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omezirivivian32's Books(2)



Young Adult
HELPLESS Chapter 1 This little girl has suffered a lot in your hands, give her some breathing space please.. Jennifer told her friend who was beating the 6 years old Diana Mr Henry was massaging his wife waist who was wailing, she was hitting her husband and screaming at the same time It was already midnight and there was no hospital around that area.... Drive me to any hospital.. his wife Rita wailed By this time of the night? He asked I can't bear the pains again, please my husband.. She begged holding her waist Mr Henry stared at her with pity and faced the wall, his wife kept on hitting him hard on the head shouting and begging him When she got tired of begging him she opened the door and went out, luckily for her she saw a cab,at first the driver refused to take her to the hospital when he noticed the way water was rushing down her legs he accepted to take her to the hospital They got to the hospital within forty five minutes, the cab driver rushed to call the nurses who were on duty that night,they hesitated for a while thinking the cab driver was a mad because of his dirty beards Rita struggled and went inside the hospital begging the nurses to come to her aid, she was rushed to the labour room while the cab driver left Rita gave birth to a bouncing baby girl, her husband located her the next morning He went inside the ward as he was directed by one of nurses who was dozing off He saw his wife lying helpless on the bed, she wasn't breathing. He called her name several times but didn't get a reply,he screamed and ran out of the ward calling the nurses to help him bring back his wife Sir,you abandoned your wife since last night, she was brought here by a mad man..A nurse told him She went into labour last night and..... And what? How could you? You abandoned your wife,a pregnant woman for that huh.. Another nurse said Me Henry was confused,he dialed his mother In-law's number,he begged her to come over to the hospital He also called Rita's sister Gift to come over What happened to my daughter? Mrs Joseph asked hitting Henry hard on the face Please calm down, everything will be fine.. The doctor said Everything will be fine? Doctor I didn't hear you well..Gift shouted It's nobody's fault ma,we tried our best but God knows the best.. Replied the doctor God knows what? That nurse over there has already told us everything, this idiot here abandoned my daughter,a pregnant woman who was in labour,he abandoned her and a mad man brought here, let's assume that the mad didn't see my daughter, now my precious Rita is gone leaving her first issue behind...Mrs Joseph barked I'm sorry ma but it was already late.. Henry said Sorry for yourself Henry,you will definitely pay for this,where is my grand child.. She said and went inside the ward, she opened the bed cover which was used to cover Rita's face, she died with a smile on her face, she covered her and carried her grandchild and left the hospital holding her long gown with her other hand while Gift followed her Mr Henry called the ambulance to take his wife to the mortuary,he paid the bills and left the hospital still thinking why everyone laid the blame on him Gift took care of her sister's daughter Diana, she took her as her own daughter and warned her children never to bully the little Diana Diana's suffering began after four years her mum left, she learnt how to wash plates and sweep the compound at the age of three Gift developed a sudden hatred for the poor girl, Diana was maltreated by her aunt and grandma Diana was growing rapidly,at the age of five she looked more older than her age She would wake up by five to do all the domestic chores in the house including cooking for the whole family To Be Continued 🤗
House help

House help

THE HOUSEHELP 💙 (🔞+) Episode 1💙🔞 The next morning, Alice got dressed in her best outfit, with her luggages and arrived at the address her late mother had given her. She rang the doorbell and waited nervously. A moment later, the door opened and a woman in her thirties stood before her. "You must be Alice my niece," the woman said, smiling. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Smith. Come on in." Alice followed Mrs. Smith into the house and sat down on the couch in the living room. Mrs. Smith sat down across from her and smiled. "So, tell me about yourself," she said. Alice took a deep breath. "Well, I'm 18 years old and I just graduated from high school. "I love to cook and I've always been good at keeping things tidy. I'm also a responsible person and I always try to do my best." Mrs. Smith nodded. "Those are all great qualities, your mum which is my sister told me everything before she died, am sorry for losing your both parent," she said. "And you mentioned that you're a good cook, I love that. Thank God for the safe burial last week and thanks you located this place. NEXT WEEK. The day had started like any other day for Alice, the young house help. She had started her chores early, making sure the house was tidy and clean. But she could sense something was off. Her auntie's husband had been giving her strange looks all morning, and she could feel his eyes on her as she worked. She tried to ignore it, but it was getting harder and harder. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. She turned to face him, ready to confront him. "What's going on?" she asked. The man looked at her with a cold, calculating gaze. "I think you know exactly what's going on," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "You've been teasing me for weeks, with your little looks and your short skirts. You know exactly what you're doing." Alice felt a chill run down her spine. She had no idea what to say. She tried to deny it, to say she was only trying to do her job, but the man wouldn't listen. He stepped closer to her, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. "You think you're so clever, don't you?" the man said, his voice dripping with contempt. "Well, I'm not going to let you get away with it. I know what you're up to, and I'm not going to let you get away with it." Alice's mind was racing, and her thoughts were a jumbled mess. She tried to think of something to say, anything to get out of this situation. But it was like her brain had frozen up, and she couldn't find the words. The man moved even closer, and Alice felt her pulse quicken. THE HOUSEHELP💙(🔞+) EPISODE 2💙🔞 ....her pulse quicken Just then, there was a knock at the door. The man turned his head towards the sound, and Alice saw her chance. She darted past him and towards the door, opening it to reveal her auntie. "Oh, hello dear," her auntie said. "What's going on here?" The man turned to face her auntie, his face unreadable. Alice tried to speak, but her voice wouldn't come. Her auntie looked from her to the man, and then back again. "What's going on?" she repeated, her voice sharper this time. "What's going on here?" her auntie asks, looking from her husband to the girl. "Nothing," her husband says, turning away from the girl. "We were just talking." The girl looks at her auntie, her eyes pleading. "Please," she says. "He was scaring me." Her auntie looks at her, then at her husband. "Is this true?" she asks. "No," he says. "She's lying." "I'm not lying," she says. 'what you mean is that my husband is the one lieing' "No Ma, I didn't mean so"Alice replied. "I believe you honey," her auntie says, her voice firm. "I think you should go to your room," she says to the man. He turns and walks away, and the girl feels like she can breathe again. Her auntie turned over to her, "Are you okay? Why will my husband scare you, your 18 years old. You shouldn't be afraid of any scary thing" she said. The girl nods, still shaking. "But..." Alice got interupted. "No buts, if he scares you scare him back. Act like a witch, you watch horror movies right, act like one of them" Her auntie speaks, while romancing her left check. Now go upstairs and have some rest. The girl is feeling more and more uneasy around her auntie's husband. Every time she is near him, he makes her feel uncomfortable. He looks at her in a way that makes her skin crawl. She is starting to feel unsafe in the home. She tries to avoid him as much as possible, but it's difficult when they live in the same house. She is starting to feel like she is in a nightmare that she can't wake up from. The girl felt trapped in her auntie's house. She was afraid of her auntie's husband, and she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to tell her auntie what was happening, because she was afraid of what her auntie might do. The girl felt alone and scared, with no one to turn to. She didn't know how much longer she could hold up, she was afraid of r*pe. She knew she had to get out of there, but she didn't know how.