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Mission To Remarry Novel Read Online

2024-03-28 15:37:43 Manobook.com 10

Mission To Remarry Novel Read Online

Dive into an emotional rollercoaster with the compelling narrative of "Mission To Remarry." After enduring a three-year marriage that culminates in a painful divorce, our protagonist faces the scorn and ridicule of an entire city as the abandoned wife of a prominent family. Six years later, she resurfaces in her homeland accompanied by twins, embodying a newfound resilience and global recognition as a brilliant medical savant. As her reputation soars, a queue of eager suitors vies for her affection and hand in marriage. However, the unexpected revelation from her daughter shatters the equilibrium she has crafted; her ex-husband, now repentant, has spent three days imploring for a second chance at matrimony. Explore themes of love, redemption, and second chances as our protagonist navigates the complexities of her past while balancing the prospect of rekindling a lost love. Join her on a transformative journey that challenges societal norms and expectations, propelling her towards a decision that could reshape her future irrevocably.

Part 1: Mission To Remarry story line

Part 2: The main characters of Mission To Remarry

Part 3: The most popular chapters of Mission To Remarry

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“Mission To Remarry”

Part 1: Mission To Remarry story line

Mission To Remarry story line

Her marriage, which has lasted for three years, ends in a divorce. The whole city laughs at her and mocks her for being the abandoned wife of a wealthy family. Six years later, she returns to the country with a pair of twins. This time, she has taken a new lease on life and is now a world-renowned genius doctor. Countless men are now lining up to court her and marry her, until one day, her daughter tells her that "Daddy" has been on his knees for three days straight, begging to remarry her.

Part 2: The main characters of Mission To Remarry

The main characters of Mission To Remarry

Female: An abandoned wife whose three-year marriage ends in divorce, leaving her scorned by the city for being from a wealthy family. After six years, she returns to her home country with twins and has transformed into a world-renowned genius doctor. Her success attracts numerous suitors interested in courting and marrying her.

The main characters of Mission To Remarry

Male: Referred to as "Daddy," he is the former husband of the female protagonist who had divorced her after their three-year marriage. He is depicted as kneeling for three days straight, begging to remarry her, revealing his regret and desire to reunite with her despite the past hardships they faced. His persistence suggests a longing to rekindle their relationship and potentially rebuild their family.

Part 3: The most popular chapters of Mission To Remarry

Mission To Remarry Chapter 8 Not Giving Up

Seeing how restless their mother looked, Archie and Benny asked deliberately, “Who's Lucian, Mommy? Why are we hiding from him?”

Roxanne slowly returned to her senses and stroked their heads, smiling as if everything was fine. “He's no one important. I just have a bit of a personal grudge against him. I want you both to hide if you ever hear his name, okay?”

The two boys nodded. “Okay, Mommy.”

After Roxanne looked away, they glanced at each other curiously.

What could've happened between Mommy and Daddy? It all seems like a huge misunderstanding.

As Roxanne continued to ponder over what could be happening on Madilyn's side, the boys spoke again.

“Mommy, we left in such a rush back there. If that guy becomes suspicious, he might check the surveillance cameras and find us easily,” Archie reminded.

The woman tensed up instantly. “Oh, God. I totally forgot! What do I do?”

I was so focused on running away that I forgot about the cameras! Lucian might already be here.

I can't stay here. I have to take the kids home right now.

Seeing the way their mother reacted made the boys turn away to conceal their smiles, and they only consoled her after they had suppressed the smiles on their lips.

“Don't worry, Mommy. I'll handle this.”

Benny took his laptop and began tapping away on the keyboard.

It only took a while for him to hack into the restaurant's surveillance cameras and wipe out every footage of them.

Mission To Remarry Chapter 7 An Eyesore

There were now only two people inside the room.

Lucian scanned his surroundings before his gaze fell on his daughter.

The little girl was still upset by Roxanne's sudden departure, so upon seeing her father, not only was she completely unafraid, but she even turned away with a huff.

A faint scowl appeared on Lucian's face.

Well aware that Estella was just as enigmatic and difficult to handle as her father was, this was a job for Lucian's assistant, Cayden.

“Are you okay, Ms. Estella?”

The little girl merely glanced at him before furiously turning away once more.

Cayden observed her. Noticing that she was safe and sound, he sighed with relief and turned to report to his boss.

