Katharine Pyle
Katharine Pyle's Book(1)
The Counterpane Fairy
Literature Popular children's book, with 11 black-and-white illustrations. According to the University of Delaware Library: "Artist, illustrator, and author Katharine Pyle (1863-1938), was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware. .. her brothers included well-known artist and writer Howard Pyle (1853-1911)... Pyle achieved recognition as an author through her short stories, poems, and plays for children. She also compiled and retold several volumes of fairy tales and myths. Her works include The Counterpane Fairy (1898), The Christmas Angel (1900), Once Upon a Time in Delaware (1911), Tales of Wonder and Magic (1920), Tales from Greek Mythology (1928), and Charlemagne and his Knights (1932). Pyle illustrated many of her own works as well as those of other authors, including her brother."