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Ebuka Okeke

Ebuka Okeke's Book(1)

His Weak Luna (under the king's protection)

His Weak Luna (under the king's protection)

BLURB Aurelia was weak. Despite being born with a beta bloodline, she didn't manage to awaken her wolf. Living with her stepsister and stepmother was hell especially whenever her dad travelled. One day her sister offered to make dinner, she had been grateful to be helped with the chores for once. Soon her sister brought in her dinner and Aurelia happily took the plate of pasta. But by the third swallow she quickly discovered something was wrong. "Do you feel uncomfortable? I guess the poison has set in. That's what you get for trying to steal my man" her sister Scarlett said smirking. Aurelia's eyes widened in disbelief "I didn't, he was mated to me, besides he already rejected me" Aurelia said gasping for breath with tears in her eyes. "How could..." she tried to say looking at her sister in disbelief. "Shut up!" Scarlett roared and slapped her. "You useless thing that can't even awaken your wolf. Slutty brat, you are a disgrace to this family. You are better off dead" Scarlett said as Aurelia coughed up blood. Scarlett quickly dragged her unconscious body to a river and dumped her in the deep end that flows into the sea. Aurelia opened her eyes weakly and stared as her sister as she was pushed in, her eyes pleading for mercy. She can't swim and she's poisoned too. Her sister has sentenced her to death. The water soon covered her head, and she was carried by the currents toward the sea. She closed her eyes as tears streamed down her face waiting for the inevitable. She was already at the seabed, however just as she was slipping into endless darkness, she felt a strong pair of hands around her. It was the Lycan king!