With narrowed eyes, Lucian turned to the woman beside his daughter.

Madilyn's chest tightened as she met his gaze, and she secretly squeezed her own hands to compose herself.

“Where's Roxanne?”

Lucian's expression darkened as he took a good look at Madilyn's face.

He could actually tell it was her?

Madilyn fretted internally while at the same time feeling relieved that her best friend had left in time.

This guy's energy is so unbearable! I feel like I could suffocate.

Who knows what might happen if Roxanne were still here?

“I don't know what you're talking about! Who are you guys? You sure are rude to barge in without even knocking.”

Concealing her emotions and unleashing her best acting skills, Madilyn pulled the little girl into her arms while staring cautiously at the men in front of her.

The crease between Lucian's brows deepened. “That's my daughter you're holding. Were you the one who called me?”

Mission To Remarry Chapter 6 The Daughter Of Lucian Farwell

The Drunken Fairy was one of the best private restaurants in Horington. Every dish served was exemplary, and the place only accepted the most high-profile clients. Reservations also had to be made at least one month in advance.

Madilyn had managed to book a table yesterday using her connections.

The restaurant's interior was exquisite; a screen separated every table, each room's entrance was made of wood, and the building didn't have a roof. When night fell, the chandelier above gave off a very antique and quintessential vibe, and one would feel as though they were dining under the moonlight.

The small group made their way into the building and seated themselves at a corner table.

It wasn't long until the waitstaff arrived with their food.

Worried that the little girl would feel uncomfortable, Roxanne gave her all her attention, feeding her and wiping her mouth at every opportunity.

Archie and Benny sat next to them. Seeing Estella indulge in the food melted their hearts, and they tried their best to peel as much shrimp as they could for her.

Estella never stopped chewing as she kept her focus on the growing pile of food before her.

“Did you hear what happened? The Farwell family's princess has gone missing! The family's scoured the entire city for her, but they still can't find her.”

Suddenly, a voice could be heard coming from the table next to them.

The next person to speak sounded warier. “She couldn't have been kidnapped, could she? Whoever's done it sure has nerves of steel. Who would ever dare lay their hands on her? She's Lucian Farwell's precious little girl! They must be tired of living.”

Roxanne's movements slowed down visibly at the mention of Lucian's name, and she began to space out.

The conversation resumed anyway. “Right? The little princess might be mute and has never said a single word, but she still gets to live the best life. How lucky of her!”

Mission To Remarry Chapter 5 You Are Back

Lucian glared at her silently for a few seconds.

Meanwhile, Aubree dug her nails into her palm to stop herself from revealing her real emotions.

“You'd better not be lying.”

Lucian averted his gaze a while later and turned to Cayden. “Did the police get back to you?”

Cayden's voice was grim. “Not yet.”

He glanced at Lucian carefully and asked, “Could someone has kidnapped Ms. Estella?” Concern was evident in his voice.

The girl was Lucian's darling daughter. She was well-adorned in the Farwell family and thus became the target of many of Lucian's rivals. Previously, she was nearly kidnapped.

Now, she was nowhere to be found, and even the police couldn't find her anywhere. Hence, Cayden couldn't help but think of the worst—someone had kidnapped her.

Lucian's gaze turned as dark as thunder. “Increase the manpower and expand the search area. I want to see her by the end of today!”

“Got it!” Cayden responded loudly.

He felt a chill go down his spine when he realized his employer was about to blow his top.

Lucian had just spun on his heels to leave when his phone rang.

Right now, he wasn't in the mood to talk on the phone. Pulling out his phone, he was about to reject the call when he realized it was from an unknown number.

Recalling Cayden's earlier words, Lucian scowled and answered the call.

Mission To Remarry Chapter 4 Do Not Come Back

The same thought popped up in Roxanne's mind. Is this little girl a mute?

Her sympathy for the little girl increased. In a gentle voice, she asked, “Can you give me your hand?”

With that, she stretched her hand outward.

Despite staring at her timidly, the little girl seemed to be less rigid after hearing her words.

Roxanne waited patiently for the little girl to accept her hand.

After a long hesitation, the little girl finally reached out to take Roxanne's hand cautiously.

Seeing that, Roxanne held her hand gently and helped her up. She didn't forget to check the little girl again for any injuries.

Because of her action, they got physically closer to each other.

The little girl felt soft and fluffy. She even smelled like milk.

