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Kimikimi's Books(2)



Tristan just stared at Misaki's picture while sitting on his bed in his bedroom while reliving the past. His thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on his bedroom door so he looked up. just a few moments after knocking, it opened and spat out his mother who was smiling at him while holding a tray of food approaching him. Trisha's face changed to worry when she saw the food she also gave her son this morning to have breakfast but it didn't even decrease. "Son..." She said softly and placed the food she brought on the coffee table. Tristan lay down and tightly hugged Misaki's picture while closing his eyes. Miyasaki gave it to him during Miyasaki's last visit to him before he was released from the hospital. "Five months from now is the celebration of the five hundred and one year anniversary of Misaki's death… will you attend?" the young man didn't say a word anymore and hugged the picture of his beloved more tightly. "*sigh* rest first child... and eat afterwards so that your stomach can fill up somehow..." Trisha said to her son and left  room. When she came down, she immediately saw her son Travis sitting on the sofa of their house. Travis immediately stood up from his seat when he saw his mother. "Ma… have you talked to Hyung?" he asked and Trisha nodded. "I still can't talk to him properly..." Trisha said tearfully. Travis helped his mother sit on the sofa. "Don't worry Ma... I'll take care of Hyung..." Trisha nodded. "By the way ma... the ceremony of Noona's death anniversary will be held in the human world... at Alpha King Mitsuo's school..." Trisha nodded and leaned her head on her son's shoulder. "Hon... what if... we just let Tristan stay there for now?" said Christian who just came out of the kitchen and sat in the single sitter chair. "Isn't there a delegate there?" "Ma... maybe Papa is right... maybe it will be good for Hyung to go there so that somehow... he can forget at least a little..." Travis responded to his father's suggestion. "Maybe after Misaki's anniversary let's talk..." Trisha replied to what her husband said. Christian and Travis just nodded. Tristan just stared at the blue sky while lying in the shade of the acacia tree. Feel the cool breeze blowing. Even though it was noon, the breeze was cool and the surroundings were very peaceful. after he left the garden earlier where the celebration was taking place, he went to the back of the building a little far from the garden. He just passed the time there until he fell asleep due to exhaustion. Not physically if not mentally and emotionally tired.
My Hero

My Hero

Introduction "Rigo? Let's visit the hall. I heard the mayor has a throw party today, because it's the birthday of one of his princesses." I looked at Jax because of what he said. Birthday? Princess of the mayor? I shrugged because of what Jax said. "You know me Jax, I don't do formal occasions." I simply promised and really paid attention to the video game I was playing. "That's why I asked you, it's not a formal occasion. It's a party as in, similar to clubbing." He said. Clubbing. I just ignored him. "Oh? You don't want to? Remember Riguel Traspe is in arrears with me." I was just blown away by what he said. He is bringing that up again, because if it wasn't for him, Mommy would have caught me clubbing at dawn. Fortunately, he said I slept over with them. "Fine. Fine. But don't call me Riguel, you dumbass!" I stood up and dropped the controller on the coffee table in front of me. "Yes! Wear something good!" He shouted and left our house. after I got ready I immediately walked to the garage of our house, and I was surprised to see Jax standing there and smiling at me. Thickness of his face, will he really go with me? I just sighed and my car rang. when we got inside, he immediately turned on the radio in my car. "The whole basketball team is going to this party." He said while I was driving. "Why? They are not that into clubs." I said. "Even if I don't, I won't miss it, the mayor's two children are beautiful, I want to meet them." Smiling Jax said, I was just shaken by what Jax said. "You know you, the pity of your race if you don't take advantage. Try to mingle my friend." he said and showed me his goofy smile. "I swear when you see maybe the mayor's kids you might like them too." he said smiling. I had no choice but to nod at him, moreover, as if I would fall in love with a woman that easily. when we got to the hall I was amazed at the noise around. This is the first time that the hall is so noisy, and many people from outside come inside. I also saw a few from our school. Is this party so famous? well, obviously the mayor's daughter's is celebrating. Mayor Santillana has been running this city since I moved here. I also heard that since he was the one who walked here, the town has become more prosperous and safer. when we entered the hall I could clearly see how much hype the area was. So I smiled, this is nice. It's time to get hype up! I immediately went to the drinking section and got some hard drinks. "Look what we got here! Rigo Traspe?" I looked at the woman who spoke and I just smiled at them. "I never thought. I'll see you here!" Who is this? I am not familiar with this girl. "Oh, I'm Brianna Salvez." Oh, Brianna the student council president. "Mind if I sit beside you?" "Nah, I don't." he smiled at my answer and immediately sat down next to me. She talked a lot and I could do nothing but listen to her. Brianna is pretty I can say, but I don’t like her that much because she runs the council in a very wrong way. She just stopped speaking when the Mayor suddenly came out in front. Immediately everyone fell silent, even I fell silent as well. Saint Santillana is a very intimidating person. "Good Evening folks, thank you for attending this party for my Princess." His introduction. "Let me introduce to you my two daughters, Evie and Avie Santillana." I stared at the entrance of the hall and I couldn’t explain how I felt. The way she walks, her bored eyes, her hair, everything is beautiful to her. And for no apparent reason I was immediately nervous. uh-oh, This is bad. Evie..I will remember that name until this night ends.