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energy's Books(2)

The Angel's Devil

The Angel's Devil

Spit personality disorder. Creating two identities in one mind, is this normal ? Is there any individuality ? Moreover what if the personalities in question oppose each other? Is this God's plan or mistake? Name of story: The Angel's Devil Chapter 1: The Art of Divinity The word fascination normally refers to a show of interest in something specific, to some it means belief, to some wonders, and to some hobbies or something they like to fiddle around with in their spare time. But to young Zaki, an 18-year-old boy, it was obsession. Yes, obsession. He would day dream about this miraculous specimens’ day and night. He was so indulged into this fascination oh his that he cut down his selection of entertainment accordingly. His choice in books and movies would only of those that relate to his fascination. Now, the question arises, what is this fascination of his? ANGELS AND DEMONS. To be more specific, the angel Michael and the devil Lucifer. He was so fascinated by the two artifacts that they were his role models. He would have a wide selection of supernatural invested books and movies in his collection. Posters of the two divine beings on his wall. He was literally obsessed. This obsession started at the age of 15 when he saw his two role models on a TV show called the supernatural. He finished the entire Series and moved on from that to other movies and anime. However, fascination is not harmful. It’s something that keeps your mind occupied. But it may be a threat if the word obsession takes over fascination. His brain started to take these roles into character. Now this could have been a good thing stating that Michael is an angel and his deeds would turn out to be pure, but there’s someone being left out. Lucifer was still in the game. Michael might be an angel but Lucifer was also the devil, In fact the king of the devils. This caused Zaki to face an issue of split characteristics. Mainly what the experienced doctor would call a personality disorder. At times he would be an angel whose kindness did not have a cause. And at some times he would act on the devilish thoughts that heed him. These divine role models that he so much looked up to were a huge influence in his day to day activities. This bulk of influence made young Zaki believe that he had multiple identities. One that would do benefit to society and one that would take advantage of it. This identity crisis would create what we would call a “Love Hate relationship” between Zaki and the people around him. Zaki loved his friends and family but it was not the same case when the tables turned. In other words, his friends and family had issues trusting Zaki and his love from them. You see, Zaki had created a routine for days when his actions were influenced by Michael and days when they were influenced by Lucifer. His family was aware of his condition and had paid a visit to many psychiatrists but nothing was to come clean. As days went by his sickness began to evolve. As if it was becoming smarter. Let me put this straight, his mind was now in control of when to trigger which identity. When it sensed danger it triggered Lucifer’s presence to show a stronger guard to play on the offensive side. When it did not see that requirement and felt the need to be more defensive, Michael took the lead. And whenever it knew the danger of being exposed it would wipe the slate clean and show to trace of its existence. Whenever the doctor came up for questioning, Zaki had no idea of his fascination. He would act absolutely normal. No trace of Michael or Lucifer. No trace of the identity malfunction. No trace of flaws. Treatment was not possible without the existence of a disease.