Roxanne couldn't help but recall her daughter, who was a stillborn baby.

If she were to grow up well, she'd be around this little girl's age.

As that thought surfaced in her mind, Roxanne was overcome with heartache and regret.

As if sensing her emotions, the little girl stayed put and gazed at her quietly.

I know I shouldn't talk to strangers, but this lady is really pretty. Strangely, I feel the urge to get close to her.

At that moment, Madilyn remarked, “Oh, what an adorable young girl. She's as adorable as our boys!”

Roxanne nodded in agreement. “I believe she got lost. Let's send her to the police station and see if we can get in contact with her family.”

Right after she said that, the young girl gave her a slight tug.

Roxanne looked down in confusion.

The little girl was shaking her head profusely, her eyes turning red. She seemed like she was about to dissolve into tears any minute.

Clearly, the little girl didn't want her to do that.

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“Mission To Remarry”

If you like Contemporary romance novels, I recommend 10 books similar to "Mission To Remarry".

1. Love Can Build A Bridge

author: Pearle-Sanjuan

Love Can Build A Bridge

Love Can Build A Bridge

Vanessa felt like the luckiest woman in the whole world when she finally got married to the man she had been in love with secretly for seven years. If only she knew that she had just set herself up for drags and suffering... The elites barraged her with criticism at every chance they got. It was said that a country girl like her didn't deserve to be with such a distinguished man. Despite everything, Vanessa shut her ears and kept her eyes on Killian. All that mattered was that he was finally hers even though he didn't love her back. Vanessa was a firm believer that love can grow over time. She thought that if she treated Killian right, he would one day fall in love with her. But she received the greatest shocker when Killian continued to ignore her. It was as if she was pouring water into a basket. It wasn't until one day Vanessa realized that she was wasting her precious time. Even before she married Killian, she had it all. Money wasn't a problem for her. She had a pretty face, a killer body, and the charm boys died for. Why then should she continue to waste her youthful years on an emotionless robot? Vanessa filed for divorce and decided that they go their separate ways. It was a welcomed development for Killian until he saw her in the news after the divorce. His docile ex-wife was a whole new person. One moment she was dining with a tech mogul. And the next moment, she was rumored to be dating a fast-rising star. Jealousy engulfed Killian in a trice. He threw his phone to the wall and barked, "Fuck! That's my woman!" When they met again, Killian tried to move to her. But Vanessa just smiled politely and said, "Sir, I don't believe we have met. May I know who you are?" Killian couldn't believe his ears!

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Chapter 1 The Bates Are So Disgusting

"Vanessa, what are you up to?  Are you trying to run away from home?"

Just as Vanessa James was about to go downstairs with her suitcase, she heard her sister-in-law, Ella Bates, talking to her.

Instead of giving any responses, Vanessa spared her an indifferent glance and continued to go down the steps.  When Vanessa reached downstairs, she happened to bump into her mother-in-law, Julia Bates, who always looked down upon her.

"Where are you going with a suitcase at this hour?"  Julia asked with disdain laced in her gaze.

After getting married into the Bates family for three years, Vanessa knew that Julia was about to make things difficult for her.

If it was in the past, she would apologize and coax Julia carefully.  However, things were different now.  Since she no longer wanted to be with her husband, Killian Bates, how could she possibly put up with this bad-tempered woman anymore?

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2. The Devilish CEO and His Crazy Secretary

author: I-pen

The Devilish CEO and His Crazy Secretary

The Devilish CEO and His Crazy Secretary

Tyler Smith is a quiet and withdrawn individual who makes every effort to live a simple, quiet and easy going life. Even though he has dated quite a few women, he always avoids relationships and women that are crazy. However, an incident get him entangled with his personal secretary Linda Martins. Even though he has known her for a long time, he was unaware of her wild, sarcastic, chatty, crazy, and loud personality. And that's when his meticulously ordered and well-balanced existence suddenly changes. Will this change be for the better or for the worst? Will he regret his reckless decision or will he rejoice it forever? Let's see how this crazy woman snatches his peace and shows him how crazy and bombastic this world can be. Let's see what happens when the silent and reserved one gets himself entangled with the crazy and loud one.

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Chapter 1 1

Linda Martins POV

"Miss Martins, come into my office, now!!."  I heard my boss, Tyler Smith, echoed through the bustling office.

