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Imyourvida's Book(1)

The King’s Chosen one

The King’s Chosen one

Say my name" King Cyrus repeated but Moana didn't talk. He bit her nipple and Moana gasped. "My......" Before she could finish,he gave her another bite on her nipple. "Oh my.....Cyrus" she whimpered arousingly. Cyrus began sucking her breast like an infant,at the same time his hands didn't leave her @ss,he was pressing and squeezing to his satisfaction. "My king" Moana moaned again,hugging him as the sweetness hit her badly,the way his mouth and tongue was working on her nipple was super crazy,how come he's the king? He's so naughty! Ever seen a bad@ss king?? Or perhaps you've heard of one?? If you've never met one then let me introduce you to King Cyrus,the ruler of the Mal Empire with over ten kingdoms under them. But the seat of the dominant ruler is in the Golden City,the kingdom’s name is known as Red-Golds. The Red golds are the most influential royalties to ever exist and with this,they were made the dominant of other kingdoms. The RedGold castle where the royal family stays worth billions according to what was written in the history book. It's a castle built mainly of gold,going into this castle is like going into paradise for everyone who ever got the opportunity. The young King Cyrus,even though he's younger than everyone under him,He's still the most respected. The great aura he carries speaks of authority and power,sometimes it's even hard to talk to him,since he returned from the state to take over his father's throne,nobody has ever seen him smile unnecessarily,He's hard to please or gain his favour no matter how you try. *He's more like a mafia rather than a king* People would say each time they get to see the king. Most people from other countries still find it hard to believe that such a young king exists until they meet him. Now let's meet Moana Mulan,the daughter of the poorest farmer living in Golden City. Some years back,the late king had given hectares of land to countless peasant farmers for the purpose of making food plants. It was written that after farming for five years,their profits and interests will be divided into two,whereby half will be handed over to the royal family. The family of Mulan were part of the families granted this opportunity,but unfortunately,they couldn't keep either the interest or profit,the farmland was destroyed also and everything went down. After three years of the agreement,the late king died,and now two years more,King Cyrus is the one on the throne,reading the book of royal agreement,he started expecting the Farmers,after few months,only one of those famers was yet to visit him and then it was time to go see the so called farmer on his own. What do you think will happen when he gets there and Meets moana???