MsGreen's Books(10)
Heir Blood
Werewolf I don’t trust vampires, but if he’s the one that needs protection. I will gladly protect young master from danger.” –Maple Quinn Tempest."What?" I almost choked because I heard a suggestion from my friend. “Me? Be a bodyguard to a vampire? ”We are now in a café near our school. I’m Maple Quinn Tempest, 18 years old and currently looking for a job for personal reasons."Escort that." I rolled my eyes when she corrected me, art can only be a bodyguard. Even calling a bodyguard needs to be social, vampires are.Is he kidding? Me? Serving a vampire? “They are strong ah? Do we need a bodyguard? ”“He is different, you know that? He… needs protection from someone- AH BASTA! It's up to them to explain. ” Annoyed he says, psh. “Apple, you also need money for your brother. You know martial arts or defense, this job is perfect for you. ”I was frustrated, I shouldn't have said I knew how to kill. I've been looking for a job before, it's a difficult case because I'm still a student. I need money for my little sister, I have no choice.“Fine. I’ll guard este- escort this vampire… whatsoever. ” Phee's face suddenly lit up. Why does the fun he? what's up with that vampire?“Yesss! He will meet you today! He is coming! ” I was surprised by his answer. TODAY ?! IMMEDIATELY?“He’s hereeee ~”He immediately pulled me upright, I saw a black haired guy arriving in front of the café, I just couldn't see the color of his eyes. Ok, is he really that rich or something ?! Wait, is the limousine he rode in ?! WAIT BUSHET I'M NOT READY YET! I'M UGLY-"Wait, I'm not ready yet-"I could hardly breathe when he started approaching us, he had companions. His bodyguards are supposed to be in a suit and tie, confirmed. Rich old vampire. Seducing The Beast
Romance Lucky is twenty-eight years old, NBSB but successful in her career as an erotic writer. Came from a rich family, but grew up independent and expected nothing but himself. She was happy and satisfied with her twenty-eight year career. but, suddenly came to the point where she wanted to have a child. Lucky is at the right age, she has saved a lot and has her own house, this is also what her parents have been asking for over and over again. Lucky has only one problem. she has genophobia, a mental health disorder characterized by a fear of sexual intimacy.
No one else knows about Lucky's condition apart from her best friend slush Genesis. even to his own family, Lucky did not tell this for fear that her relatives would laugh at her or make fun of her condition, so adoption was not the answer to her desire to have a child. She only thought of one way, to conceive using the IUI procedure; a medical procedure in which a male donor's sperm is implanted directly into a woman's uterus.
She told Genesis his plan, and her best friend supported him, but when she said she wanted to be a sperm donor, the man did not agree. He said he doesn't want to be responsible for any woman.
Lucky has a way, but she didn't really think that she would have a hard time finding a sperm donor, she didn't want to be a Pontio Pilato donor, that's why he committed a crime one night after Genesis had sex with his flavor of the month. well, she just stole his friend's sperm. Will Lucky's pregnancy be successful? How will Genesis react when he finds out what his best friend did? The Fierce Wife
Romance I was inside my car, driving as usual.But of course,Some enemies were following me.I'm not scared of anything,Even if it's death.What I'm afraid of,Is leaving something behind, Something.. Special. *Car crashed*" Sh*t! Sh*t!!! "" Call an ambulance immediately!!! "" Okay! Okay! Help!! "" I said call the ambulance!!! "I wasn't afraid of getting killed,What I was afraid of,Leaving someone behind, My precious mother." Hey, are you okay? "" Are you still alive? "" She's still breathing!! "" Where are the ambulance!!? "" We need to get her to hospital or she'll die! "I didn't know,That today is the end of me,I bet my enemies are happy,Of course they are, but who cares?I'm leaving my mother behind,Her daughter is gonna die,Not like she cares anyway,She has someone besides her even I'm gone,So that's okay,I have no regrets when I'm going to die, Even if it's for eternity." Here comes the ambulance! " I'm Meilippe Xiao, A daughter of a billionaire woman, Who is known for being a gangster, A woman who knows how to fight and defend herself on her own, Without relying to anyone, Independent, strong woman, That is me,All I know that before I was even brought to the hospital,I was dead on arrival,But how on earth,. . . Did I live again? The Unwanted Bride
Billionaires "You never looked at me as myself. You never treated me as a spouse because another woman is in your mind when we're together. Every time you say 'I love you,' with every embrace and kiss, it's her you're thinking of, not me. You loved me not because you loved me, but because you were keeping my sibling alive within me."