Despite me throwing colorful curses his way, I quickly made my way to his office.  "Miss Martins, I need the report on this month's car accessory sales.  Also, ask the accounts department to send me the file on accounts.  Schedule a meeting with Mr. William for the day after tomorrow."  He continued giving me instructions without even looking at me.  How rude, I thought to myself

"And have you arranged for my dinner meeting?"

"Yes, sir," I replied, still cursing him in my mind.

"Ensure the document brief is completed before the end of the work hours.  You may leave now."  He said without a speck of humility.

"Okay, sir."  I nodded, already dreading the workload he had just thrown my way

I left the office and headed straight to the bathroom, where upon entering I locked the door and screamed in frustration in face front of the mirror.  I looked my face and could not believe what I was seeing, my once happy, colourful face has now become tired and colourless and it is all thanks to one person, the great Tyler Smith.

I was so frustrated to the extent that I slammed my hands on the counter, however it only hurt me, which in return annoyed me because of the futility of my action.

As I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, it seemed to mock me for the predicament I found myself in.  I asked myself why I had chosen to work with this human-machine that does not seem to possess any emotion.

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3. Flash Marriage Spoiled By My Mysterious Husband

author: Shem-Krieger

Flash Marriage: Spoiled By My Mysterious Husband

Flash Marriage: Spoiled By My Mysterious Husband

Three years ago, Eunice gave birth to triplets, but only one of the three children survived—or so she was told. In order to inherit her mother's property, Eunice was forced to marry a poor but handsome computer programmer. After getting married to this mysterious man, she started to wonder… Three years ago, she had never had sex with a man but had somehow gotten pregnant… She also found out that she had another living child... What was the truth? And why did her “poor” husband look exactly like the wealthy tycoon she had seen on TV?

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Chapter 1 Take Back Everything That Belongs To You

"The result of your pregnancy test just came back.  You are indeed pregnant.  Congratulations!"  The gynecologist smiled lightly as she revealed the news.

Eunice Moore couldn't believe her ears.  How was that even possible?

Her eyes were wide open with shock.  It was unbelievable.

She didn't have a boyfriend, nor had she ever been intimate with any man.  How could she be pregnant?  There must have been some kind of mistake.

Estrella Moore, Eunice's half-sister, covered her mouth and stared at the supposedly pregnant woman.  "Eunice, I just thought you had a stomachache.  I wasn't expecting this at all!  How could you be pregnant before marriage?  This is unacceptable.  I have to tell Dad and Mom."

As soon as she finished speaking, Estrella pulled out her phone and called home.

Eunice was still in a daze.  She didn't know what to do in this situation.  The doctor cleared her throat and shot a sympathetic look at Eunice.

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4. Boss Lady My Ex husband Wants Me Back

author: Elinor-Clain

Boss Lady: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back

Boss Lady: My Ex-husband Wants Me Back

Everyone said Selena was a leech who wanted to suck Kenneth dry, and Kenneth was of the same opinion. Selena fought to make her marriage work. But after Kenneth hurt her countless times, she finally reached her breaking point. She slapped a divorce agreement in his face and declared, "I'm done with this marriage. Split the wealth and let's go our separate ways!" Kenneth was more than happy to sign it. He thought, "Good riddance to bad rubbish!" Once she became single, Selena put her newfound wealth to good use. She invested in many businesses and built a strong empire in just a few years. Money knew her name, and so did many handsome men. They flocked around her like flies. Kenneth could hardly believe his eyes. How did that submissive wife of his turn into a boss lady whom many people revered? Soon, he began to pester her again. This didn't go down well with Selena at all. When he cornered her one day, she blasted him. "Are you out of your damn mind, Kenneth?" His unexpected response left her stunned. "Yes, I'm crazy. Let's get married again. We should have a kid together and merge our empires. When I pass away, all my riches will be yours."

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Chapter 1 Why Didn't He Care About Your Life

"Nobody picked up.  Are we sure she's Kenneth's wife?"

"How could I mess that up?  She's definitely married to Kenneth Powell.  I'm certain of it!"

"I've called him multiple times and sent messages saying we have his wife.  So, why no response?"

Selena Powell had been abducted.

She had gone out last night for a business meeting, thinking it was just about business.  However, it turned out to be a setup.

A night had passed, and with the ransom deadline drawing closer, the kidnappers grew nervous.

"Why isn't Kenneth reacting?  Doesn't he care about you?" one of the kidnappers snapped at Selena.

