When I got wasted in a bar, I didn’t expect to have the best experience ever. And the very next morning, I also didn’t expect to wake up and find that he was my ex-boyfriend's Alpha billionaire BOSS…. How things are going to turn out after I accidentally became his 5-year-old daughter's live-in nanny? ____________ How did this happen? How did I wind up finally becoming employed, only for it to turn out that my new employer was the same person whom I had a fling with just two nights ago? “I didn’t know that you would be the employer. If I had known, I wouldn’t have applied….” “It’s alright. I knew it was you when I hired you. I did it on purpose.” I scrunched my eyebrows together. “What do you mean?”

Part 2: The main characters of His Nanny Mate

Female (New Grad Human): The protagonist, a young graduate burdened by extensive debt and reeling from a recent breakup with her Omega boyfriend, finds herself in a surprising situation after a drunken escapade at a bar. Unaware of the twists fate has in store for her, she awakens to discover that her spontaneous encounter was with none other than her ex-boyfriend's Alpha billionaire boss. As circumstances unfold, she inadvertently becomes the live-in nanny for his 5-year-old daughter, setting the stage for unforeseen challenges and unexpected developments in her life.

Male (Alpha Billionaire Boss): The Alpha billionaire boss, intertwined in a complex web of connections with the protagonist, reveals a calculated approach to their newfound professional relationship. Having intentionally hired the protagonist despite their prior personal involvement, he harbors undisclosed motives and a mysterious agenda. As revelations surface regarding his awareness of their past connection, an air of intrigue surrounds his character, hinting at deeper layers of complexity and hidden intentions that will shape the evolving dynamics between them.

Part 3: The most popular chapters of His Nanny Mate

His Nanny Mate Chapter 4 The Interview


I pulled up to the address of the house a couple of hours later wearing a brand new set of clothes. During the time between getting the phone call and arriving, I took out my credit card, which I only used for emergencies, and ran out to buy something new to impress the family. It was just a crisp button-down shirt, tailored pants, and loafers, but as I pulled up to the enormous mansion in the mountains and saw the line of women at the door, I was glad that I had purchased the new clothes. I made sure to double check that the tags on the clothes were hidden, which I had kept on in case I didn’t get the job and would need to return them.

As I parked and walked up the pathway to the front entrance and got in line with my resume in my hand, my heart started to pound.

My heart started to pound even more when I noticed that women were not only filing into the mansion, but were also coming out with sad and defeated expressions on their faces. One girl, who was very pretty and looked a little younger than me, even had tears streaming down her cheeks as she came out with her resume crumpled up in her hands.

Was the employer so awful that he was making these poor women cry during their interviews?

As the line got shorter and I slowly made my way inside, I felt a lump rise in my throat. The inside of the house was stunningly beautiful, with dark Tudor-style wainscoting and creaky wooden floors. There was a massive double staircase in the front foyer, which was where the women would go when their names were called -- up one side looking excited and confident, and down the other side looking defeated after their interviews.

“Name?” a woman’s voice said from in front of me. I looked up to see an older woman with gray hair that was pulled back into a tight, slick bun. She wore a dark blue dress with a high collar that was buttoned all the way up and had a clean gray apron on top that looked like it was freshly ironed. Needless to say, as she stared at me with her thin lips pressed into a straight line, she made me nervous.

His Nanny Mate Chapter 5 L'affaire Au Pair


I woke up at 4:30 the next morning -- a bit earlier than I needed to, probably, but I wasn’t taking any chances with this job. I spent the next hour practically scrubbing myself raw in the shower, fixing my hair, ironing my clothes, and taking extra care to make sure that there wasn’t a single stray hair or speck of dust on me, because today was the first day of the job that would change my life, and I had to be perfect.

I then spent the final half hour of my preparations pacing and staring out the window, willing myself with all of the strength I had to not bite my nails, as I waited for the car that Selina had mentioned. Lo and behold, as soon as the clock struck 5:59. I saw a black car slowly pulling up out front, and I practically flew out of my apartment and down the stairs so that I was opening the car door by 6:00 sharp.

“Hmph,” Selina said, looking at her watch as I clambered into the back. “Six o’clock on the dot. A little out of breath, but at least you’re here.”

“Sorry,” I said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and buckling my seatbelt. “It’s a bad neighborhood, so I didn’t want to wait outside.”

Selina didn’t answer. The driver pulled the car away from the curb and started heading down the street.