Certainly! Here is the text translated into English:
"Damn you!! Put me down!!” I kicked as hard as I can. I even pulled his hair and bit his shoulders so that he will let me go.
“Stop it Van! You might fall!” he protested. But I tried even harder to free myself. I kept screaming for him to let me go, but he remained deaf.
“You monster!! Manipulative jerk!! I hate you!! I really, really hate you!!” I shouted. I was on the verge of tears due to the extreme anger I felt towards him.
Suddenly, he pushed me into a room and dropped me onto the sofa. Before I could even stand, he immediately went on top of me and pinned my arms.
“Get off me!!” I wriggled my arms away. He closed his eyes and pressed his body closer to mine. My eyes widened when I felt 'him' coming to life.
“Xander?” panic laced my voice. He put his forehead against mine.
“God, I missed you so much Vannah.” He said, almost sobbing. I remained silent for a while.
“Let me go Xander.”
His grip tightened. He shook his head and buried his face in my neck.
“I can’t. Savannah, I can’t. I can’t let you go.”
I exhaled. Man, this is so frustrating.
“Xander, please. I don't want this anymore. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of all of this. Just, let me go.”
He looked at me wide-eyed.
“No Savannah! No! You can't get tired. No! You can't leave. I can't bear another day without you, I'll go crazy. Please, just don't leave me.”
I saw a tear fall from his eyes. I closed my eyes.
No Savannah. Don't let yourself be fooled. Don't repeat your mistake from seven years ago.
“Savannah..” he called. I just stared at him. I tried to push him with all my might and I succeeded. I sat there while he was trying to reach me.
“Stop it Xander! What's so hard to understand about me not wanting this!”
He was taken aback by what I said. He turned pale and seemed to have no strength to lower his hand.
“I'm sorry. For everything that I said to you--“
I cut him off and stood up.
“No. Don't ask for forgiveness. I understand. I understand it all, Xander.” My voice broke so I paused. I took a deep breath as I felt the same pain resurface. “I perfectly understood all the things that you said that night.”
“I know, I know that you married me not because you love me. You married me because you're in love with my twin, right?”
“NO!!” he tried to hug me but I stepped back.
“Don't touch me.”
“Savannah, please, let me explain.” He pleaded but I just shook my head.
“Your explanation is seven years late Xander. Everything is broken beyond repair.” I shook my head and reached for the door. He grabbed my arms and hugged me tightly.
“No. I won't give up, Savannah. I won't give you up without putting up a damn fight! Remember, we're still married. You're still my wife.”
I laughed bitterly when he said that. I pushed him away and looked him straight in the eyes.
“I was never your wife Xander. I am just your substitute bride.” The Sinner
Romance "You are a Town Guard."
"That is not a secret."
"Then I do have a case for you," the lady said. "I wish to find my sister."
"What is the nature of her disappearance?" If it was a simple disappearance, anyone could directly come into the Grand Guard Hall and file for the case. But with this woman's efforts, it was either a case that would cause a scandal or a petty, foolish one which was getting too rampant nowadays.
He had been getting useless cases being presented to him by crying single ladies and their mamas in their poor attempt to get his attentions. Even a Town Guard could not be saved from the desperate single ladies still out in the marriage mart.
"She had been banished," came the lady's reply.
"I am sorry to tell you that we do not handle banishment cases. No matter how you may feel that your sister has been wronged, the law does not-"
"I know of the law. I would not have come here if I knew I would not get your help."
