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felix uzoma

felix uzoma's Books(3)

Entangled love

Entangled love

Stephanie divorced Alex her husband because he was cheating. Stephanie met a fair tall and handsome man at the beach.His nose was a little bit pointed and his name was kelvin. But kelvin's heart was entangled between three women who loved him genuinely in the past.kelvin had a great challenge of choosing between Veronica, Esther and Luciana. veronica was closer to kelvin in the past.They were dating each other and were in love until they quarrelled because kelvin had gave her little attention because he got a busy job.When Veronica broke up with kelvin,Esther and Luciana showed kelvin affectionate conce orrn and love.They tried to also win his heart.Kelvin started loving Esther but he kept his feelings secret until he met Stephanie. Kelvin became Stephanie's friend and he started loving Stephanie secretly.Stephanie also had feelings for kelvin but she choose not to express her feelings because of the bad experience she had with Alex. kelvin experienced guilt because Esther, veronica and Luciana have loved him and they have made so many sacrifices for him back in the past.So kelvin was not so happy with loving Stephanie. After 10 months Veronica who was kelvin's first love reappeared again.She tried to date kelvin again.But kelvin had already started developing feelings for Stephanie.This created misunderstanding.When Veronica visited kelvin,he became very surprised.He was confused and didn't know what to say.His love for Veronica began rekindled again.But he had to focus on a single woman for his life by taking a major decision. Veronica tried to date kelvin again.Kelvin tried to resist her love and gifts.He tried to be faithful to Stephanie. Stephanie disappeared when she suspected that kelvin is having a romantic relationship with Veronica. This made kelvin to chase after his true lover named Stephanie.
The return of the Billionaire CEO

The return of the Billionaire CEO

Stephanie was a woman who was married to Alex for years but no child.Alex was a billionaire.Sharon was a side chick who was seducing and deceiving Alex to divorce Stephanie his wife.Sharon planned with doctor Williams to conduct a false medical test on Alex and convince Alex that he was fertile while Stephanie is impotent.This made Alex to divorce Stephanie and marry Sharon. Unknown to Alex,Sharon's main reason for marrying Alex was to enjoy and spend his money and she already has a child from another man out of wedlock but she kept it as a secret.She wanted to use Alex's wealth to secretly take care of her son since the biological father of her son has ran away long time ago. When Alex gave stephanie the divorce papers to sign,she refused to sign but packed her load and left to her friend's house named Vivian.As time went Stephanie was able to start up a business. Sharon and Alex got married but the marriage was later full of troubles.Alex got tired of sending money to Sharon.A time came when Alex could no longer sleep in the house because Sharon was very disrespectful,lazy and full of insult.Alex began to sleep in hotels in other to avoid Sharon's trouble.His life became full of sorrow and trouble as he could not sleep at night.His company was almost bankrupt because of Sharon untill he was able to recover the money. A time came when princess who was Alex secretary told Alex the truth.She told Alex that the report that doctor Williams gave to him is a fake one.She knew this because doctor Williams is her brother,her brother told her when she mentioned Alex name as the CEO of their company. When Alex went for an original medical test,it was confirmed that he had fertility problem.He bean to understand that was Sharon's wicked plan.Alex told sharon but she tried to defend herself.This made Alex not to trust sharon.Alex was able to treat his infertility problem. When Sharon knew that alex has treated his fertility problem,she plotted another evil,she tried to make Alex to sleep with her so that she can get pregnant and use the pregnant to hook him. But even though they gave birth to a child, troubles in the home became as worse as ever,until Alex search for Stephanie.Stephanie already dated kelvin.But Stephanie and kelvin broke up with each other because kelvin was an irresponsible person who was just pretending to be good.Stephanie became single again. Alex continued to search for Stephanie everywhere.Until he found Stephanie one day in a restaurant,he ran and knelt down in tears to beg her He said to her "please I am sorry,come back to my life,I don't want to die". Stephanie went home and thaught about it. Alex later drove Sharon out of her house while the baby was still with them.Stephanie forgave Alex and they came back together in peace.They were also able to give birth to their own children.
The indestructible relationship

The indestructible relationship

Micheal was in love with Barbra because of the genuine love that Barbra has shown him.But he once dated Racheal who cheated on him after getting pregnant for him.Reachel tried to treathen Micheal with her baby but Michael kept on begging raechel .Barbra never knew about it until Micheal told her in tears.Barbra was also in love with Micheal,but she had a divorced ex billionaire husband who wanted her back into his life.her outstanding beauty,sexy appearance and her great intelligence attracted many men who tried to seduce her to date them.Many single and married men will buy her gift but She declined their request.This lead to the black mail of her first lover Micheal.This was planned out by Asensio and he was using one of Barbra's staff named Catherine as a spy.Barbra became hurt and disappointed at micheal.As time went on Asensio started becoming more of a closer friend to barbra.But Barbra is a principled person,she never dated anyone until she confirmed that micheal has sincere changed by improving in his attitude.These were the promise she told Michael earlier on.During this period,barbra observed that Asensio is no the person she taught he was,she noticed that Asensio is not sincere in improving on his attitude like Micheal.She notice that Asensio cheats by sleeping with other women.This made Barbra not to trust Asensio.She began to miss those sweet memories of micheal,she missed the honesty, faithfulness and sincerity that Micheal have towards learn and developing good habits.This made her to believe that Micheal can still be honest, faithful and sincere as long as he is really improving in his attitude.Barbra then assign a spy to monitor the new life style of Micheal to know whether he has improved through a sincere heart.Barbra later noticed that he has improved,she apologized to Micheal for the accusation and they became lovers again.Barbra asked Micheal a question,he said why didn't you move on with your life when I was no more dating you.Micheal laughed and he replied that it is because he knew that she will not just date another person but you will first confirm if my sincerity towards continuous improvement is still in me like you said .Barbra continued to believe that Micheal can still improve on himself to become a better person.Her trust in Micheal was never based on perfection but it was based on continuous improvement to become more honest and faithful to her.As time went on,more obstacles kept on coming as Micheal's mother was also kidnapped and his life was threatened by enemies so that he can leave barbra alone.But Micheal and Barbra remained strong in their relationship.