“We’ll be stopping to sign your contract with the lawyer first,” Selina said, her voice flat as she looked out the window with a modicum of disgust on her wrinkled face. “Then, you’ll get a tour of the penthouse apartment where you’ll be spending most of your time. I suspect you won’t be needing to return to your old home to collect your things?”

I thought back to my apartment and its contents.

“Well, I have some clothes and things there--”

“Your employer will supply you with anything you need: clothes, toiletries, books, and anything else you might need or want. Unless you have sentimental belongings you need to go back for, I wouldn’t recommend wasting your time and energy on such a move.”

I nodded, clutching the tiny silver locket around my neck. That locket was the only sentimental thing I owned, and it was always around my neck. Everything else in that apartment could burn, for all I cared.

His Nanny Mate Chapter 6 Another One Bites The Dust


I stood frozen in the middle of the living room, my back turned to the door as I heard footsteps approaching. How did this happen? How did I wind up finally becoming employed, only for it to turn out that my new employer was the same person who I had a one night stand with just two nights ago?

The footsteps came closer. I felt like a deer in headlights.

“Good evening, Miss Moana,” that all-too-familiar voice said from behind me. “Can we speak privately for a minute?”

I slowly turned around to face Edrick Morgan, the handsome and wealthy werewolf CEO, the extremely well-known public figure, the man who I had slept with two nights ago… The man who tried to throw money at my feet like I was a prostitute.

He stood in front of me with Ella in his arms, the perfect picture of a loving father.

“Y-Yes,” I stammered. I watched as he set Ella down, then gestured for me to follow him; as I did, it felt like I was swimming through mud, like my limbs were heavy and useless. Was I dreaming?

We walked through the living room and into his study; I remembered it from my tour with Ella earlier. It had enormous bookshelves lining the walls that rose all the way to the ceiling, with a large carved stone fireplace and two tall, arched windows. There was a mahogany desk in the middle of the room and a small seating area by the fireplace. At the time that Ella showed me this room, I had found it stunningly beautiful. Now, it felt like a coffin.

“I’m so sorry,” I said as soon as the door clicked shut behind us. I stayed by the door, watching as Edrick casually walked over to one of the plush chairs by the fireplace and sat down. “I didn’t know that you would be the employer. If I had known, I wouldn’t have applied. I promise this isn’t a ploy to get money from you--”

His Nanny Mate Chapter 7 Captive


“Hey! Stop!” the scar-faced man shouted.

I ran as fast as I could, willing my legs to pump harder, to push me further away from the imminent danger that I sensed. I could hear the sound of footsteps pounding on the sidewalk behind me; I was just a human, and these men were werewolves. I should’ve known I wouldn’t stand a chance trying to outrun them.

I screamed for help, but no one came -- no one ever came when a woman screamed for help in the city, and I cursed them for that in that moment.

The sound of the men running behind me came closer. I felt as though my body didn’t belong to me, like I was watching from a third person perspective as I ran for my life.

The two men gained on me. They were so close now that I knew that one misstep on my part would allow them to catch me. I felt a hand brush my shoulder and I shrieked, pushing myself faster as I glanced over my shoulder to look…


I ran into something hard and gritty: a corner of a brick building. As I stumbled backwards, my head reeling from the impact, all I could feel were hands grabbing me. My vision faded, and the last thing I saw was the scar-faced man…

I came to in the back of a car. My head was throbbing and I felt as though I would vomit, which kept me from being able to scream or fight. Where were these strange men taking me?

“She’s awake,” the gravelly voice that belonged to the scar-faced man said.

I groaned. I tried to speak, to tell them to let me go, but all that came out was garbled nonsense. They stopped the car and got out, opening the back door and lifting my limp body out of the seat.

His Nanny Mate Chapter 8 Sleeping Potion


After the entire debacle on my first night of employment, my first week went by smoothly and without a single hitch. Ella was a sweet little girl to take care of, and she caused very little trouble, if any at all. In fact, by the end of my first week, I started to feel a little guilty for accepting such a high salary for such an easy job and started helping Selina and the maids around the penthouse when I wasn’t busy with Ella. Helping out with cleaning, cooking, laundry, and grocery shopping not only made me feel better about accepting the salary, but also made me feel less bored when I had nothing else to do. It didn’t make Selina and the maids any more friendly toward me, but it certainly seemed to soften their demeanors a tiny bit as the days marched on.

I also kept a distant, but polite, relationship with Edrick. He wasn’t around very often, usually only coming home late at night, so it was easy to keep a distance.

