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tedumwilliams2019's Books(2)

From strangers to lovers

From strangers to lovers

Prestigious city of A, two proud and arrogant people. Isabella Bennett, a well-trained lady with a bold intellect, and James Steel, an arrogant and controlling man known for his presence, find themselves twisted in an arranged marriage. Their families want to unite their influential legacies, believe the union will bring mutual benefits. However, Isabella and James harbor deep hatred toward each other, fueled by personal differences. As Isabella and James are forced into matrimony there are filled with freezing glances and harsh remarks. They fight at every turn, their pride and stubbornness fueling the flames of annoyance. However, an unforeseen crisis shakes the foundations of their lives, then they must separate from each other. After separation, Isabella get to know she is pregnant with James babies all because of one night spend together when drunk. Clueless on what to do, Isabella left A city. Six years later, Isabella return to A city. With three little cute children with the duplicate image of James. James, at first doubt her and don’t believe the babies are his, forced to acknowledge her motherly side. As they unknot the web of conspiracy together, as respect blossoms and they start to realize their destinies might be intertwist for a reason. As Isabella and James overcome the challenges that come their way, they begin to discover amazing things about each other’s. James arrogance lies a weakness borne out of past pain, while Isabella proud exterior lays a deep longing for love and connection. Slowly their walls begin to crumble as they get to see beyond the surface, recognizing the depth of emotion that lie below. Isabella and James find themselves in a deathly situation, on the cliff of danger. Faced with the fast-approaching threat, they must face their own fears and conquer it for them to survive. In this vital moment, they let go of their bitterness and allow openness and trust to build up an unbreakable bond. Isabella and James arrive from the agony of their ordeal with a newfound appreciation for each other. Seen each other at their weakest and bravest moments, and their shared experience have taught them the power of compassion and understanding. Transforming their relationship into something beautiful and genuine