Trying to stay strong, Selena replied with a smirk on her bloodied lips, "Kenneth Powell is not the type to pick up any call.  Give me my phone, and I'll call him.  He'll answer it."

The kidnappers exchanged glances.  Their goal was clear;  they were after the money, and were not interested in actually harming anyone.  So they decided to give Selena's idea a shot.

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5. Entangled with the Billionaire

author: Symplyayisha

Entangled with the Billionaire

Entangled with the Billionaire

Mia thought the best way to get revenge against her terrible ex was to get sexual pleasure from someone else. Preferably, a stranger! So she stalked the sexiest man she could find at the party. Once he cornered her, She made him a deal. Mia had no idea that the man she made a deal with was a possessive Billionaire who could make or break her. He wanted more after their passionate night together and decided she was going to be Entangled with him for life.

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Chapter 1 One

"Tell me what you're wearing," His deep voice came through from the other end.

"A satin dress!"  She answered, already getting turned on by his questions.

"Long or short?"


"Perfect.  Panties?"  He asked.


"Take it off."  He commanded.  Mia felt a shiver run down her spine.  But she obeyed.  She adjusted herself and took off her panties.

"Done!"  She replied, lying on her back.

"Good girl!  Now close your eyes."  He instructed.

Mia obeyed.

"Remember how you feel anytime I take your erect nipple into my warm wet mouth?"

Mia nodded her head at the memory.  "Yes I do," she moaned.

"Put your index finger in your mouth, ensure you've got enough saliva on it, then slowly run that finger over your right nipple."

"Ahhhhhhh!"  Mia moaned at the cold shiver she got from doing as Colton requested.

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6. I Cannot Quit on the CEO

author: Ife Anyi

I Cannot Quit on the CEO

I Cannot Quit on the CEO

His voice dropped a tempo as he spoke again. It was deep and almost seductive. “I don’t think I’ve properly apologized for this mess I’ve put you in. But I’ve given it much thought, and I've concluded it’s not working out. For me, it’s not. So, I want to say that I’m sorry for everything. You did not deserve it. I shouldn’t have given you any ideas if I didn’t maintain my stand. We...” “It’s fine. Apology accepted. I’m not mad. You told me before that you didn’t date, right? You have casual flings like Julia and Janice. I get it...you don’t have to apologize,” Elsie said in a small voice, cutting Luca off. “And if you’re apologizing because you want us to be cordial and friendly with each other, then I can try,” she added, uncertainty tinged in her tone. Luca swallowed hard. He did not want anything cordial or friendly with Elsie. He wanted to consume her, ruin her, and show her what it felt like to be with someone like him. None of that was cordial or friendly. “Can’t do that, Elsie,” he said in a husky voice. “Uh, okay. That settles it, then. I’m just your employee, and you’re my boss.” “Fuck that,” Luca growled before crashing his lips to hers and swallowing the remaining words he didn’t want to hear. Elsie couldn’t think, but her body could act. Luca struggled to get her to kiss him back. Her hand lifted on its own and landed on his cheek. Then she seized the opportunity to push him away as shock took control of his features. Hurriedly, she wiped her wet lips with the same hand that had begun to sting and hurt. Tears welled in her eyes as she stared directly into Luca’s confused eyes. “Why are you doing this to me?” Her voice cracked. “Why won’t you let me be? Why can’t I just work for you? What did I ever do to you, Mr. Vanthross?” Elsie asked as hot liquid streamed down her cheeks. Hearing her call him Mr. Vanthross sparked something in him. Luca’s expression turned cool and indignant. He scrubbed his face with his hand, sighing exasperatedly. “Mr. Vanthross?” He scoffed. “Can you stop calling me that?” He asked with a hint of threat. “What?” Elsie was stunned. Wondering where the conversation was going. He’d kissed her forcefully. Now, he’s acting offended because she’d called him by his name. “It’s been weeks, Elsie. Months since you called me Luca!” Luca suddenly exclaimed. “God. It’s maddening,” he said, taking a step towards her. Then, tentatively, his hand reached out for her. When Elsie didn’t move, as she was still stunned and trying to understand the turn of events, Luca’s hand caressed her cheek. “This lack of emotion. The way you spit out 'Vanthross' like it's poison. These past few weeks have been hell for me. I can’t deny it anymore that what I feel for you is stronger than I’m used to. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about a woman before,” he continued, talking in a rush before Elsie shut him out again. This was the only opportunity he could use to explain how he felt. “I don’t know how to prove it to you, but I’m not with Janice. I can’t explain how complicated our situation is right now but know that I am not with her. There’s nothing going on between me and her. Or even Julia. I haven’t even spoken to Julia since the last time she was here when I told her it was over between us. I want to...” “Enough.” Elsie cut him off. She didn’t want to believe his words, even though they made her heart flutter with hope and something dangerously close to affection for Luca. “Whether you’re with her or Julia is none of my business. I think it’s best we maintain the current status of our relationship. Nothing good has ever come from an employer-employee relationship anyway. I appreciate your thoughts and feelings for me, but it’s long overdue for us to...explore it,” she finished. All of what she said was a lie, but Luca didn’t have to know that. There was nothing more she wanted than to explore whatever feelings they shared together. But she was scared. Her mother’s story was always at the back of her mind. She was terrified that she’d end up longing after a man that her heart would never forget for years to come.