I started to notice a strange occurrence, though. There was a drawer in the kitchen that Selina would periodically open using a small key; I didn’t pay it much mind, just assuming that it was something private, but I was helping out with peeling potatoes in the kitchen one afternoon while Ella was busy with her violin lesson when I noticed Selina come in with a paper pharmacy bag. I watched quietly as she discreetly opened the bag, unlocked the drawer, and dumped the contents of the bag into the drawer.

“Selina! Can you help me?” Amy suddenly called from the other room. She sounded like she was struggling to carry something heavy.

“Coming,” Selina replied. She left the empty paper bag on the counter and scurried away, inadvertently leaving the drawer open.

I tried to focus on peeling the potatoes, but I was nothing if not a curious person -- probably a trait I picked up during my upbringing at the orphanage -- and couldn’t help myself from quietly sneaking over to the mysterious drawer.

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“His Nanny Mate”

If you like Werewolf romance novels, I recommend 10 books similar to "His Nanny Mate".

1. Claimed -Diary Of A white Wolf

author: Nielle_Signature

Claimed -Diary Of A white Wolf

Claimed -Diary Of A white Wolf

I know what you are thinking! That this is a beautiful Lycan Love story. I am exactly not in the right mood to tell you how absolutely wrong you are. Beautiful? It's not a word I am sure is related to me. Love? I am not entirely sure if I can say I have ever experienced that. Lycan? I have not even been given the luck of being that. What can I even really say I am? Even I lack the right answer to this question. All I know is that right now, I am wrapped around Jacob's back as he runs through the thick forest, blood trickling down my face, his heart beating so fast like it's about to burst open, and am sure he is probably praying to the mother goddess that we do not get caught as he runs with me on his back. Me? Oh well! I am just wrapped around him with him holding unto my hands and legs to avoid my falling off his back, almost lifeless, with no desire to live a second more. The blood? Oh don't worry, as much as I wish for it to be mine, it isn't mine. It belongs to the Alpha's slayer, Paul, I think that was his name, Paul. The one who was asked to kill me by our Alpha, but just before he would do me the honor, Jacob arrived and slit his throat with his bare claws, before Paul could slit mine, spilling Paul's blood all over me and everything around. I know you're probably wondering who Jacob is?. Oh well, he is the only relative life has left me with, my cousin. Oh! You must also be wondering who I am to cause the Alpha to want me dead, causing all these ruckus? Well, I wish you never asked, you know why? Because I am a nobody. Someone not worth knowing at all, but let's grant you the courtesy of regretting why you asked who I am, at least before fate would hopefully grant me the gift of death. I am Number 28. No. That is not the name my mother gave me, it is my identity in the pack I come from. I am a Doulos, meaning Slave. No, I am not a slave actually, I am a slave of slaves. Slaves are permitted to keep their birth names, but Doulos, we are identified by numbers, worst than slaves, servants to slaves. We are the lowest rank of shame in the pack, and I, I am one of them, No. 28. I may have been free once, a noble perhaps, but that may have happened while I was in my mother's womb, and my father was still alive. But everything changed the day I was born. I was told my father died in battle the day I was born while disobeying the Alpha and leading a thousand plus of the packs finest soldiers to death. No one really talks about him, not even my mother while she was alive, but due to his disobedience, I and my mother were declared Doulos from the minute I was born and thrown into slavery. She was Number 27. You're probably also wondering why 'was'?. Well, that's because she died 5 years ago when I was 15 from a web of conspiracies in the pack. Okay, I have evaded your main question for too long. I know what you're really wondering and seeking answers to, is why my cousin is running through the thick forest right now, with me tied to his back as he runs away from our pack? Well, it all began two weeks ago, on the night of the full moon when our Luna was celebrating her birthday. Doulos never look up from the ground or ever dare to stare a slave talk more of a noble in the eye. Well, that day was my unlucky day, because I stumbled with the serving tray as I was exiting the celebration hall, and in the process, I looked into the eyes of our future Alpha as he was entering the hall, and I heard him pronounce the word 'Mate' almost inaudibly. Mate! A word I know what it means but never believed I'd have one. A word that ruined the last shred of my pack life completely. A word I never want to hear again! My birth name is Ianna Evar, and this is my story beginning from two weeks ago!

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Chapter 1 Mate!

“… happening.”