Ah, so she was confident he'd help her. McKenzie scratched at the scar across his right brow, a habit when he was getting impatient. "And why would you think I would take a banishment case?" he finally asked.
Honestly, if this was another single chit who wished to trick him into marriage, he would throw her out of the house for having wasted his time.
She finally pulled her hood off her face to reveal a beautiful lady with flaming red hair. Her cheeks were high and finely formed, her chin pointed and her eyes dark blue. She looked vaguely familiar and he quickly searched his memory for a name. He was quite good at memorizing faces and giving a name to them.
Carrington. She was a Carrington. She talked of banishment and if his memory served him right, Belinda Carrington had been banished out of Willowfair five years past. Emmett Carrington had two daughters. This must be the other one. She did not know her name but he soon would.
"I am Julia Carrington, now lady Trilby," she said, sparing him the trouble. Her face was too serious, her stand too stiff. He had heard of her recent marriage to the youngest Trilby son. "As I have said, Mr. Haverston, I wish that you find my sister, Belinda. You must know about her for her disappearance had caused a great scandal five years past."
"And I have told you, lady Trilby, that a banishment case is not-"
"The banishment is not unlawful, Mr. Haverston," she interjected, her blue eyes looking straight at him. "But where she was banished to is," she finished.
McKenzie finally allowed a frown. "Where she was banished to?"
Julia Carrington-Trilby's face tightened but McKenzie was certain that she was fighting back tears. "She was banished aboveground." My Secret Lover
Adventure "I am sorry," she said under her breath. "I mistook you for someone else."
And then she began to turn away and Adrien found himself jumping to his feet to go after her. He managed to grab her arm before she reached the door and whirled her around to face him. The brandy had made the adventurous side of him come out, the one that wanted the thrill. And her skin, God, the mere touch of her skin in his hand made all thoughts of logic fly out the window. She was not wearing gloves and he freely slid his hand down to wrap around her wrist.
"Who did you think I was?" he asked above her.
She turned her head to the side. He could not see her face in the darkness but he saw a hint of long, thick lashes. "No one. Please, my lord, release my arm. I ought to go."
Adrien shook his head. "Oh, no, my lady, you are not going anywhere."
She stiffened. "Let me go, please."
Adrien bent his head down and took a lungful of her scent. His groin suddenly jerked to life. He wanted more. Ah, bloody hell. He wanted this woman.
"You came for your lover, didn't you?"
"No," she denied. And after a short pause she added, "I meant to turn one into one."
Adrien chuckled. "And you were disappointed that you found me instead?"
She shook her head and caught herself. She nodded. "Yes. Greatly so."
"Liar," he whispered, leaning lower so his nose touched her ear. He slid his hand up to her upper arm once more, reveling at its silky smoothness. "Would you change your mind and reconsider your choice?"
He heard her gulp. "No. I only planned on taking one lover, thank you."
"But I am a willing victim, my lady," he urged, craning his neck to search for her lips.
She stepped back and he followed until she was pressed hard on the door with nowhere to run. She had walked intending to trap someone and now she found herself trapped. He really ought to teach these ladies some lessons, he thought.
"Nowhere to run," he teased. She tried to pull away from him but he held her fast by her waist. Her hands went to his arms and pushed but he was bigger and stronger. "Just one kiss. You might like it," he whispered, nuzzling her nose with his.
"No. This is a mistake and-"
Adrien did not let her finish for he had grown impatient. His mouth captured hers and swallowed the gasp of surprise that escaped her lips. She tried to push him away once more but he pressed her harder against him, his mouth urging hers to surrender, to give in and enjoy this little adventure. The Lady Who Stay
Romance "How do you think he survived the fall?" she wondered aloud, looking up at the hole above.
"If he did survive the fall, someone must have caught him. Or he fell on a softer ground-or someone looking up at the hole like you are doing now," Meredith, her chaperone and lady companion absently answered.
Cressida rolled her eyes. "You're not even taking this matter seriously."
"I'm not."
"Why ever not?"
"Because you're trying to waste our time talking about a myth."
