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Makuisse's Books(4)



"You don't have to, not when you are willingly offering yourself to the devil himself" he moves round, circling her. " And you know what he's capable of doing, torture is what he's good at" "If I am standing before the devil himself, then" she paused before continuing, "I am ready to ride into his heart" she was bold. " You don't seem to be scared of darkness, do you? " He tilts his head to the side. " Not when I've spent every second in darkness," She said trying so hard not to cry. " I am ready to be consumed by the darkness in hell, to be bound to you for as long as I live and afterlife if only you make me yours! "She spoke out in a confident and decisive tone. " Little bunny," he was more than amused, " you don't make a deal with the devil! " He warns. That didn't scare her, as she spoke out." I already have" He let out devilish laughter, as the building vibrated in response as if experiencing an earthquake. His gaze travels back to the bunny, " SHE IS MINE!" His tone was so firm, claiming her before the Mafia Lords. Audrey Shawn is a nineteen year old girl who has always believed in the love of family, not until she was sold by her dad, the same person who was meant to protect her. She was broken, but nothing aches her more than the thought she was about to be sold to the highest bidder. Willing to take the chance, she willingly offers herself to a man she hasn't met before, beckoning to her, he was the devil himself. What will happen when she finds out that she's crossed a deal with the devil and can't find a way to escape?


Amalia Brown is a 17years old girl living in camel city with her family. She lost her mom when she was 8 years old and since then, her life has never been the same. Living under harsh and unbearable conditions in her home, she was willing to take it, but not until her dad passed away. The emptiness and sadness she was feeling was something she could not take it. Amalia decided to run away and find a life outside the home cause she believe it is better off die in the cold than to die in the hands of her stepmother, Lizzy. she did a series of jobs to take care of herself. she sells at a coffee shop during the day and sells at a snack at night. Recovering from her consciousness, she couldn't tell where she was and just then, the door opened and a man enters the room. Jace Bartley is a 24-year-old well-known business tycoon, known worldwide for his greatness, authority, and ambitions, he came to Camel city for a business trip. He lost his parents at the age of 15 and since then, he's been taking care of his sister and managing his father's company. He is a lover of nature, but he doesn't believe in love... He came in contact with a beautiful young girl crying all herself in a flower field and found himself wanting to protect her. Will his belief be swayed by the unknown girl or will he stick to his belief?... ......Ethan is a 22-year-old guy living in Arizona, he has always admired Amalia but couldn't tell her... Amalia found herself faced with the dilemma of choosing between Ethan and the Mysterious man....... Will she choose Ethan that has been there for her all this while or the mysterious man she experiences her first kiss with?......