“What?” she asks almost jumping out of her skin as she turns to look at the one speaking to her. Number 39. Number 39 was talking to her and she has no idea what she had said. Head bowed as was always the case, “What did you say?”

Eyes on the one in front of her. “Are you okay, Number 28?”

Nodding her head, “I am fine.” She says going to where the trays of delicacies have been arranged on the table awaiting the Doulos to take them to the main hall where the celebration was happening and serve them to the guest and pack members. Usually, the Doulos are never allowed anywhere near pack members, not to mention serving them. The Doulos serve the slaves who serve the pack members and everyone else.

But today was a different occasion. Today, their Luna was celebrating her birthday, and thus, the entire pack was overcrowded with not just pack members, but many other visiting guest and members even nobles and royalties of other packs. Everywhere was filled up, and the only way to serve everyone, was to pick some of the Doulos to also join in serving the guest.

Number 28. Ianna Evar, she had been picked last week as one of the Doulos who will join in serving the guest in the hall. That was not the problem, the problem is that ever since last night when it began to rain, she has been feeling antsy without quite knowing why. No, it was not her wolf, she would at least have one reason to be happy in this pathetic world if the Mother Goddess had at least thought it wise to bless her with a wolf. But no, she was wolf-less. So why has she been restless all through last night and today. She had barely caught any sleep last night, tossing back on forth on the floor where she slept, until at last it was morning.

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2. Alpha Victor: Temptation Of The Falling Marriage

author: Raven_Heart

Alpha Victor: Temptation Of The Falling Marriage

Alpha Victor: Temptation Of The Falling Marriage

"You've ignored me for six years. Let's divorce." Rias's words echoed throughout the Ainsworth household, shattering the façade of their seemingly perfect marriage. Overwhelmed by regrets and a sense of being unloved, she made the difficult decision to end a relationship that was empty and devoid of love. Rias, as a Luna, struggles with the weight of her duty and the agony of leaving the man she secretly loves. Is there any hope that her husband will ever be truly hers? Victor, burdened by his own secrets, finds himself at a turning point when his wife asks for divorce. How can he let go of something he has long desired? Rias' proposal shakes him out of his slumber, forcing him to confront the issues in their marriage. Victor searches for a way to save their marriage, desperate to keep it from falling apart. As their world crumbles around them, he must find a way to mend the broken pieces and rebuild his broken marriage. Is it enough if he refuses to sign the divorce papers?

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Chapter 1 Let's divorce

Rias's POV

I was known for my prominence and virtuous nature, even if my tongue could cut everyone's heart when I spoke.

My priority is the safety of my pack, and as the luna and negotiator, I need to hold a scary but sweet façade.

I saw my reflection in the mirror. The alpha of this pack must love to see himself and watch his beauty.

I hate the fact that he's taking too long to meet me. I knew my children were waiting for me.

I sighed, and my irritated expression showed in the mirror. My long, curly brownish hair kisses my bum. It was thick and fluffy, like Victoria says.

Victoria got her father's black hair, and Raeden, my son, inherits my hair color. I have blue eyes, thick, long eyelashes, rosy cheeks, a wicked nose, and heart-shaped lips.

It was thin, and everyone believes that I'm the prettiest she-wolf in our clan. My daughter inherits the gray eyes of her father, and Raeden gets mine.

They both have my rosy cheeks, long eyelashes, and heart-shaped lips. They inherit their dad's nose, jaw line, and eyebrows. I stood up and bowed my head.

"Greetings to Alpha Nicholas," I said. He laughs and sits down.

"You may take your seat, beautiful Luna of Fuego Mist," Nicholas says.

He was trying to speak sweetly, and his smile is also charming. I tried to hide my irritation. "I heard you are here because of what my members did to a bar that is owned by your husband's beta member," he stated.

"Yes. As the luna, I am here to negotiate and give justice to what your members did. You should've known that we don't tolerate such brutality to our members," I open up. Nicholas shows that he cares less about it.

"They already paid for the damages. So, why did you come here? Don't tell me you want to drag them back in your husband's pack and detain them? Oh, please, I won't let that happen," Nicholas asserted firmly.

