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amararauquelle's Books(2)

Beneath The Glitters

Beneath The Glitters

The world of high finance and personal ambition collide at Sterling Enterprises, a towering symbol of success in New York City. At the heart of this empire is Alexander Sterling, a commanding and wealthy executive known for his ruthlessness and unyielding standards. His personal assistant, Emily Clark, is an exceptionally talented and dedicated professional who manages the complex demands of his life with remarkable efficiency. Despite the professional boundaries, a subtle attraction begins to develop between them, complicated by Alexander's demanding nature and Emily’s own career aspirations. As their relationship deepens, Emily becomes increasingly aware of the tension between her professional dedication and personal feelings for Alexander. The dynamic shifts further when they had a one night stand in Paris on a work trip and after realising the feelings they have for eachother, Alexander proposes a private relationship in which Emily feels disrespected by that. Emily leaves the company, seeking new opportunities elsewhere, following a confrontation over her perceived favoritism and the ongoing passive-aggressive tactics of a jealous colleague, Julia Thompson. The climax unfolds as Alexander realizes the depth of his feelings and the significance of Emily’s role in his life and business, It becomes overwhelming when he realises Emily has a child which could be his. In a dramatic turn, Emily becomes unreachable, prompting Alexander to face the repercussions of his actions. The denouement reveals Alexander's struggle with the void left by Emily’s departure and the personal growth he must under. Will he find Emily or have no choice but to move on? If he later finds out the child is his, will he abandon her due to media pressure or will he put her first?