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Chapter 1 New Qualifications

What is that fucking noise?

Luca Vanthross groaned as he opened his eyes in annoyance.  The blaring sound assaulted his ears when his senses came alive.  It was from the alarm clock on the table by his bed.  With one more groan, he stretched his arm from under the bed covers and turned it off by smashing it against the floor.

He grabbed his phone to check the time.  It read 8:00 am.  Clare, his secretary was supposed to be here by 7:30 am to prepare his outfit for work.  She was also meant to prepare breakfast, run him a bath, and have his car warmed up, waiting at the front of his esteemed mansion.

“Where is she?”  He asked himself, angry.  Luca thought about firing her but decided against it when he realized Clare had never missed any of her tasks and always showed up on time.  But he was Luca Vanthross and he detested mistakes and incompetence.  Clare was going to be reprimanded.  With that decision, he climbed off his bed and walked to the bathroom.

After having his bath, Luca grabbed his iPhone and called for his housekeeper who lived in a little rack he'd built for her.  It was right behind his mansion and only took about two minutes, going and coming.

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7. Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

author: Amye Hochschild

Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

In their three years of marriage, Chelsea had been a dutiful wife to Edmund. She used to think that her love and care would someday melt Edmund's cold heart, but she was wrong. Finally, she couldn't take the disappointment any longer and chose to end the marriage. Edmund had always thought that his wife was just boring and dull. So it was shocking when Chelsea suddenly threw divorce papers at his face in front of everyone at the Nelson Group's anniversary party. How humiliating! After that, everyone thought that the formerly-married couple would never see each other again, even Chelsea. Once again, she thought wrong. Sometime later, at an award ceremony, Chelsea went onstage to accept the award for best screenplay. Her ex-husband, Edmund, was the one presenting the award to her. As he handed her the trophy, he suddenly reached for her hand and pleaded humbly in front of the audience, "Chelsea, I'm sorry I didn't cherish you before. Could you please give me another chance?" Chelsea looked at him indifferently. "I'm sorry, Mr. Nelson. My only concern now is my business." Edmund's heart was shattered into a million pieces. "Chelsea, I really can't live without you." But his ex-wife just walked away. Wasn't it better for her to just concentrate on her career? Men would only distract her—especially her ex-husband.

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Chapter 1 Severe Heartbreak

"Edmund, you have been married to Chelsea for three years.  It's high time you had a child.  I want to meet my great-grandchildren before death comes for me."

An old man's earnest voice came from the study through the slightly opened door.

A young man replied coldly, "Why should I have a baby with a woman I don't love?"

Chelsea Williams was about to knock on the door to inform them that dinner was ready.  But when she heard their conversation, she froze.  Her face turned pale in a split second.

The young man's voice sounded again.  This time it was firmer and dismissive.  "Grandpa, just so we are on the same page, you'll not be getting any great-grandchildren from me as long as I'm married to Chelsea.  I don't want her to be the mother of my children.  So, don't pester me about this issue again!"

"You brat!" the old man shouted angrily.  The next second, the sound of a cup being shattered on the floor was heard.  This was followed by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Chelsea hurriedly went into the bathroom next door to hide.  In the process, the sharp edge of the wash-hand basin scratched her waist.

An intense pain shot from her waist to her heart.  It then swept through her entire body.  She trembled and bit her lower lip hard.  Tears of agony soon welled up in her eyes.