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3. Bound By Agreement: The Alpha's Contract Wife And Twins

author: Superstar

Bound By Agreement: The Alpha's Contract Wife And Twins

Bound By Agreement: The Alpha's Contract Wife And Twins

Spiked drink, betrayal, and love were all that brought her downfall and quenched the little happiness she had managed to acquire. Getting banned from her pack and realizing later she was pregnant changes her thoughts about everything. She promised to give her children the best live she never once had. But when she returned back to her old pack, she was humiliated, and become a laughingstocks for coming home with a fatherless kids that doesn't have parents. In the process, a tall huge muscular Man showed up. Amidst her despair, a towering, muscular stranger emerges, claiming to be the father of her twins because he could not stand how she was being treated. But this came with something else. A marriage contract for five months, pretending to be her husband, unless no one will believe and her situation might just get worse.

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Chapter 1 01



"Montana, come over here now!" The usual husky voice echoed, sending waves of emotions through my body.

I dropped the mop, my hands trembling, and hurried to where my stepmother stood, anxious about why she had called me so suddenly.

With a nervous smile, I approached her, hoping to avoid upsetting her with my reaction. Anything I did seemed to provoke her.

Her facial expressions were intimidating. The intensity of her gaze made me feel like I had done something wrong, and before I could comprehend it, a heavy slap landed on my face, drawing the attention of my father who was walking by.

Words struggled to escape my mouth. My brain was in shock, unable to process or produce coherent thoughts. All I could do was wait for answers, my gaze filled with threatening tears.

"Have you prepared the food I asked you to?” I blinked my eyes innocently at her knowing my answer was going to be the opposite of her question.

“You know I was cleaning the house when you called me, right? Was planning on moving to the kitchen next before...”, I replied, sensing her dissatisfaction with my response. I hoped she wouldn't resort to hitting me again.

I know she wasn't satisfied with my response. I could only hope she wouldn't have to hit me again.

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4. Once Rejected, Twice Mated

author: Susu Pearl

Once Rejected, Twice Mated

Once Rejected, Twice Mated

“ Do you think I would accept you?" Alpha Gregory baritone voice hits Stephanie hard as memories of the night before played before her. Did she just get rejected by her mate who happened to be the alpha of the pack after a steaming one night stand with him? In anger, she accepted the rejection but left that same night, not wanting to be in the pack with the man who just rejected her. What she didn't know was that the Moon goddess might just be playing a joke on her! Stephanie hadn't gotten over the heartache from Alpha Gregory when she met her second chance mate. Same man she gave herself to just to repay him for saving her. “ You are my mate and I am not ready to reject you, not in a million years sweetheart!" Davies said, smiling. What would she do when the two men discovered she was pregnant and wanted to keep her to themselves? Who would she accept to be her soulmate or would she just keep both? Who said a lady can't have them all? Find out Stephanie's decision in this twisted story!

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Chapter 1 Where Was I

Stephanie Pov

I stood at the entrance of the gate, my heart beating uncontrollably at the sight of the huge gate. It was a place I never dreamt I could come to but an unexpected call brought me to the gate of our Alpha.

Alpha Gregory, a monster feared by all.

I grasped tightly at my bag, wishing I had refused the offer but then I had no choice. There were bills to pay.

The gate was slowly opened and a burly guard that looked more like an assassin beckoned to me. I walked briskly toward him and told him the reason I was there.

The burly guard insisted I wait so they could confirm if truly I was asked to come to the palace as the children tutor.

Yes, I was a teacher in the pack and I was invited by the Beta's wife to come and teach the royal children.

I waited for almost ten minutes before one of the guards, who seemed like their head, signaled his hands, telling his colleagues to let me in.

"Hurry up!" The burly guard yelled when I started to take slow strides into the pack house.

It was as if I was entering into a furnace of fire. The same way I was excited was the same way fear gripped my heart. What if something goes wrong?

It wasn't news of how ruthless and cruel Alpha Gregory was to everyone, especially those who wronged him. Maybe, I should have just rejected the offer.

He was the most powerful Alpha all over the territory. He was someone you shouldn't mess with, someone who wasn't scared of death or afraid to eliminate anyone that comes in his way.

He was a rude, arrogant, brutal Alpha feared by everyone in the pack including his friends.

