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silentfantasia's Book(1)

Perfect Harmony

Perfect Harmony

Young Adult
Elizabeth Jael Valmonte is one of the ten undeniably gorgeous and passionate heirs of the Valmonte clan, a ravishing, rich, and famous family known for being business-oriented and having members that are at top of their respective fields. She loves singing more than anything. She's born to conquer the stage and make everyone fall for her sweet voice. But when her father, Arthur Valmonte, fell into a coma and her mother, Harriett Valmonte, suffered severely because of a car accident, her world fell apart into pieces right before her eyes. According to the investigation of the police and base on the damage, at least two or more vehicles should be involved for the accident to happen that way. But the big mystery is why only her parents' car was present when a witness came to the scene? Lost and devastated because of her parent's situation, her older brother, Rueben Valmonte found something that could be the reason behind everything. Struck with amazement that her father might have an affair with Lucille de Silva, known for her acting awards, generous donations, and the wife of Gabriel de Silva, a potential candidate for the position of Mayor in the upcoming elections, she prepares herself for war. But what can a seventeen-year-old do to avenge her family when all this time she thought she had a perfect one? One day, Jael met an arrogant guy in a shoe store. They both liked a limited edition designer heels but only one stock is left for their desired size. This guy caught the attention of Jael because of his inconsiderate and nosy attitude. She met the same guy again where her parent's accident happened to found out that he bought the whole area. The guy suddenly disappeared even before Jael had the answers to her questions. At the inauguration of Rueben Valmonte as the temporary CEO of Valmonte Development and Designs, one of the companies of the Valmonte Group, she saw the guy among the audience while she was singing on the stage. Little did she know that the guy he was talking to is Lazarus Orson Samaniego, famously known as "Zaron Samaniego", the lead vocalist of the band Blank Pages, a very fine man with a cold attitude and an orphan that the de Silvas are planning to adopt. Because of this, Jael knew she had to use him to get information about the de Silvas and plan her revenge.