"No, I'm not," Cressida answered, closing her eyes and reveling at the heat of the sun above them. If there was anything she hated, it was the gloomy feel of the Town behind her.
"We will be late. Your father will be looking for us."
"Let them wait a little while longer," she murmured.
"Your mother will have a faint if you do something strange today," Meredith said beside her.
Cressida finally opened her eyes and turned to her companion, her heavy dress rustling as she shifted on the bench. "I am not planning to do something strange."
Meredith merely looked at her as if she knew better. "I've known you all my life, Cressy. You don't have to say anything for me to realize you are planning something." When she didn't say a word, Meredith added, "Marrying the Lord of Easton is-"
"-the worst idea of the lifetime, I know," Cressida cut in.
Meredith shook her head with a faint smile. "If the Lord of Easton is an old man and ten times your size, yes it is. But he is not. He's merely a few years older than you and you've known each other-"
"-and never liked each other all our lives. I know, this marriage will be horrifying." You might like
My Neighbor's Wife
E_STEVANIA "You're a creepy bastard."
His eyes smolder me and his answering grin is nothing short of beautiful. Deadly. "Yet you hunger for me. Tell me, this appetite of yours, does it always tend toward 'creepy bastards'?"
Widower and ex-boss to the Mafia, Zefiro Della Rocca, has an unhealthy fixation on the woman nextdoor.
It began as a coincidence, growing into mere curiosity, and soon, it was an itch he couldn't ignore, like a quick fix of crack for an addict.
He didn't know her name, but he knew every inch of her skin, how it flushed when she climaxed, her favourite novel and that every night she contemplated suicide.
He didn't want to care, despising his rapt fascination of the woman. She was in love with her abusive husband. She was married, bound by a contract to the Bratva's hitman. She was off-limits.
But when Zefiro wanted something, it was with an intensity that bordered on madness. He obsessed, possessed, owned.
There'd be bloodshed if he touched her, but the sight of blood always did fascinate him.
When Susanna flees from her husband, she stumbles right into the arms of her devilishly handsome neighbour with a brooding glare.
He couldn't stand her, but she needed him, if she was ever going to escape her husband who now wanted her dead.
Better the devil you know than the angel you don't. She should have recalled that before hopping into Zefiro's car and letting him whisk her away to Italy. Maybe then, she wouldn't have started an affair with him.
He was the only man who touched her right, and the crazy man took no small pains in ensuring he would be the last.
Betrothed To The Ruthless Mafia
Ed Sundersēn •••[Excerpt]•••
"Stop... Stop!" Rosana's voice quivered as tears of fright brimmed her vision.
She had been crying for hours, but not because she was leaving the beautiful life she had planned with her fiance behind. She was crying because her newly wedded husband had tortured and murdered a man mercilessly on their wedding night.
"Stop, please..." He ignored her. "No... Stop touching me. Take your bloody hands off me!" Indeed, his hands were covered with the blood of the man he had killed earlier. But he didn't care.
"S... Stop touching me!" He grabbed her neck and she gasped, her eyes widening in shock.
"You shouldn't make me do this on our wedding night, Bambolina. You are mine and I will take whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want, and however I want, till death do us part, Mi Amor"
Rosana Marcello was already living the life she had dreamt about. With her boyfriend-turned-fiance by her side, nothing could be more perfect. Some weeks before the wedding, she was called back home by her parents and welcomed with devastating news.
She had been betrothed since when she was a little girl but never knew. Now, he has come to claim what is rightfully his. With or without her approval.
He is deadly,
He is evil,
He is the ruthless Sergio De Niro, known by everyone.
Rosana can't escape this. She can't run away from him because he will comb the world and kill everyone in it, just to find her.
She is now his possession, his property.
It's either she tames him and melts his cold heart or he breaks her into a thousand pieces.
Will she succeed or get consumed by his burning hell?
My Triplets' Daddy Is A Heartless Mafia
Itsme "It was just one night stand, and now I'm pregnant with triplets? Gosh!"