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5. Alpha's Rogue Mate

author: K.Todd

Alpha's Rogue Mate

Alpha's Rogue Mate

Here I sat on a small bench, shivering in the freezing cold, feeling like I'd been waiting for the train forever. All I wanted was to leave this awful town behind. The train's horn sounded one final time, before we slowly began to pull away from the platform. I exited the train, and was met with a breathtaking scene. The landscape was stunning, with towering mountains in the distance basking in the sunlight, their snow-capped peaks gleaming against the clear sky. This was going to be home for as long as I could stay undetected as a stupid wolfless girl that would never have a mate. The cool night air felt soothing against my skin, helping to clear my senses of her intoxicating scent. My mind raced with questions as I paced back and forth on the sidewalk. I wasn't sure what my next move should be, but I knew I had to unravel the mystery of who or what she was and why she had come here. Just then, I turned and witnessed her stumbling out of the bar. The sound of her bones snapping echoed in the night. Every fiber of my being urged me to rush to her side, to offer comfort and reassurance that everything would be alright. As I rounded the corner, I was taken aback by the sight that greeted me. It was then that my wolf began to struggle to gain control over me. The last thing I remember before he fully took over... MATE!

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Chapter 1 Kat

Kat’s POV

Here I sat on a small bend, shivering in the freezing cold, feeling like I'd been waiting for the train forever. All I wanted was to leave this awful town behind. It was like a prison, filled with memories that haunted me. I craved a fresh start, something to look forward to in life, maybe even finding my mate, though I knew it was a long shot. I didn't even have my wolf to keep me company; or maybe I didn't have one at all.

Leaving was a sneaky move; my parents wouldn't even notice I was gone, and even if they did, they probably wouldn't care. They were just as mean and uncaring as everyone else in this place. When a werewolf turns 16. they shift for the first time under the full moon. I was excited to meet my wolf, to finally get to know that other part of me. But when the full moon came and went, nothing happened. No wolf, just disappointment.

When werewolves turn 18. it's expected they find their mate. Every three years, under the Super Blue Moon, our pack hosts a magnificent ball, inviting all unmated males and females aged 18 and up to hopefully find their other half. It's believed that during this rare lunar event, the Moon Goddess's influence is strongest, helping us find our soulmates. It's odd, though. Despite being created by her, I've been denied a wolf, meaning no mate for me. It's a lonely feeling, contemplating a future without love. Perhaps my destiny lies in a human town. It's a daunting thought, but maybe that's where I truly belong.

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6. Alpha Ace's Secret Babies

author: Rusmiko

Alpha Ace's Secret Babies

Alpha Ace's Secret Babies

Being Alpha Ace Cassilas' mate was hell for Victoria. As if it weren't enough to keep Victoria as his prisoner and slave, Alpha Ace also betrays Victoria. The night Ace announces his engagement to another girl, Victoria runs away with Ace's twins in her womb. Jared Waltz, the Alpha of the South River Pack, rescued Victoria. He treated her so well that he made her his girlfriend. Victoria thought her hell was over. Until another fact is revealed: she is the descendant of Alpha King Salvatore, the cursed Alpha, and her twins are the target of hunters.

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Chapter 1 Alpha Ace Cassilas


I squirmed as the light fell on my face. I hadn’t slept this well for the last five months. To be precise, since that horrible night in my life, the night my parents were killed in a tragic robbery, nightmares have haunted me every single night. I woke up gasping for breath and sweating all over my body. However, my sleep this time felt so different. The fragrance that wafted in made me even lazier to open my eyes. It reminded me of the sandalwood-scented room I missed so much.

My eyes quickly opened as I felt something strange. My gaze was directed towards the thick blanket I held—a soft purple. And I realised all of this was wrong. So, I immediately got up and turned my head around.

“Where is it?” I muttered while wandering my gaze.

A spacious room with a comfy bed and soft bed sheets. There was no creaking in the bed. There were no porous wooden cabinets. This was not my bedroom. This room was even fancier than the one in my parents’ house.

But how did I end up in this place?

Before I got the answer to my question, the creak of the opened door caught my attention. I gulped and gripped my thick blanket tighter as I saw a man appear at the doorway—a man I recognised as the Alpha of the Nightfall Pack.

A grin on his lips made me shiver as he said, “Good morning, Little Wolf.”

Everyone in Nightfall City knew him. He was the handsome and dashing Alpha Ace Cassilas. He was a cocky, lousy guy who liked to fuck many girls. All the female werewolves in Nightfall City were really into him, except for me. Unfortunately, I had to deal with him in this unfavourable situation.

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7. Sold To My Alpha Mate

author: Nia Tessy

Sold To My Alpha Mate

Sold To My Alpha Mate

Venom finds his mate in the last place imaginable. Hell's Pit. A place many men enter and never leave alive. A place Venom once enjoyed; the violence and blood thick in the air. Ignorant of the barbaric way of gaining one's freedom. But alas, he has found his mate. An omega at that. One who has to fight for her freedom, for her very life. I don't know who I am. All I know is that I am slave. I've never had an identity until my mate gave me one. Now i am Maya. Mate of Venom, Alpha and Prince of the Black Moon Pack. I finally found home with him. But I am still a slave. Unless I kill every motherfucker entering Hell's Pit. With a little help from Venom's brothers I will be victorious. I must. Not only for my freedom but for my mate too. To finally belong. To finally be something other than omega. Something other than a slave.

