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SweetPen's Book(1)

The Black Wedding

The Black Wedding

THE BLACK WEDDING Miguel and Juliet's wedding preparations had brought them to Venice in Italy to shop for accessories. Miguel is the son of a Retired Captain while Juliet, the daughter of a Major General. They have both been introduced and wedding preparations are ongoing. Things seemed to be going perfectly until they entered one of the jewel shops to get Juliet's jewelry and other accessories. Juliet had finished and requested to be attended to at the pay stand when a lady walked up to her to pack the items. Miguel, who had just ended his phone call, turned to make payment when he discovered the owner of the shop was his first love from college. Elizabeth couldn't further her education but managed the jewel shop her father had left her while Miguel traveled out of the country to further his studies which ended their romantic relationship. They were love birds and yet again fate has brought them together but not just in a fortunate way. In a flash, memories began to flow through their minds as they stared deeply into each other's eyes. While in this moment, Juliet cuts in excitedly showing Miguel some other fancy stuff she picked. They made payment and left but Miguel couldn't stop thinking about Lisa’s beautiful eyes from all the memories and romantic moments they shared. However, Miguel went back to the store after several attempts to stop himself from thinking about Lisa. It was time for him to go back home, Lisa stood up and kissed him passionately without Miguel trying to stop her. This moment springs up a reconnection between them which made Miguel inform Lisa of his wedding plans with Juliet. Caught up in the intensity of their emotions and driven by their deep love, they both decided to elope together, giving the opportunity to build a life together instead. Miguel went home to his wife who had noticed his recent departure from the house and decided to stalk him to clear her doubt. Two days before the wedding, Miguel decided to visit his first love as usual and make plans on leaving the city together. They made all the necessary preparations, Lisa walked him to the car where Juliet who had followed Miguel caught them kissing each other goodbye. Juliet returned back home feeling sad with lots of unanswered questions on her mind as to what she just found out while Miguel got back home unaware of Juliet's discovery but was ready to get answers. With so much anger, jealousy and hate she followed Miguel a night to their wedding day and discovered it was the Lady from the Jewel shop and they were set to elope together. Juliet bursted out to the scene and rushed towards Lisa asking why she'd want to destroy her home on her wedding day. Miguel rushed to the scene to stop Juliet who had a gun in her hand. Hearing the gunshot, one of them rushed to get help and got hit by a car who drove off immediately leaving the other in a state of sorrow, bereavement, profound anguish and filled with remorse. The Black Wedding is a tragic love story that explores the depth of love, betrayal and heartache where what was meant to be an eventful wedding became a somber and mournful occasion. It illustrates the profound beauty and sorrow that love can encompass when not handled carefully as well as the irreversible cost of betrayal.