Nat Gould
Nat Gould's Books(3)
The Second String
Literature This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1905 Excerpt: ...night, having prevailed upon Phil to let him have a bottle of liquor, some of which he shared with one or two of the crew, who were as lively as himself. A hand at cards being suggested, Phil joined in \"just to keep order,\" he said, and added, \"but I do not think it fair to win your money under such circumstances.\" \"You are welcome to all you can get out of me,\" said Jacob, \"and a game of euchre is what I want, If you win so much the better for you, but I mean to have my game whether you join in or not.\" Jack Redland left them to it, and turned in. Euchre was a game he knew very little about, although he had taken a hand on board the \" Golden Land\" once or twice. \"You fellows look like making a night of it,\" he said. \"As we shall be in Shark's Bay to-morrow I think I had better have a camp, I mean to go ashore.\" \"All serene,\" shouted Jacob. \"Remember me in your dreams, and don't try and swallow that black pearl in mistake for a pill.\" Kylis watched Jack go to his cabin and then, leaving Miah, strolled towards the players. Miah watched him, feeling glad he had gone alone, for he knew there was some devilry afoot. Jacob being in a good humour--he held a fine euchre hand, looked up and saw Kylis standing near. \"Come here, you black thief, and I'll show you how to play euchre,\" roared Jacob. \"He probably knows how to handle the cards as well as any of us,\" laughed Phil. \"Can you play euchre, Kylis?\" The black grinned, and said he had often played with Amos Hooker and others at Shark's Bay. \"I told you,\" said Phil. \"Let him play your hand, Jacob.\" \"I'm dashed if I do, it's too good for a nigger to handle.\" \"Jo...