Josephine Jade never thought that she would have to run away from her own family while pregnant. She was alone, without money, without connections, with three fetuses in her stomach. How can she survive?
However, Josephine couldn't give up now, until she managed to reclaim her arbitrarily seized property and get back at everyone who tried to get rid of her.
A sick child, a past crush that comes back, a mysterious eccentric man, and a family that hates her, will weave together the journey of Josephine Jade's new life.
"You have no right to separate me from my children, you bastard! I will survive and you will submit to me. Just watch!" My Best Friend's Brother: Forbidden Desire
A.V Belle This is a collection of forbidden erotic stories:
Book 1: My Best Friend's Brother
Book 2: My Best Friend's Sister
Book 3: My Best Friend's Father
Book 4: Tempted by My Nanny
Book 5: My Forbidden Stepdaddy
Book 6: My Forbidden Stepbrother
"You think I haven't tried to stop wanting you? That I haven't tried to stay away?"
He steps closer, eyes darkening as he runs a finger down my arm.
"But every time you walk in, every time you look at me... all I can think about is how good it would feel to pin you against that wall and take what's been mine since the first time I saw you."
My job was simple-help my best friend, Elora, and keep my life as normal as possible. What I didn't expect was to be drawn into her family's dangerous world... or to fall for the one person I was supposed to avoid: her older brother, Camden.
Camden Andretti is everything I should stay away from-intense, unpredictable, and fiercely protective. But when I witness something I shouldn't have, he's the only one who can keep me safe.
The hardest part? Surviving each day with him by my side, forced to face this heat between us. I want him in ways I shouldn't. Need him more than I ever thought possible. And one reckless choice may change everything.
Now, I have to face the consequences of a forbidden desire-and survive a world I was never meant to be part of.
Siano Blaccq ⚠️ WARNING!⚠️
This book contains mature contents,vulgar words,violence,toxicity, and age gap differences, which may be triggering to some readers.
He added a second finger into her pussy and she let out a muffled moan."You sure you don't want this?Your pretty little pussy seem to be betraying your words",
She gripped the edge of the counter and shut her eyes tight,managing through gritted teeth."I hate you,murderer",
His jaw hardened and he stopped his movements with his fingers inside her."Say it again",
She wanted his fingers to move in her so badly,as pathetic as it may sound.She gritted her teeth again and let out."I said I hate you,murderer!I wish you would just die and-ahh!",She yelped the minute his fingers left her panties and grabbed her to bend her over his knees as he sat on the tall stool there."What are-ahh!",She yelped when his palm made a harsh contact with her bare ass.
"Count!",He growled.
Resisting my Possessive Mafia Husband
Ife Anyi Warning: 18+ content for mature audiences.
Book Excerpt:
Donovan's POV
Her enchanting green eyes that were alive with passion the day I told her she could go shopping are pale with only despair dancing in them.
"Oh, I'm quite aware of my duties as your wife, Mr. Castellano."
My eyes darken at the formal use of my name. I've told her to stop doing that. It feels wrong. Like she doesn't belong to me.
I clench my jaw as I wait for her to finish her sentence but her cold smile widens.
"Ah, you don't like when I call you Mr. Castellano, right? Too bad. You can't force my mouth to say what you want to hear."
Blood rushes to my groin as her words settle in the tensed air between us. Does she realize the gravity of what she'd just said?
Does she know she'd moaned my name while I had her wet cunt in her mouth? Does she know how needy she'd been when she wanted me to take her even though she wasn't awake?
And is she aware that I know how bad she wants me in her dreams while she pretends in real life to hate me?
She glares up at me while I seethe, looking down at her.
"It's Donovan," I say darkly, resisting the pull of her lips and maintaining my vision at her eyes.
"Mr. Castellano," she retorts.
My face draws closer, getting ready to give her a punishing kiss but a harsh sound fills the room and then I realize, belatedly, that I'd just been slapped as my face swings to the side, turning away from Eliana.
Eliana slapped me.
Luis Santario's daughter just slapped me.