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8. Innocent Mommy And Genius Baby

author: N. GREGORY

Innocent Mommy And Genius Baby

Innocent Mommy And Genius Baby

Six years ago, she walked into the wrong room and spent a wild night. Yet, she remembered nothing about that man. What was worse, she got pregnant. To give birth to the baby, she left her home and began a new life. The second time she met him, she worked as his secretary. He also seemed to forget her, but he could hardly resist the desire to get close to her.

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Chapter 1 Have This Baby

At night, in a small town by the seaside, a lot more stars could be seen in the night sky than in the city.  The splatter of stars twinkled beautifully, lighting up the town.

On the beach, there was a girl standing on the shore and looking into the distance.  She had a fight with her father because she didn't want to go abroad.  To clear her mind, she had come to this small seaside town on an impulse, but her father had tracked her down using GPS.  He had come all the way here and asked her to go home with him tomorrow.  During the past few days here, she had grown to like this small seaside town, which made her feel comfortable and at home.  She didn't know if she would ever feel this way after going abroad.

The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was melodious.  It was her last night in this seaside town, so she wanted to enjoy it as much as she could.

Suddenly, there was a flash of bright fireworks in the sky.  It only lingered in the air for a moment, and she didn't like the way the fireworks made her feel.  At the same time, she saw big words in the sky and thought, 'The person named Jessica must be very happy to see these words designed for her.'

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9. His Rejected Wife

author: A king

His Rejected Wife

His Rejected Wife

“I want you inside of me” she whispered sending hot shivers down his body, his brain instantly went cold and he lost it for a minute. “You don’t mean that” he answered but deep down he wanted her to mean every single word she said. “I want you Matteo” she muttered again and his eyes flashed for a second filled with lust. “I want every inch of you deep inside of me” she said and he completely lost it. He kissed her fiercely prying her mouth with his tongue, he dominated the kiss but yet he wanted more. *** Selene was a beautiful young lady who had everything at her feet being the girlfriend of the rich billionaire in Athen but all that changed when she decided to propose to him and he rejected her. Instead he got married to her cousin breaking her heart further. Her family rejected her and forced her to beg him to take him back but instead she was given off as a wife to his cold and domineering brother who hates her. Matteo was bitter child from childhood who hated his parents for the cold treatment they gave him until one day he was given the ex-girlfriend of his brother as a wife who had always hated. Would Matteo be able to look beyond his hatred and fall in love with his wife or would Selene be able to ever fall in love again?

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Chapter 1 Proposal

The sun peaked right up in the sky giving the morning a youthful exuberance, the streets were crowded with people going about their daily lives hoping to have a fruitful day.

In a beautiful green house situated in brooks street, a young lady was seated in front of a mirror combing through her hair when her mother walked in.

“Hi mom” Selene, the beautiful young lady with blue eyes, thick lashes, long black hair and a perfect body turned to her.

“How are you doing Selene” Mary asked taking the comb from her and brushing through her hair.

“I’m fine” she answered.

Mary stared at her beautiful child through the mirror who had always been a sourced her happiness,

“You know I have always been grateful for the moment you came into my life my dear child, you brought so much joy to me and your father that we couldn’t wish for anything more” Mary expressed with a face full of joy.

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10. Love Me Back, Mr CEO

author: Qween Boj

Love Me Back, Mr CEO

Love Me Back, Mr CEO


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Chapter 1 The breakup

Mia's head spun, and time seemed to stand still for a moment.  Her whole body shook violently, and her teeth clattered uncontrollably.

She clenched her hands into fists, digging her fingernails into the flat of her palms.

With a cracked voice, she asked in disbelief, "What did you just say?"

Her eyes brimmed with tears, and she desperately hoped that his words wouldn't break her heart again.

"I'm sorry, Mia.  I can't do this again," he uttered, his voice low and calm, but the words reverberated loudly in her head.

The tears she had been fighting so hard to hold back broke loose, streaming down her face.

Mia sobbed uncontrollably while Max watched her in utter silence.

Suddenly, the weather changed, and it started to drizzle.  Even nature seemed to share her sorrow.

Max and she had known each other for more than half their lives.  They practically grew up together.  Even as kids, they had harbored feelings for each other, and at the age of fourteen, Max had asked her to be his girlfriend.  She accepted without hesitation.

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