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Chapter 1 1

I never should have come here. If I had stayed at home, heck, if I had gone to dinner with my brothers then mine eyes never would have befell her.

Then I never would have felt my heart beat.

Then I never would have fallen in love.

Then I never would have found myself in this position. Watching mine own mate fight for her freedom, fight for her life.

Hell's Pit.

The greatest sporting arena in all of the wolf territory close to my pack land and kingdom. I used to revel in its savagery. Bathe in the brutality of it all. But now I despise it. All of it. It looks so primitive at this moment. Like we were cannibals of old. Killing for sport. Watching while men and women fight for their freedom. Their very lives and cheered on when they fell.

It is only now that I see the ugliness of it all. No longer holding the thrill of violence for me. My heart skipped a beat at every thud of flesh against flesh. Fists to face. Knees to body.

Stop! I wanted to shout.

I wanted to kill everyone here.Every living creature that supported this. Those who look upon my mate with hatred, with lust, with their thirst for blood. My Wolf howled inside my head so loud that it was becoming hard to keep him on his leash.

I watched, with bated breath as my mate fought like a wild animal. Cheers all around whether she received a blow or dished one out to her opponent who was easily three times her size. I honed my senses. Listening to her steady but labored breaths and the thumping of her heart was almost as wild as she looked. Her scent was hard to pick apart from the mass of over perfumed females and males alike, the pungent smell of sweat and blood, puke and shit and piss. She was airborne, body flying in front of me.

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8. Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem)

author: Pippa Moon

Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem)

Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem)

"I, Charlotte Jane Attwood of the Crimson Moon Pack, reject you, Knox and Kane Maddox, as my mates and sever my bond to you both and your pack!" I recited, my eyes dancing with my unspoken pain seeing my mates entwined together with a female! A female who was not me! Shaking my head of the tears I felt threatening to fall from my icy hues. I straightened and waited for them to accept my rejection! But the words that left their lips left me stunned. "I, Knox Maddox and Alpha to the Crimson moon pack refuse to accept your rejection!" He snarled, slipping from the bed, naked and unashamed to step into me, the female sprawled out on the bed forgotten. Kane was quick on his heels, the pair caging me in a wall of muscle and testosterone. "You belong to us, Lottie! I, Kane Maddox, Alpha of the Crimson Moon Pack, refuse to accept your rejection." "Ours!" Knox repeated anger swimming in his baby blues. *** Follow the story of Charlotte, Knox and Kane as they try to find their footing in a cruel world filled with betrayal, heartbreak and secret obsessions that threaten to destroy the bonds of brotherhood and love!

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Chapter 1 Honey I'm Home!

Lottie's POV:

"So, who is coming tomorrow?" I asked my best friend Lilly, who was twirling in the mirror, the expensive satin of her wedding dress swishing around her ankles, so absorbed in her reflection that she was only half listening to me. Tomorrow was her big day, and ever the perfectionist, she just had to check everything still fit perfectly.

"Umm, the usual: our pack, Daddy's business partner, bordering packs, and their alphas. It's only a small gathering." She mumbled, brushing her hands over her tiny waist.

"Small." I nodded sarcastically; we clearly had a very different understanding of what small meant, but as the daughter of the ruthless Alpha of the Crimson Moon packs, I guess this was small.

"You know your mating ceremony will be just like this!" Sage chuckled, watching Lilly through my eyes.

"Not a chance!" I barked, looking over at Lilly and her lavish dress, fake lashes and tan. I loved her and her confidence, but I was definitely more subtle than Lilly, never one to bask in the limelight but hide in the back! So this sort of opulence wasn't for me.

"Your dad and Alpha Leigh won't accept any less than an extravagant ceremony! You are screwed, as they won't allow you a low-key event! You are the Beta's daughter. You must represent the pack; you know Mike will want all this too! Frills and all!" Sage teased, making me groan, shutting her out. I looked at Lilly warmly, smiling at her; she was truly beautiful!

"You look beautiful, Lilly, very skinny," I added, knowing it was what she wanted to hear, but the truth was she did! She was the kind of girl that would look beautiful in a garbage bag.

