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Zikky Zara

Zikky Zara's Book(1)



Lorelei's heart hammered fast as she rushed towards the exit of the restaurant's place. She glanced at her back, never wanting to stop as she clutched at the strap of her bag. "Why is he here?" It was what she kept on asking herself the moment she saw the familiar man standing in front of her. "Lorelei!" the man spoke behind her in a low, firm voice. "Lorelei!" "No..no..don't look back, just keep on running." she told herself. The sky was already dark when she successfully came out of the hotel. She was about to continue walking towards the road when she realized that she brought her car, making her turn towards the small door leading to the parking lot. Why did she even go here? She could just ignore her father's orders! If she didn't come out then shed never see this man again! "Lorelei! I said we need to talk!" a hand stopped her from walking and turned her around. "Why would you keep on running away from me, huh?" Dark brown eyes, thick brows, a square, chiseled jawline, and straight nose one would wish to have. It was the same features she had longed to see for months, and now he was here in front of her, standing as casual as he could be like they were nothing but old friends...as though he was chasing after her just so they would catch up. "Excuse me? W-who are you?" she narrowed her eyes. Anger and impatience were evident in the man's eyes when she gazed at him. She cursed in her head. Why, of all her flings, does she have to meet this man? She should've just stayed inside her house! "What?" he let out a peal of hysterical laughter, his grip on her arm tightened as he pulled her closer. "After months of chasing after you, you will tell me that you don't know me?" "I don't know what you are saying! Let me go or I will call the police!" Lei threatened, but the man in front of her seemed so persistent that he did nothing but shake his head. "Not until you talk to me, Lorelei. We have so many things to talk about!" "I don't even know you, Mister! Guard!" she cried for help, glancing at the empty parking lot. Her heart pounded against her chest. Heat formed at the corners of her eyes as she tried to depart from the man's hold. Just seeing him right now already felt like her heart would crush into pieces, and he even dared to demand her time for a talk? Was he kidding her? No woman would ever try to be with him again if she knew she'd be a wreck! Or not for her, at least. Now that she learned how rotten he is, the only thing Lei wanted to do was to avoid him and live her life alone. "Stop acting like a different person, Lei! What is this? What happened to you?!" his brows furrowed, his hands reached for her shoulders as he crouched. The warmth and the electrifying feeling came into Lei's skin the moment the man held her. It was something familiar, yet foreign. If she was still the same person months ago, she would probably prefer to hug him and never talk to anything. She would prefer to just embrace him and forgive him even when he was not sorry. But this person..this man wrecked her more than what she could imagine. Lei moved her shoulders, her hand reaching out to him as she removed those from her frail body. "Don't touch me, I don't like other people holding me" she uttered in the coldest voice she had. The man, on the other hand, couldn't understand anything. He was just enjoying his stay at one of his business partner's wedding, only to be surprised by the sudden appearance of the woman he had been looking for for months. Lorelei Heymans, his girlfriend, was in front of him. Or she wasn't. Because the woman that he loved was someone sweet. The Lorelei in front of him right now stood like a stranger, not just because of the way she dressed but the tone and the expression he kept on seeing through her. It was as if his mere appearance annoyed the hell out of her. Lorelei Heymans smirked. Crossing her arms, she lifted her chin high, glancing at the man with the proudest look she had, even when she was already breaking in the inside. "l already told you, Mister. I wasn't the person you were looking for" she answered and turned her back to the man. "No" the man held her arm again. "You are still my girlfriend, Lorelei. We are still not done talking!" his voice thundered. "What else should we talk about, huh? We are done!" she yelled back, her eyes turning into slits as she groaned. What good can it do if she keeps on hiding from him, anyway? She had done it for several months and she grew tired of it. "We haven't seen each other and you are telling me we are done? And what is this? Why are you wearing this dress?" he held on to the hem of her short, white body-hugging dress, his eyes filled with judgment. Lorelei furrowed her brows, finding his words ridiculous. "You are not like this! I was just gone for-" "Don't expect that everything that I do is related to you, Griffin" Lorele