F. Marion Crawford
F. Marion Crawford's Books(17)
Pietro Ghisleri
Literature This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1893 edition. Excerpt: ... for any kind thought you give me.\" Laura was silent for a moment. She was surprised to find that her old feeling of dislike for him had greatly diminished. She had not even noticed it when he had entered the room, for she had been at once struck by his appearance of ill-health, and her first instinct had been that of sympathy for him. And now, whatever effect his personality produced on her, she could hardly conceal her admiration of his conduct. He had told the story very simply, and she felt that he had told it truthfully, and that she was able to judge of the man from a new point of view. She could not but appreciate the courage he had shown in bearing insult, and at last in not returning his adversary's fire, and he rose in her estimation because he had done these things for the sake of a woman he had really loved. \"May I ask you one question?\" she inquired after the pause. \"Of course, and I will answer it if I can.\" \"I daresay you remember something you told me about yourself a long time ago--how you distrust yourself, and torment yourself about everything you do. Will you tell me whether you have found any fault with your own conduct in this affair, apart from everything which went before the dinner party at which you met Don Gianforte? It would interest me very much to know.\" Ghisleri thought over his answer for a few seconds before he gave it. \"Except in so far as I involved your name in the affair,\" he said, \"I do not think I reproach myself with anything very definite.\" He had hardly finished speaking when the door opened, and Donald announced Don Francesco and Donna Adele Savelli. A very slight shadow passed over Laura's face as she rose to meet her step-sister, but...