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9. His Tribrid Mate

author: Territta

His Tribrid Mate

His Tribrid Mate

Iris, a 21- year old girl whose true powers are unknown thus mistaken for an omega (a weak werewolf) is forcefully given away to the Alpha of Blue Moon pack, Miles Carta. He brings her to his home and switches between loving her and hating her despite the fact that she is his true mate because he is already married. A moment that is supposed to be the happiest of her life turns into the saddest. But along the line, she begins to unravel so many things about who she really is with the help of Trevon (The beta). Soon, she figures out she has the ability to help cure his ailment.

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Chapter 1 Meeting HIM…


The morning I dreaded finally arrived, even quicker than I expected. A sudden wave of anxiety enveloped me as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I knew they would come to call me sooner or later and I had to get ready before they did.

I had my bath quicker than usual. My red dress was already prepared for me, all I had to do was wear it over my slender body. I stood there looking at my reflection in the mirror.

The red dress sat well on lithe curves and slender body and my rapunzel esque hair flowed prettily down my back. People usually made fun of my hair and referred to me as an albino but I loved it, I saw it as a special gift.

My mind ran back to that day in the woods by the small fountain. I was picking snails when I felt a tingly feeling clutching my fingertips. I felt woozy for a bit but ignored it and went back to picking my snails. An unseen thorn pricked my forefinger, I yelped and jumped up in pain.

My senses become heightened and a scent I had never come across before took over my nostrils. I turned around anxiously scanning my surroundings to see where it came from but everything looked normal so I returned to my snail picking.

“Isn’t it too risky to be out here alone?” A deep masculine voice said behind me causing me to squeal in panic. My wolf surfaced through my eyes and I jumped up immediately to see who it was.

He was beautiful with hazel eyes and well-trimmed black hair. His facial features contrasted well with his light toned face. I could get lost in his eyes if I stared long enough. A smile crept in at the corner of his lips and softened his facial features, it also added to his pure attractiveness.

He had strong arms and broad shoulders even with the clothing on his body, those manly features still found a way to make themselves evident.

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10. The Unsought Mate

author: Golden Butterfly

The Unsought Mate

The Unsought Mate

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] Gardenia was once the apple of her father's eye; a cherished gem within the soft confines of their mansion. However, her existence unexpectedly twisted into a tragic tale—a tragedy she could never wish upon even her greatest enemy. Forced to live in her own home as if she were a mere servant, her stepmother's scorn and stepsister's jeers became her daily lullabies. Her once-loving father turned a blind eye to her plight, his silence echoing louder than any words of comfort. The cruel twist of fate was unbearable and the constant torment led to the ultimate consequence. Life seemed to have exhausted its quota of misery for Gardenia. However, the cosmos had one more cruel trick up its celestial sleeve, as the silver lining she had been pining for after the storm proved to be an even more devastating blow. ----- "I'm sorry, Gard, but it never happened." He stood up, exposing the entire length of his naked body, except for his groin, which was concealed by the drawstring pants around his inviting waist. We did something. But now… now he simply stated that it never happened? Was this the same man who blessed my ears with lovely words and promised me a lifetime of care in his arms? How come he changed so quickly and denied everything right in front of me?

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Chapter 1 CH. 1



He tugged so hard at me and shoved the bedsheet off my body. Then I felt him pull at my hands and wake me in the roughest manner known to me.

I sat up and yearned heavily. However, I was quick to shut my mouth when I met his gaze which was riddled with disgust and hurriedly looked around the room.

‘Good lord, this is not my room!’ I muttered inwardly while jumping out of the bed on which I had nestled all night.

He stared at me with furrowed eyebrows while I scurried around the room, picking up my clothes which he shoved to the corners of the room while we were…wait, we made out last night!

I spurned him and looked him dead in the eye. I never had the intention to let him take off my clothes since we met just a week ago, but he somehow managed to lure me into his room in the Matinas cabin last night and went down on me.

"I'm sorry, Gard, but last night… it never happened." He stood up, exposing the entire length of his naked body, except for his groin, which was concealed by the drawstring pants around his inviting waist.

We did something. But now… now he simply stated that it never happened?

Was this the same man who blessed my ears with lovely words and promised me a lifetime of care in his arms?

How come he changed so quickly and denied everything right in front of me?

I was unable to utter a single word as my gaze lingered some seconds longer on his expressionless face.

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