Just like her father had done many nights ago.
Shame fills me but it's quickly trampled upon by hot, violent anger.
How dare she? How dare the whore?!
Her cheek instantly goes red with the imprints of my fingers. Blood trickles from her nose and her hair that was up in a messy bun scatters all around her face.
Eliana's head remains bowed as the blood from her nose drips onto her white bedcovers.
Eliana's POV
I know I'm signing my death warrant by provoking him like this but what else can I do when he's already planned to kill me?
I could just as well make it easier for him to by getting on his nerves.
If I don't push him away, I'm scared I'll start to blur the lines between my dreams and reality. The Donovan in my dreams is drastically different from the one in real life.
If my plans to escape from this marriage don't work, I may end up dead or worst, in love with Donovan Castellano. And I'd rather die now than to fall in love with him and die later.
Many years ago, Donovan Castellano went through something that irrevocably changed him for the worst, and Eliana's father was to blame.
Years later, Eliana's father dies. Eliana doesn't know her father's dark past or why Donovan Castellano bought her and then married her.
But she knows he's out for blood and wants to kill her, but how long will she continue to defend herself when the way he touches her and kisses her in her dreams is starting to blur the lines between reality and fiction?
Will Donovan succeed in finally getting revenge on Eliana for what her father did to him and will Eliana succeed in resisting her possessive mafia husband's advances even when he says he wants her dead?
Read on to find out.
You Belong To Me! Ex-Wife
Fireworks “You belong to me! Lisa, every fucking part of your body is mine!” Trey growled hoarsely, as his hands around Lisa’s waist tightened.
“No, I’m not!, let go of me!!” Lisa said, pushing Trey on the chest. “I hate you!”
After receiving divorce papers from her husband, six months after their marriage. Lisa tried to make their marriage work, but was shattered by her husband’s affair with her cousin. Feeling betrayed and broken, she left to start afresh.
Six years later she becomes the most powerful woman in the underworld, and a genius Doctor in the outside world. What will she do when she finds out the mafia who kidnapped her son for ransom to lure her to come and save the life of his dying fiancé is no other person but her Ex husband?
Will she put aside her hatred towards the two and save her cousin’s life? or watch her die?
Will she forgive her Ex husband for kidnapping his own son?
Trey Collins, a ruthless, domineering and powerful CEO in the business world and a ruthlessly merciless man, who wouldn’t blink at the idea of murder, torture and making one disappear from the face of the earth without a trace in the underworld. Every lady in Pearl city dreams of becoming his woman, but terrified of him, by his powerful and deathly aura.
Trey married Lisa to spite his girlfriend, Valerie and would divorce Lisa after Valerie returns. But Lisa refuse to sign the divorce papers.
Now everything reminds him of her after she signed the divorce papers, and left. He thought she didn’t want to lose him?
He thought he wanted her out of his life? But No! He needs her.
He must reclaim what is his and his alone!!
A Contract Marriage With The Billionaire's Mad Son
Mol Des Melissa Brant, a poor vegetable seller, from the poorest family in Rio Hondo finds herself sourcing for fund to pay her mother's medical bills.
Fanny Luis, the richest mogul in Rio Hondo offers to grant her the money but for a price.
"I will give you the money but you must sign a contract marriage with my mad son," he told her.
Melissa never knew what she was opting for until she shared roof with Brian, the most violent mad man in Rio Hondo.
Later Fanny reminded her, "You must give me a grandchild. Didn't you read the contract marriage agreement?"
She was a virgin and never expected to get intimate with her mad husband.
Fortunately, after she helped Brian regain his sanity, obsession possessed them.
"Now I am fulfilled you have regained your sanity. The contract marriage agreement says you can divorce me once you regain your sanity. Please, Brian let me go," she pleaded.
"I don't mind losing my sanity again if I deny what this heart feels for you now. I crave to stay with you forever. To hell with the divorce," Brian replied coldly.
What will be their fate?
Lets' turn the pages. It is going to be a bumpy ride. A must read!