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myrielle's Books(3)

Going Away

Going Away

Nabilla is the daughter of Bill Kate, rich American businessman. Nabilla was born from the fruit of a passionate night between Léandra and Bill in South Africa, Léandra is of Cameroonian nationality. At that time Léandra was a young woman engaged to Ben and during a conference organized by her father in South Africa she was tempted by Bill's charm and her life changed forever when she realized that she was pregnant by this stranger and that her fiancé decided to abandon her to marry Carla. Ben, the ex-fiance of Léandra and his wife Carla will give birth to Gian, who will be one month older than "Nabilla", the daughter of Léandra and Bill. Ben, not having supported the betrayal of his ex-fiancee Léandra, will impose a choice: that to give his daughter Nabilla in marriage to his son Gian when the two will be adults and if ever she refused it he will expose all his photos of his night spent with Bill in order to prove to his family his infidelity and the reasons of their separation. Léandra had no choice but to accept this offer in order not to make her father lose face while hoping that Gian will make his daughter happy later. With the blow of the destiny, Gian ends up pleasing Nabilla for the first time when she will put the eyes on him, but this attraction will it be reciprocated? Discover the story of the love triangle between Nabilla, Gian and Andrea the best friend of Nabilla. This crazy love that Nabilla develops for Gian could cost the life of Nabilla but could she go away?