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dip1's Books(3)

Billionaire Surrogate's Forbidden Love

Billionaire Surrogate's Forbidden Love

In the bustling streets of Mumbai, Sultan Mirza, a ruggedly handsome tycoon known for his steely resolve, crosses paths with Razia Sultana, a fiercely independent young woman who's weathered life's harshest blows at just 19. She's determined never to rely on anyone, having grown up in the unforgiving shadows of an orphanage, her true origins shrouded in mystery. Razia's relentless pursuit of a better life takes her on a tumultuous journey, from her unjust expulsion from the orphanage at the tender age of ten to a life of unwavering determination. But as fate's unpredictable hand steers her toward a precarious crossroads, she finds herself agreeing to a life-altering decision: becoming the surrogate for the enigmatic billionaire, Sultan Mirza. "I'm only doing this for money...that's the important thing to me," Razia vows, driven by her unwavering ambition. Little does she know that this pact with Sultan, a man haunted by his own tragic past, will set into motion a series of events that will challenge the very core of her beliefs. Amidst a backdrop of simmering secrets and buried desires, their arrangement takes a startling turn. Emotions ignite, and the boundaries of their contract blur as they navigate a world rife with drama, deception, and the electrifying tension of forbidden passion. In this gripping tale of love and redemption, Sultan Mirza and Razia Sultana must confront their deepest fears and desires. Will Razia achieve her dreams of success, or will she find a new purpose in Sultan's arms? Can Sultan move beyond the shadows of his past and open his heart to love once more? Prepare for a riveting rollercoaster of emotions in a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Lies, betrayal, sizzling romance, and an irresistibly possessive male lead come together in a narrative that you won't want to put down. This is a love story like no other—a story of two souls destined to collide and rewrite the chapters of their lives.