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Author VJ

Author VJ's Books(2)

His Second Hand Wife

His Second Hand Wife

"The contract for the child? Make it clear!" Megha placed the paper in front of her second husband and asked coldly. "Yes, you read that right. I don't want any sort of relationship with a second-hand woman like you and your daughter. But my grandfather wants me to give him a great-grandson from my wife. So being my legal wife, You have to give birth to my son. Don't worry, I will give you the highest price for this. So that you don't feel that I have used you. That's why I have made this a contract regarding the rights of babies. I don't want any emotional drama later on. It is written in this contract that after you give birth to my son, you will not have any right over him. We will live separately as before. Pretend that you are not my wife and I am yours Husband same as if we pretend to have been for the last six months." He calmly tells Megha about the contract. "So do I have to sleep with you for this?" Megha asked without expressing her feelings. "Yes, as long as you conceive. Well, I can take help from the doctor, but I don't want Grandpa to know about it. So it's better to let it happen naturally. Your body is good to have children. Just keep your mouth shut too. Let no one know about the deal between us." His lustful eyes moved her body from top to bottom. "What if I say no?" Megha asked in the same calm tone. Hearing that, he looked at Megha with serious eyes, gazing at her. He had never seen Megha talking to him with eye contact. He was already confused seeing Megha's calm and stoic behavior. She does not act like a normal woman. And why doesn't he know about Megha's nature after two hours of marriage, he left Megha at his house and never came back. He always stayed away from Megha's life. But he keeps on sending the money to the house for living and also a substantial month's expenses through the hands of his assistant. So that Megha and her daughter that happen to be Megha's first husband can live comfortably. But he never personally went to meet Megha and her daughter. So he did not know the nature of Megha. He is a total stranger to Megha. "If you don't, I'll find someone else. But before that, I'll give you a divorce. If you can't bear a child for me, you're of no use to me." He said coldly. I'm ready." Megha hurriedly. "Agreed so soon. So this is pen and you signed here." He handed her a pen and said with a winning smile. Megha signs the papers without saying anything and hands over the papers to him. But he grabbed Megha's hand with the paper and pulled her to him. Megha fell on him without any effect. Megha's face flushed with shame after finding his forced arms tightly wrapped around her body. "Wear something sexy tonight. I want to try for the baby asap." He whispers seductively in her ear. Megha bit her lips in embarrassment. She followed carefully. She clearly knows what kind of trap this is. But she can't stop herself from getting into this trap. She knows what her grandpa said. She has to do as he says. ***** What will happen next? Will Megha listen to Grandpa? Or she gives birth to a child by obeying her insolent husband? Or else she finds another way to get rid of these troubles in her life forever. So that she can give a good and respectable life to her daughter. Want to know about Megha's life, then read this story.